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Axis Infantry Heros (vs. Western Allies)

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I'm curious, I recently read that Autie Murphy in one day killed or wounded 50 Germans...

Or lets take that CM scenario at night where that guy played dead three times and then

shot everyone after they went by.

Or the Marine who downed 200-300 Japanese as they charged his position.

So, I ask (tankmen excluded) are there any such examples from the other side (not vs. Russians though)

The other thing is that now with Enemy at the Gates, who was the sniper who succeeded the German one who got killed?

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See Infantry Aces by Gordon Williamson. A look at the Knight's Cross winners of the Grossdeutschland division will garner interesting results too. One GD officer over the course of his career personally destroyed singlehandedly 18 enemy tanks (via Panzerfaust, mostly, I believe) - one of the best track records for that. Veteran StuG and tank crews also accounted for stupifying numbers of enemy AFVs, guns and mortars. Operating in target rich environments didn't help, either...

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Originally posted by Kingfish:

I've heard of a German colonel in charge of a stalag during the war. During his command not a single allied soldier escaped, although a lot of the credit must go to his crack sergeant. I wish I could remember their names.

I believe the colonels name was Klink but from what I understand the reason know one escaped was do to his secretary. Know what I mean, wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

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