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I'll Show You Where The Peng Challenges Grow

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Based on the fact that I think that the titles of both of the new threads started by Stuka and Mace basically blow goats and deserve to be relegated to the scrap pile of BTS bbs history, I am starting my own. We’ll let the participants decide. Mine came from the fact that I am stuck in the land-o-sand with only 1 DVD, but it’s a beauty (thank you Satan) and has the famous last line.

Now {ahem} the RULES. I have decided to go with a slight modification of the Joe rules, since, let’s face it, if you have a gas bag like JoePshaw on your side you are bound to win in any battle of the threads.

These are the RULES of the CESSPOOL ... violate them at your peril:

x. Piss off

8. If in doubt as to the meaning of Rule #x, then ... Piss off... the fact is that we like those who dwell within ... well, LIKE is probably a bit strong but at least we're used to them and we're NOT used to you and don't WANT to be.

§4. Since MOST SSNs are too stupid to understand Rules #x & 8, we have created a process by which you MAY (note the word MAY, as in the Russin PERHAPS) be allowed to join us ... one way or another, said procedure follows:

III. Sound off like ya got a pair! None of this namby pamby, "Oh please fellows, may I have a game perchance, it would be ever so jolly to play a CessPooler." Damn right it would be "jolly" but you're not going to get a game THAT way. This is a place for insults, bile, threats, taunts and general mayhem.

a. DON'T Sound off ABOUT your pair. While we are vile, vicious, underhanded and without scruples ... we're polite about it ... in our own way. No racial, sexual, religious or political crusades here. Your motto should be “More class, less crass”

6. Pick someone specific and challenge them to a game. BE SURE TO REFERENCE Rule #III above. And say, don't expect to get anything but sneers from one of the Knights of the CessPool, we are far too important to play a game of CM with YOU ... SSN that you are. But if you do it right, you might get one of us to sic a Squire on you for the fun of it.

B(6). We DON'T give a fig if you're any good at CM or not. The game is the vehicle that allows us to taunt and trash the others here, other than that it's unimportant.

&. IF you do the above properly, show a little moxie, show a GOOD DEAL OF WIT and seem as if you MIGHT fit in ... we MIGHT consider making you a Serf. After that some Knight down on his luck might take pity upon you and make you a Squire. After sufficient time and proof of your ability to play with the big boys you COULD be made that grandest of all creatures ... A Knight of the CessPool ... yeah right like THAT'LL ever happen to you.

Better you should just go away now.

Let the games commence . . .

[ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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