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I started a club for CM (includes a campaign)

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If your looking for a place to have fun playing CM and want to get in on the ground floor of a new club, then I invite you to check out Band of Brothers. My signature tells it all and I'm really looking forward to getting the club's campaign game off the ground (See the site for details).


[ 04-23-2001: Message edited by: Stryker1 ]

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I took a brief look earlier today when you posted. I became busy and did not have time to study the site, I will later on this evening.

First impression after a quick once over, a very well built site worth looking over further.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

Stryker, tell us about the campaign game. I hope you are talking about some Mini-CMMC???


If so, I am there!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey Capt!

All the information is on my site. The short version is the forces will be "historical" while the units and battle are not. There is room for 20 players (10 per side) with each player commanding a force roughly equal to a reinforced company. Rules for para drops, fortifications, and other tidbits are included. Each player's highest rank HQ unit represents the player....if its eliminated so is the player. The Chain of Command is streamlined to help keep play moving and strict deadlines for orders will be enforced. if this is enough to whet your appetite then visit the site and check out the rules, operations map, etc.


[ 04-23-2001: Message edited by: Stryker1 ]

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Love the campaign concept/rules. Looks very interesting.

---edited in---

Do you intend to do a map for each sector or are they going to be randomly generated each battle? (and perhaps saved after the initial battle in case they are fought in again?)

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[ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: Pud ]

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Read through your rules but you dont mention how you will handle reinforcing depleted units. eg a 12 man squad is down to 3 men. How much of the reinforcement points will be allocated to bring it back to strength. What will be done if such a depleted company is engaged before it is reinforced, will you have to edit the force to account for this before the next battle commences?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pud:

Read through your rules but you dont mention how you will handle reinforcing depleted units. eg a 12 man squad is down to 3 men. How much of the reinforcement points will be allocated to bring it back to strength. What will be done if such a depleted company is engaged before it is reinforced, will you have to edit the force to account for this before the next battle commences?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hi Pud,

As far as the maps, yes, I plan to do one for each grid. It'll be a lot of work but better in the long run.

As for depleted units its a little asbstract, but I'll use an example.

One U.S. Rifle Company enters battle. There are 40 men per platoon or 120 men per company not counting support units. When the battle is over I'll total the number of men left and reoraganize the unit. Say there are 95 men remaining after the battle. This equals two full platoons (HQ, 3 squads) and then the remaining 15 men would become a Platoon HQ(4) and full squad (12). Some rounding is done on the last unit and I look at as men woounded in action that need hospitialization after or men temporarily lost or MIA during the battle that return after. The most added or lost should be 6 men. The same type of thing will be done with the support units.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stryker1:

One U.S. Rifle Company enters battle. There are 40 men per platoon or 120 men per company not counting support units. When the battle is over I'll total the number of men left and reoraganize the unit. Say there are 95 men remaining after the battle. This equals two full platoons (HQ, 3 squads) and then the remaining 15 men would become a Platoon HQ(4) and full squad (12).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

thats a very clever way of doing it, you have put alot of thought into this. I dont envy the workload for yourself put I think it will work very well.

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