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Am I going crazy?

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Alright I bought this game a month ago. I liked the demo, but when I got the game I've completely been hooked. Well anyway, last week to learn more about the troops and their abilities and situations I borrowed Citizen Soldiers by Stephen Ambrose. It's been an excellent book and I've enjoyed reading it so far.

A couple of days ago I was reading a story about Hill 317 and it being a big Artillary battle and all so I thought I would look for a scenario so I could learn more about this situation. (The book is lacking in maps and stuff). So I went to CMHQ.

Now earlier last month when I went there I was sure there was a choice on the side for searching scenario's. But for the life of me I can't find it. All I can see is a place that has like 4 scenario's and 1 operation on it. Am I going crazy or am I remembering a different place?



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