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Combat Sim cc5 review - CM mentioned

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If I know Mr. Z. (and I do, unfortunately) he's throwing a medium-sized tantrum some place while he sticks pins in a doll tagged with the name of the person who wrote said review. But enough of this stuff--it's all old hat. I'm off to read the review itself and get a chuckle out of life. biggrin.gif

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After reading both reviews I think you'd better make that rusted nails instead of pins, and Keith will be twisting them hard on the way in. smile.gif

This Nelson Hernandez is a very able writer, by the way. I haven't bothered with combatsim.com before, but based on what I've seen of its content this morning I think I'll keep moderately in touch from now on.

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Nelson is quite capable all right - not only does he write fine articles, but he also heads the CMMC allied press corps (refer to the Forward Observer on Matt's CMHQ site), and is known to contribute here on occasion as the admiral!


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Guest Rollstoy

What a totally unfair review!

I am glad that this board has seemingly reached a level of maturity where it is recognized that a comparison between CM and CC is basically pointless. Unfortunately this has not gotten through to some 'officials' of the scene.

To each their own. Leave CC alone!

I still remember how about 75% of my casualties were caused by the desire of my troops to run TOWARDS the enemy when under fire in my current PBEM (Patch Level 3). And this in the famous Combat Mission! Just proofs: nothing is perfect!

Game on,


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Well, Rollstoy, if I read Mr. Hernandez correctly he did not, first of all, "compare" the two titles so much as point out that, in his view, CMBO made for a more immersive gaming experience. That's for openers. I might add, as long as you've chosen to get me started, that Hernandez, as a journalist, not only has the "right" but the obligation to pass along each and every one of his observations re related product which he feels would be pertinent to his public, most especially with possible purchase decisions in mind. Finally, Hernandez did not strike me as having any particular agenda to pursue vis-a-vis the two titles in question; you, however, with your rather emotional retort to the former gentleman's work, have indeed impressed me as falling into this trap.

Should you be able to do a better job of reviewing these games, please, be my guest. I shall read you with great interest.

[This message has been edited by Tris (edited 10-31-2000).]

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Interesting you should mention that KJ, check out the various threads on the MG42 for the reasons why it is as it is currently, there was some discussion on the matter a few months ago.

I believe there is some perception that MGs actually kill people, when it's more realistic to have them supress people. I've read a few annecdotes whereby soldiers weren't too worried about the mg42 at any range over a couple of hundred meters, (hell, maybe less), because fire was pretty disperesed by then. One thing though is that it -did- keep their heads down hehe smile.gif

Don't really want to get into a repeat of previous arguments by people who know more than myself abou thte issues, but if anyone's interested, there was a full debate about it some time ago smile.gif


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I read it

Might as well quote him here:

"At the beginning of this review I promised I would compare CC5 to its cousins in the series and its competition.

Most people, myself included, tend to think that the series started to go downhill after CC2, which seemed to

strike the ideal balance between tanks and infantry and was about an inherently tense situation—Operation

Market-Garden. Well, CC5 is a return to that spirit of things and I think that if this game is not the best in the

series (for it depends on taste, I think), it comes very close. The graphics are good, the game is bug-free, and

most veterans of the series have gotten over the battle engine’s flaws by now, or perhaps they never cared

about them anyway. On that basis I would recommend this to anyone who is a fan of Close Combat, or who has

never tried it.


But I feel morally obliged to point out that Combat Mission is simply a better game, and if you only have the

money for one game you ought to get CM, not CC5. CM does not have a campaign, and the maps are not

hand-painted. But it is an order of magnitude more immersive, more realistic, more flexible and infinitely

replayable. It’s just more fun. The bottom line is that Close Combat 5 will be coming off of my hard drive in a few

weeks; Combat Mission is still there, and I fully expect it to remain for months or even years.

"Admiral" Nelson Hernandez's Combat Mission Review"

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