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Voodoo 3 3000 - unable to see new skies.

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There seems to be a problem with the above cards defaulting to low res skies and it is suggested that they are not capable of displaying in excess of 256x256.

Is anyone aware of any settings which can be adjusted to get round this?

Try installing them is a recent smart**s comment posted by a member unsure of the facts in this instance (Derrrrr).

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That would be appreciated.

Because of a legitimate question posted about these Maximus decided to lecture the forum on installing these and other mods. I normally make sure I know what I'm talking about before I post/talk. Tends to pay dividends in the long run, and stops people thinking you're pig ignorant or just plain stupid.

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Have you grabbed the very latest drivers?

Looking at my Control Panel for the V3, it looks as though they have added one or two extras. I'll dig into it and see if I can get those skies to run...

(I prefer Lo-Res anyway, to make the Framerate higher, but I'd still like to know.)

It would be helpful if we knew WHY there was a set of Lo-Res and Hi-Res skies included in the first place! (Same for grass, IIRC) What EXACTLY makes the decision to use one set over the other? Is it CM, or the Video Card?

One would think it HAS to be CM making the decision, as the video card would not even "know" about the additional set...

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Mr. Clark - I agree. It certainly seems like CM doing the behind the scenes video management.

Perhaps BTS could if us an idea on whether CMBO checks to see what video memory is available and if it then switches to a certain set of textures depending on the result.



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You're right, it has to be CM making the decision. The video card can obviously handle bmp's much bigger than 256x256, as we all have multiple mods installed for vehicles in the hi-res, and they work fine.

By the way, the note on 'resampling' from yesterday works great for these new skies, changing the size to 256x256. They look pretty good now.


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Re-sized and re-numbered is working fine for me too.

It just makes you wonder whether there are any other terrain features etc. that have two sets (or more?) of options. It's amazing that almost everything I am running is hi-res with no problem. I also tried a basic install of CM with no mods, just the skies. Still defaults to the low-res. Anyone else want to try?

BTS - any thoughts/comment?

[This message has been edited by Apache (edited 03-27-2001).]

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Hey tiger great work! You da man!!!

What kind of video card do have?


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Tiger: If it isn't too much trouble and just taking the one pack, any chance you could just indicate the settings on which the skies should display eg:

xxxxx = Winter, dusk, overcast

xxxxx = Winter, dusk, snow

xxxxx = Winter, night,clear

If I wasn't upgrading the whole machine at the end of the year I think I'd have to rip out the Voodoo in disgust. That said, I wish BTS could comment on this as to whether they are aware of any issues. It may be important for CM2 also. Not everyone can afford to trash a video card at the hint of a problem.

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