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Yet Another new Combat Mission Website to try to fill the void

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Hello CM'ers

I just wanted to make public the newest Combat Mission fansite. It's called Operation CultureK and is hosted at my website, CultureK.com.

My philosophy is content, content, content. So I am going to make public my intention to keep the website updated with at least 1 new content item every three days. That's not as much as the bigger websites out there...but I do think it will make it something worth visiting.

I have downloads, articles, reviews, a few FAQs, and if you look really hard...some job postings!

So if you are interested in seeing a new Combat Mission Website. Check out:

Operation CultureK


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Operation CultureK

Check it out today!

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Good lookin' site. Do you have a lot of space for stuff and are you allowed a lot of traffic? Very nice interface.


And King Xerxes looked to King Leonidas and spoke. "Our Archers will rain arrows down upon you to blot out the sun."

And King Leonidas replied: "Then we will fight in the shade."

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I get 500 megs of space, which is plenty, I put something like 119 mods on there over Christmas so I could download them from home (I live at school, Michigan State University)

I get unlimited bandwidth unless it begins to compromise the network integrity, and I have a 99.9% uptime guarantee from my web host!

So...I think I can handle it all!

Thanks for the compliments!



Operation CultureK

Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!

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Guest barrold713


I just visited your site and downloaded the new grass mod (speed was ~21 KB/sec using cable modem).

I was impressed with the interface and the potential for the content you are intending to post.

As I am home for awhile as I wait to have surgery for a herniated disc, it is always good to have another CM site to go to and enhance an already amazing game.

BTW I am in Grand Rapids, MI so I also like your site for being almost "in the neighborhod"

So kudos on your efforts and I will look forward to what you'll have for us in the future.



"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb discussing what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote"

- Ben Franklin

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Off topic, but what's Michigan state like? How's the food? Do you get thrown out of the dorms for spring break?

I like your website, I'll be sure to add a link to it with my next site update. Thanks for mirroring Gunnergoz's terrains, though I was tempted to email them all to you so you could get the full experience. smile.gif Three emailboxes, all overflowing, for four days in a row.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

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Got your mail. Since I'll be hiding under my bed in order to stay in the dorms during spring break, it looks like I might be able to do an update sometime soon.



Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

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Originally posted by deanco:

I really like the propoganda posters myself. When is that section gonna be up?

Actually, The propaganda posters will get a new one each week. So look for a new one on Sunday or Monday. I am thinking that perhaps I'll do it like a thumbnail...so people can get a bigger poster if they want. Some of the posters are pretty bad looking when small so it's been a challenge finding ones that look good at only 130px width!

Thanks for the encouragement. My site layout is a lot like Manx's site. Here is why.

1. I respect his site a lot. Come on...it's awesome.

2. I use ASP include files for my banner, sidebar and footer for easy updating so it made sense to do it that way.

3. I am quite partial to the inverse L layout.

4. It's not fully developed yet, but soon you'll see what else I have in store for that sidebar!

Thanks for all the encouragement once again, and if anyone is looking to write for me, or contribute things...uh hmmm building mods, etc. please let me know! I really want to get something up!

Thank you



Operation CultureK

Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!

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medlinke said:

Actually, The propaganda posters will get a new one each week. So look for a new one on Sunday or Monday. I am thinking that perhaps I'll do it like a thumbnail...so people can get a bigger poster if they want.


Yep... that's what I want. Cheers.



CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/

so many games...so little time

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