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The King is Dead

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by William Thiel:

Well, I am sure if there is anyone left at the Herald who hasn't played PBEM yet it is probably some IT propeller head who is still studying the manual.

He (or she) should realise that the only way to learn is to choke on all the smoke SS-Uberrauchenfuhrer Berli throws around and wade throught the Moriarty body-wave assaults. Then (and only then) will they be able to differentiate themselves from the semi-intelligent protoplasm who can only beat up on the big girls blouse that is the AI in the beta demo.

carpe diem Heraldites!


I feel so left out. I've killed many a men....most of them mine....but they still died. I think the person you speak of, has trouble playing with their panties all bunched up in their butt. biggrin.gif And he's heard of how tough Aussie inmates are on panty wearing manual readers.

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Holy CRAP!!!

OK like i KNOW that i am a complete doofus and everything but i just can't believe there are that many other doofuses out there. the grogs must be gnashing their teeth and rending their clothing and cursing their god above that a thread of this sort could have grown to THREE PAGES!!! On this sacred board- a thread about a pissing contest has grown to three pages. it is gratifyingly sick to a pod like me that this board can and has supported a thread of such utter idiot drivel. I say, "well done! well done, fellow twits."

Peng all warm and fuzzy except for the part about Berli kicking ass.

PS If anyone is keeping score. Elvis and I are 3 and 3(?). I am one and oh against Colin who has failed to send a turn in our second game for about three weeks now. No longer waiting for a turn from SS_Candyass as it has been so long since i sent him the game that he is off my PBEM list now,(I would call our game a draw). Am about to win against Goanna barring any really bad things happening to me. Gunnardream had a game going but has seemingly bailed? too bad because it looked like a good one. send the file Gunnar!

So that's about it. I have had only marginal competition. Berli is the only person to give me a total thrashing (I let Elvis do that every once in a while just to keep him playing). Marjorie Tom is hiding from me in a most girly and sissified way.

You can read all about my total destruction of Colin on his fine web site. (the url escapes me at the moment). So. there it is. I am at about 50%. chance level of victory. big deal.


[ 05-10-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]

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Peng, you seem to be smoking too much crack these days. The battlefield is divided 50 / 50, so, why do you feel it necessary that I be the one to attack? It is supposed to be a "CHANCE encounter", not "Peng hides beind a wall and gets attacked". Get off your arse and DO something. ALL your other PBEM's appear to be you sitting behind a wall, with all your little Shermies lined up in a row firing on your advancing enemy. An IDIOT can do this all the time and win!! Got to wonder why you have lost so many times then! Get out of your world of makebelieve and send those damn Shermans on the roll towards my Schrecks and StuG's!!! Of course, seeing how well you manage sending correct PBEM files back and forth, I wouldn't expect too much coordination in an attack from you.

Peng, quit preaching and start fighting damn it!!

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Any thing that lying Lizard Goanna is about to say my possible "gamey" tactics is untrue. Did one of my crews run what would appear to the untrained eye as a recon move into a building suspected to be infested with Germnas? Yes. For the record they thought it was the mess hall and were quite suprised to Germans. They were the ones hiding not my guys. Goanna you have no one to blame but yourself. If you weren't hiding my crew would have know it was the German mess hall not the American mess hall and would NEVER have gone in. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


"Tryin to be so so bad is bad enough, don't make me laugh by talkin tough" EC

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Nice pre-emptive disinformation campaign Elvis. If only there were some penalty in the beta demo for rushing tank crews and mortar crews headlong into defended postions. That crew, along with the severely depleted platoon they were travelling with must have taken fire in the open run between buildings for something like 75 m prior to entering the "mess hall".

Cheesy as hell Elvira. It's not bad enough that you are killing me, you have to disgrace yourself in front of your own men by chraging the weakest of them to their deaths merely to save the strongest from wrinkling their freshly pressed uniforms.

For shame. Now do your penance by driving your last m4s out from behind those buildings where they are cowering and into the line of fire of my 88s.


desert rat wannabe

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PowderPuff Peng

How dare you insult me again without sending me my turn you crustaceous little anal wart!!

You snivel and whine worse that a flamer in heat - I have been waiting for a turn since the first one I returned to you, and you never sent back. Since then you've spent more time writing your retarded soliloquies in pig latin CONSEQUENTLY avoiding the ass whipping you had been accetpting - AT LEAST ELVIS is attempting to stand and fight

I think your claim at being a memeber of the excrement sucking pod clan is a gross overestimation of your own benign abilities

Truth be known you can't spell therefore POD as written by you is actually PUD

So if you know longer wish to accept the humbling I have graciously given you - wave your white knickers and give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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No offense Berli but I prefer to keep this one alive. That way we can always be reminded that SS_bedwetter is not only a slacker (much improved since this thread started). But also seriously delusional. Perhaps he learned from this thread that his poor email habits could be changed and now he will learn to better analize his situation on a battlefield.

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