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Combat Missionaries - need your help !!

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I`ve been busy spreading the word about CM here in the UK. One of the forums I recently visited was at www.thehistorychannel.co.uk

It hosts a forum to discuss history in general but has a strong military slant.

I posted a rather polite but enthusiastic message letting the members know about CM and received this is reply:

"Frankly Mark, i really think its a bit cheap. Its not ground breaking. The graphics aren't anything to write home about, the gameplay wont appeal to alot of people it generally scores low on all fronts. Dont buy this game. It's relying on the novelty of being downloadable from the internet. As for sweeping every award, what! What have you been playing to vote this so highly, PONG! Play something like Shogun, Ground Control, Earth 2150, C&C Tib Sub or Hidden and Dangerous."

Go get `em guys...

Navigate to the debate section and you`ll see the post under "Combat Mission" in the general discussionn area.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wesreidau:

Dont buy this game. It's relying on the novelty of being downloadable from the internet. As for sweeping every award, what! What have you been playing to vote this so highly, PONG! Play something like Shogun, Ground Control, Earth 2150, C&C Tib Sub or Hidden and Dangerous."

Go get `em guys...

Navigate to the debate section and you`ll see the post under "Combat Mission" in the general discussionn area.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The novelty of CM is you can DL it off the net?.

I wouldn't pay to much attention to anyone who puts CM in the same post as GC, Earth 2150, C&C Tib Sun etc most hardcore RTS ppl that I have seen on the net are very nervous concerning CM for some reason and like to slam it, they can't even usualy come up with an reason either except "Its not Realtime so it sux" etc.

And this is not a slam vs ppl who enjoy RTS games, its an observation from Usernet posts where CMs biggest detractors have turned out to be RTS orientated ppl,who despise CM & any product thats not RTS.

Regards, John Waters


"Go for the eyes Boo, go for the eyes!!".

[This message has been edited by PzKpfw 1 (edited 08-22-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wesreidau:

Go get `em guys...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Politely, please!

I have just registered for that forum and read your response to the ill-tempered lout, which I think was very measured and tasteful. He certainly seems to have some bone to pick. But the guy has some 800+ posts there, and might be their Fionn or Madmatt, for all I know.

I would just note that that is "their" forum, like this one is "ours", and we wouldn't want some impassioned and belligerent missionaries from there storming in here "with attitude". Been here, done that.

I will go home and have some scotch, in order to summon the Muse. Some tactful supporting posts might sway the undecided. That particular guy sounds like a goner as far as CM goes, though.

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I'm going to agree with Mark IV and even go one step further - don't bother.

You know how pissed off we all get when someone comes on this board and tells everyone how much better CM would be if it was just like CC?

Not everyone's going to like CM. Not everyone has to. It's not our job to propagandize people into liking CM. I think that people on this board do a wonderful job getting the word out, and that's great, but why waste your time trying to convert the heathens in the desert?

People can decide for themselves whether to buy the game. If they're aware that there's a demo and a large community supporting the game, most folks will download the demo out of curiosity, if nothing else. If they don't, screw em, CM's doing fine.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Well this sort of thing happened on the Steel Panthers: World at War Forum about when it was released and CM's Gold Demo came out back in May.

What's funny is that one of the primary designers of SP:WaW, Wild Bill Wilder, is a major scenario contributor to CM.

But what this all sounds like to me is that some people are frightened to try something new and innovative and worse yet, they're afraid that they'll like it and realize that they've wasted all their money on un-finished, lame-ass games.


Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ.

Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm going to agree with Mark IV and even go one step further - don't bother.

You know how pissed off we all get when someone comes on this board and tells everyone how much better CM would be if it was just like CC?

Not everyone's going to like CM. Not everyone has to. It's not our job to propagandize people into liking CM. I think that people on this board do a wonderful job getting the word out, and that's great, but why waste your time trying to convert the heathens in the desert? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There is an important differance between the post at this forum, and one at , say SSI's CC forum.

This is a general discussion forum at The History Channels UK site. It's not like Mark T went into some other competing games home forum and expoused on CM's greatness. That's an open forum, so it's not anyones "home turf" so to speak.

Of course, politeness and civility on any forum is always important, which so far is what we have seen. And if someone makes innacurate statements, like the respondent, then I see no problem with taking issue, in a proper manner, with those points.

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

I think It was talk about CM 1.03 on the SP:WAW forum (and the list of fixes for that version) that made me get the demo, then 30 minutes later order the full game.

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Well, I went over and registered and put in my nickel's worth. But honestly, the people over there are about as bright as the shine on a 20 year-old brass doorknob. Read the "Next NATO flashpoint" thread...you'll see what I mean.


Be sure and check out my texture mods on CMHQ.

Dave "Ol' Blood & Maximus Butticus" Molinarolo

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

But honestly, the people over there are about as bright as the shine on a 20 year-old brass doorknob<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Maximus: I put my 2cents in over there too, you sure told them the hell off about yugoslavia! Good job! ;)

[This message has been edited by King Tiger22 (edited 08-22-2000).]

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Over the years I've learned that game reviews are like movie reviews, I make up my own mind! So the loudest clown over there at The History Channel/UK doesn't like CM, I don't feel the earth shaking! I could care less and to tell the truth, I figure we're better off without that type. I understand that this is about someone with an entrenched mind slamming anything that doesn't fit their own particular view of what's fun but anyone who listens to that type arguement is just waiting on the lemmings (hamsters with a death wish?) to run by!

[This message has been edited by Goofy (edited 08-23-2000).]

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heh, it appears that other than Ryan, the only ones that have posted to that thread are from this forum. Still, the replies were all mature and well put, so hopefully others are reading the thread even if they don't post replies.

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