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Now who can answer THIS?

Guest Rollstoy

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Guest Rollstoy

Imagine you have a squad in the center of a building and it is attacked by two enemy squads entering the building from opposite directions.

Is it better to ...

(a) split your squad and let each half squad face one of the attacking squads, or

(B) just leave the squad intact and let it change facing on it's own.

Answers appreciated (BTS is asked to participate, too wink.gif)!

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Guest Rollstoy

Certainly, but one of the attacking squads will always attack into the back of the (united) defending squad! Do you think that this will be fully compensated by the combined firepower of the squad? I am sceptical ...

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The graphics cannot model some of the squad facing one way, and some others, but in reality that is modeled. Because of the morale problems that half-squads face, I suspect that it is still better to keep the squad together. But you could try it and see...run several trials (10 or more) with the intact squad and the same number with split squads, and tell us what you find out.


"Don't lie to me, Gustav! You're a stinkin' Mac user!"

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When you are about to be attacked from 2 directions like this, I find it's usually better to pull back to avoid the envelopment while calling in arty timed to land on your old position about the same time you expect the attackers to arrive there smile.gif



It was a common custom at that time, in the more romantic females, to see their soldier husbands and sweethearts as Greek heroes, instead of the whoremongering, drunken clowns most of them were. However, the Greek heroes were probably no better, so it was not so far off the mark--Flashman

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Bullethead just won 1st price, the sollutions given to the problem (a and B) have something lacking, namely sollution "c".

Which would indeed be getting the bleeding hell out of that house and repositioning.

The arty wouldnt be such a smart idea though, cos your infantry couldnt be that far away yet and with the average accuracy of arty...i'd say jumping in front of a fast moving truck would be a quicker (and less expensive) way to meet that bearded man upstairs.


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Guest Rollstoy

Of course, if my question was how to AVOID the described situation, then I would be happy now.

Unfortunately there has not been any definite answer to the original question ...

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*Gamey Solution*

Charge past one squad, do a 180, and thus you now face both!

Seriousy, I would leave the squad intact, backing them away as much as possible to try and get out of the envelopment. If backing out is not possible, closing in tight with one of the enemy squads might work with the idea of eliminating them as quickly as possible while masking the other squad's fire (?). (hopefully, they have no SMGs!) redface.gif

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Oke, if you don't like my stairs-trick ( smile.gif), then i would suggest you just leave them alone and hope they know how to throw grenades. If one squad can keep 2 busy for some time, then you'll prolly have enoough time to sent reinforcements. If your "backup" is to far away then your squad didn't die in vain...no they kept 2 full squads busy giving the rest of the army enough time to do their job.

It's rather difficult to give a real answer though. There is som much to take into acount. Morale, health, veteran and so on.

But before rambling on and on....i would leave them alone, pray, and remember it was all needed smile.gif

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Even if the two sides are of equal experience, I think the result will vary depending on experience level.

If we are talking about Green (or Conscript) troops, I guess a split would be better. The attackers are very likely to run away or hit the deck for a long time after the first volley, which of course will come from you.

But if the units involved are Veteran (or better) the first volley won't make'em lie down or run away. They'll definetly get into contact with your troops. Then defending with one squad is prefferable to defending with two halfsquads.

You could always do a scenario to test this, but I am almost certain that this will be the result.



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Guest Scott Clinton

Personally, I would split them and if possible set ambushes just OUTSIDE the house with both. With luck you will slaughter the buggers BEFORE they even get in the house, or maybe cause one to re-think this rush and turn around.


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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