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New Game Announcement: G.I. Combat Squad

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This does not look like competition for CM. It's just another 3-D RTS (in Germany we call it Real Time Schrott) game.

When I first read about Hasbros Squad Leader I named it "junk", and guess what ...

This looks like another attempt to make two factions happy: wargamers and mouse-click-fests-fetishists. But being everbodys darling means sitting between all chairs.

As rediculous as Hasbros Squad Leader...BTS can take its time to develop CM2...no competition on the horizon.



"I got signals, I got readings, in front and behind of us!" - PFC Hudson on LV-426 mission

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Hey, did anyone ever play Hidden & Dangerous?

That game rocked and it was about a half-squad sized WWII FPS. It was really incredible and fun to play. Granted there were some gamey like aspects to it but I never had a more of visceral experience in a WWII FPS game before.

Anyway, my point is.. I remember that H&D was VERY slow at times on my computer and I had a powerhouse back then. This was like almost 2 years ago. This Combat GI is talking about making a much larger game and I just don't see how they can do it accurately and yet have al the glitz they are claiming they are gonna have. Something just has to give.

Oh and if I remember the AI in H&D was just atrocious but that was because it was hard to make your squad mates act they way they should under fire. IIRC I only played the game multiplayer with 2 friends. THEN the game was a load of fun but with the computer running the AI it just plain sucked.

It will be interesting to see if they can pull it off. Shaw mentioned above the B-17 fiasco, in that they promised more than they could deliver. I just hope this game doesn't turn out that way.

Until then I am stickin' to CM and BTS. wink.gif



First of all, David, you stupid sot, if names were meant to be descriptive, everyone would have the, culturally appropriate, name of, "Ugly little purple person that cries and wets itself." -Meeks.

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Actually I want them to come out with a wargame, just not a copy. Wargamers were dealt a blow when Avalon Hill dies, no one takes us seriously and the makers of computer classics like Steel Panthers and CC2 seemed to be fading. Then BTS comes along and ignites a revolution. I want 20 manufacturers to be successful making great wargames, all the more for me to choose from. If Talonsoft is making a great game that is different from BTS by dealing with squads or very small units, that is still a wargame rather than a shooter, and is not a click fest then I love it.

But they need the feedback right now that a straight clone of CM is no good, especially set in the same era. You want to do a clone, take it some place else like WW3. Otherwise we need to tell them, as players, the idea is stupid. And hopefully they as a company will listen and be able to change.

Also -- their press release and web site sucks for the amount of information it provides. I have Freshman that could do better in an hour. So why not give em some polite heat until they clarify. If a clone is what they are making, then they deserve way more contempt than I am giving them. If they are bringing us very small unit action in real time then I am the first to cheer.

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Hmmm... I agree if they are gonna go the shooter RTS route that the shouldn't make claims that compare them to CM BUT...

If they want to try and make a better game JUST like BTS then I say go for it. Why not? Competition is good.

Heck, I recall a time not to long ago when like 3 or 4 WWII fighter simulations were coming out at the same time. They were all basically the same but different in their own ways. No one ever said that it was a BAD thing. Granted there was a winner and there was a loser and the loser probably steered clear of WWII flight sims for a while but that is the way of things.

If they can make a better game than BTS (which I kind of doubt right now) then I say let them.

Now if they are gonna make a RTS of WWII than that is so different from CM that I say, who cares? Let them.

I really don't see the problem.

I just read Fionn's post "over there" and basically agree with him.



First of all, David, you stupid sot, if names were meant to be descriptive, everyone would have the, culturally appropriate, name of, "Ugly little purple person that cries and wets itself." -Meeks.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 02-02-2001).]

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well here they go i wondered how long it would take the rest off the gaming world to sit up and take notice of COMBAT MISSION

i hope it spawns loads of copies



ohh and if G.I Combat Squad is realtime

then i for sure will not be buying it


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Speaking of Steel Panthers, I finally noticed their latest release is on line only - a 310 mb download, but it's free. Read one review that says it is as irritating to play as the early verions (I have SP1 2 and 3) in that half the time you spend watching bombardments (or alternately set the interval rate lower and not get to see anything at all).

As I said in the other thread, I cheered when AH went under, but you have a good point, Slapdragon, about legitimacy. I think the true community that is being built around CM, though, is something that hasn't been seen for awhile. I don't see GIC harming that in any way.



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It's very simple what Talonsoft tries: making some quick bucks by making a game that looks(!) like CM with (maybe?) better graphics.

But, hey, it's RTS (Real Time Schrott) so like most 3-D RTS games (even some nice ones) they will fail.

Once there was a time, when Talonsoft delivered wargames (nearly all Battleground games are on my shelves), but after being bought by some suits they chase the twitch crowd (and they will fail the same as Hasbro with their "Soldiers at War in disguise" named SL).


"I got signals, I got readings, in front and behind of us!" - PFC Hudson on LV-426 mission

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For Christ's sake give these people a CHANCE.

CM is a "we go" system.

GI Combat is REAL TIME.

CM lets you play around with BATTALIONS, and GI Combat DOES NOT.

They are two fundamentally different games. The only similarity which people are wetting themselves over is the "oblong orders menu" which is very similar to CM's.

GI Combat cannot compete with CM for realism and strategy.. but some people actually do like real time games. There is room for lots of WW2 games without the CM Church getting hysterical.

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I wanna get GI Combat Squad (GICS--sounds like the noise you make when something sticks in your throat) because it sounds like it's going to be a REAL first person shooter in addition to the frantic Warcraftesque action.

You'll be able to jump, as TS put it: "into the trenches with a single steadfast dogface." I can't wait to hear the authentic GI bull sessions: "Say, that guy Willie in the fifth platoon--is he steadfast, or what?"

And crates. I hope we can have lots of crates. And powerups. And a BFG that your steadfast dogface can find..maybe even inside a crate! And aliens--wasn't there a rumor that SS stood for "Star Ship" because the toughest Aryans were really blonde aliens? Then they could have distorter rays and tear you to shreds with their teeth in hand to tentacle combat.

Doodz! This will be too cool!

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Guest Madmatt

Ok, thats enough. Discussions in this forum should be kept to Combat Mission. We have a nice big and mostly empty forum for discussions of a general nature or even about some one elses game. Please move topics like this there.

Thank You!


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