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No bashing please, including Aussies and Finns


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1. No Flaming and/or Baiting. If you have a strong opinion, that is fine. But express it in such a way that is non-abusive and not emotionally charged. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. Cronic violators of this simple, civil requirement are not welcomed here and will be banned. We like to think our gamers are mature, rational people. Please help us keep this opinion of you!

This statement has been the reason to close many topics this week. It is also noteworthy that a certain Slapdragon has been active on most of these closed topics. Coincidence? I doubt that. Allthough Slapdragon is usefull, knowlegable member of the community, he seems to be more than often engaged in flame wars and ad hominem attacks. In these same thread we often see nicks like Mrspkr and Mark[a number], who more than often totally uncalled for start Finn or Aussie bashing. I believe they are mostly trying to make a joke, but that joke has gone sour a long time ago.

I'm not suggesting banning these posters, more than often they have a point or valid information to offer, but unlesss admin wants to give impression that he/they have some bias, I'd expect also these persons to have a symbolical slap on the wrist. It is morally difficult to raise up certain names, in flame wars there are allways at least two sides and these are not the only nicks engeged, anyway these have been prominent this week and also earlier. There might be also others, but this is not the point. The point I want to make is that this sort of behaviour is not healthy and the forum would be a nicer place for everybody without this sort of behaviour.

At your mercy, BTS, we are your humble slaves...

And before anybody else, Hi Mom!

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MrSpkr, Slapdragon et al actually have a sense of humor, and as long time posters, do kid each other.

It does get irritating at times; see my recent exchange with Mister Fox.

Who you think you are, though, to call for banishment of someone who is merely doing what this board is set up for - debate - is beyond me.

No offence, but if you look at those threads in a different light, you might see Slapdragon in that way as well. I don't always agree with him, but I hardly think he has been baiting any one. I think he just genuinely knows more than some of the newbies who come on and start spouting things off without anything to back up what they are saying. And that frustrates people. And causes the weak minded to want to flame back.

Slapdragon is not the problem. Actually, retarded self-help threads like this one are. Let's go talk about Combat Mission and stop gossipping, tattling, and crying about the meanies here.

I hope this gets locked before Simon calls me more names... ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

It occurred to me AFTER I sermonized that this was our friend Beazly/Jackson in a new guise. How slow-witted am I?

Ah well. Sweet dreams down under.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am not so sure Mike. The word choice is much more "intellectual" than Beazeley. Look at the word group "ad hominem attacks". When I ran this paragraph and one other short one against samples on another thread from Beazely, it came out dissimilar and hilighted this this phrase and two other less noticeable groups. The application called it an "unlikely match."

No doubt this is one of the Australian ciphers, but it may not be the Beaz.

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I agree that this is mostly futile thread and deserves no future even though I started this. As I said, even Slappy is highly regarded authority what comes to knowledge. But I don't think that many will disagree, that he sometimes gets too personall and even gets involved with nationalistic innuendo. There have been a lot of these closed discussions lately, I just wanted to point out that even though BTS is (somewhat justifiable) ready to put the blame on Slappys opponents, also Slappy should take a look in the mirror sometimes.

And no, I'm no part of this snatch an identity game, more like a nonpartipicient lurker.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I believe they are mostly trying to make a joke, but that joke has gone sour a long time ago.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As annoying as this might be, we don't ban people for being annoying smile.gif Seriously, we need to be quite "hands off" when judging people's individual posting styles, unless they are more or less overtly abusive. We do not wish to have a bunch of posters who are devoid of individuality, so there will always be some stuff that will irk some.

As for anti-Aussie stuff... I don't know exactly what you are pointing to, but KwazyDog is one of 4 Battlefront.com employees. He is also an Aussie. Any doubts we might have had about this went out the window when we managed to meet in person for the first time two months ago smile.gif He is also one of the few Moderators we have, and is not likely to look the other way if Oz is being slammed. Of course there are some international chips on shoulders, but for the most part people appear to get along great. We do intend on keeping it this way.

Now... it is true that sometimes a Member or two might start to develop an edge to their posts. We generally wait it out until whatever funk the person in is slept off. Usually happens that a bit of time is all that is needed. If that doesn't work, we usually send a private email if we know the Member fairly well, telling them to knock it off in stronger language than we would use on this BBS (we wouldn't like to ban ourselves smile.gif). Sometimes we post warnings in public. Fortunately, this has not been necessary very often.

Our system and methods for administering this BBS are not perfect, but we do try to be fair. We have banned long time Members, although we do freely admit that we really don't like to do this even if we personally do not like 'em compared to someone who starts spouting crap in their first post. But we have, and will in the future, ban old and new Members alike if they can't behave themselves.

Hope that at least sorta answers your concerns ;)


[ 09-21-2001: Message edited by: Big Time Software ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fenno:

Coincidence? I doubt that. Allthough Slapdragon is usefull, knowlegable member of the community, he seems to be more than often engaged in flame wars and ad hominem attacks. In these same thread we often see nicks like Mrspkr and Mark[a number],

At your mercy, BTS, we are your humble slaves...


I concur! Mark IV (this is very like a number; in fact, it is what the foolish Romans used for numbers), is a blight upon the CM landscape! He has often risen above petty squabbling in order to make points of pith and merit! He has brutally used intellect , history, and, most egregious of all, humour, in an attempt to respond to an almost endless river of drivel from folk who've shown up and stood mouth agape because no one has rushed forward to buff their shoes and hand them bouquets and dinner invitations for showing up on the Forum and voicing their opinion (often couched in terms of 'the revealed word of god almighty').

What can we make of this? We right minded folk will find in this either a deep-seated conspiracy to allow long-standing members the right to speak openly, or else a horrible conspiracy that has short-circuited the very nature of justice by attempting to take the piss out of the Finns and the Aussies!

Now, I, as a member of no standing whatsoever, would venture no comment on the Finns. They are quite beyond me, and I live surrounded by their immigrant descendants, and know them to be relatively uninterested in silencing anyone who objects to them. But I admit to having long hated and attacked Australians! No one who has read my many vicious and completely satirical posts on Australia and the Ozzies will deny that I should be immediately put to death!

And if I am to suffer the consequences of a sense of humour, how much more should Mark IV, Mr Spkr, and other brutally vile pillocks of their ilk suffer for having an even more developed sense of humour than myself?! Well, except for Mr Spkr, who's sense of humour is no where near as developed as mine, but he is, after all, from Texas! Barely rates on the scale, if you get right down to it.

Er, where was I? Oh, yes, that hideous miscreant, Mark IV! Er...actually, he's rather a nice fellow. Got into a bit of a flame with him once through my own fault, and later we made it up and got along famously. Played a number of PBEMs against him, and... wait! That's right! The swine keeps defeating me!

I say, banning him from the Forum on which he's been a long time member and contributor is too good for him! Burn him, burn him!

Certainly showed that Joan d'Arc trollop, after all, and will probably teach him the error of his ways, as well!

Here, I think I've completely lost track of what this has to do with what a load of dingo's kidneys the Ozzies are.

Mace, Stuka, help me out here, lads!

[ 09-21-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

No doubt this is one of the Australian ciphers, but it may not be the Beaz.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Almost on the right track, but on the otherside of the globe. The latin name says it all, and Slappy was not the main target. What got me to post was this endless ûberfinn joking by two or three members, who have crossed boundaries of good taste or wit many times. Slappy was involved in these flames sometime ago, but not lately unlike the two other mentioned.

My main purpose was to bring some balance and reason to the discussion, but I see that I have failed. Mostly my own fault.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fenno:

In these same thread we often see nicks like Mrspkr and Mark[a number], who more than often totally uncalled for start Finn or Aussie bashing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I remember bashing MrSpkr plenty, but that's simply expected of decent folk... Finns, maybe a sardonic aside... but Aussies??? I think I've overlooked them entirely.

To what on earth are you referring? Unless... well, Goanna did win the war single-handedly, damn his eyes. redface.gif

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The "überfinn" commentary is not, or at least should not be, seen as Finn bashing. Instead, it is a spin on another rather common thing seen in the wargaming community -> "übergerman". Again, it has nothing to do with the nationalities themselves. In fact, I would bet $10 most "übergermans" are in fact Americans whose only tie to Germany in the real world is through beer or fatty foods smile.gif

Anyhoo... as I said, there are no BBS rules against poor taste or annoying repetition. Such is the price of Freedom :D


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

No doubt this is one of the Australian ciphers, but it may not be the Beaz.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

S;a[[oe, you ignorant git, this is OBVIOUSLY an double-secret probation uberFinn plot at work. No Aussie would be that intellectual!

Sheesh -- and you are a college professor? I weep for the future.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fenno:

Almost on the right track, but on the otherside of the globe. The latin name says it all, and Slappy was not the main target. What got me to post was this endless ûberfinn joking by two or three members, who have crossed boundaries of good taste or wit many times. Slappy was involved in these flames sometime ago, but not lately unlike the two other mentioned.

My main purpose was to bring some balance and reason to the discussion, but I see that I have failed. Mostly my own fault.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Here, this was all about the sodding Finns? Lovely people, the Finns. Long tradition of standing up on their hind-legs and speaking up for themselves. Not buggering about under aliases and newly created IDs and whinging.

Still, nothing lost but another pointless locked thread, eh?

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