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Sharpshooter pricing, too expensive?

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They are totally worth the money, you just have to follow sniper doctrine as much as possible. Hide, take only high-value shots, have your escape route planned in advance, etc.. If they were any cheaper, I think they would be unbalancing.

I bought one last night in a quick battle, Americans v. German armor, attacking a hilly village. Like a good sniper, I started him way off on his own, hidden out of sight. Once I had some idea of where the Germans were, I had him work his way toward some suspected armor positions. Once there, he got a bead on a Hetzer and a PzIV, and shot the TCs, shocking the crews and making them easy pickings for my Sherman 76 on the other flank. I was working him toward a gun crew when the Germans surrendered. The gravy is that he is shown carrying an M1-D "Sniper" Garand. Man, I want one of those, even if it is a reproduction.

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That's right.

Snipers ARE useful if you use them the way you're supposed to do.

Just like most of the rest in CM by the way...


I just had two of those german snipers in a Quick Battle while defending against a fierce Canadian onslaught.

I used them just for a very few chosen targets.

Same as SuperTanker said.

If you are to target mere squads, then go for a LMG any time.

But my snipers had singlehandedly killed the FOs and 2 Platoons HQs and then they started suppressing the 2inches mortars when the Allies surrendered.

Axis Major Victory.

No Off-board arty, fewer LTs, that is the sure path to tip the balance in your favour.


Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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An opponent of mine had a 76mm AT gun sighted to fire down a crucial road in a cityfight PBEM. I could have rushed it with my Panther but didn't want to risk him since he would have had to engage at 100 metres or so.

The AT gun was situated off to one side of the road and could only be fired at from one particular building. Unfortunately for me whenever I put a squad in there to suppress the ATG he fired HE at them and inflicted casualties.

In the end I brought up a Veteran Sniper, set him in the building and over the course of the next 2 turns he killed the entire AT gun crew without even being spotted.

A 22 point sniper eliminated a 120some point AT gun. Use them against high-value point targets.

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Veteran or better seems to be the key. A crack or an elite sniper is very, very dangerous. Go read Marine Sniper if you haven't, it is the story of Carlos Hathcock, a sniper who had 93 confirmed kills in Vietnam. It is fascinating and will teach you a fair amount about how snipers worked.

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Having been the victim of the sniper attack that Fionn describes, I can tell you just how much of a pain they can be.

Having learned by example, I now use them myself for reconnaisance and for taking out specific high-value units (tank commanders, FOs, etc.).

But Fionn, it was a 57 mm gun, not a 76!


"Don't lie to me, Gustav! You're a stinkin' Mac user!"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo:

He actually hit them? All I've managed, has been buttoning up. What distance?

Maybe I have been using them wrongly. From about 300m, from a tall building.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You have to remember that buttoning probably indicates a dead TC and a shocked crew.


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Guest Pillar

Ok, so you perked my interest in these units.

I set up a quick battle, me with 3 Elite Snipers (allies) against 2 German "Eighty Eights" and one German Pak75mm.

My snipers snuck right up to them, practically ON TOP of them. I could probably have gotten in their foxholes with them. The distance was in the single digit range that's how close I was.

But the damn snipers would NOT engage!! I had pefect firing positions. I was in behind the gun, with the exposed crews backs facing my men. They had a clear field of fire.

They wouldn't shoot! What gives?

(By the way, you can really screw with their heads. Run circles around the gun making it rotate it's slow mount, then come in with light tanks or halftracks and nail them).

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Your sniper was issued a M1-D? I didn't know those were issued. My uncle got one in a CMP lottery last year...got all the goodies..scope, leather cheek pad, cleaning kit, sling. Matches his 4 other M1's real nice!

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Pillar, if you get so close to enemy and you are alone, is better for your health not to fire at all smile.gif

Try positioning the snipers in a spot in which they could fire without being spotted. Close enough but in the 2 to 3 digits range at least wink.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by vcents:


Your sniper was issued a M1-D? I didn't know those were issued. My uncle got one in a CMP lottery last year...got all the goodies..scope, leather cheek pad, cleaning kit, sling. Matches his 4 other M1's real nice!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ooohhhhh, I am so brutally envious. Considering some of the clapped-out frankenstein guns I've seen from the CMP, that is definitely hitting the jackpot. I'd almost feel bad about shooting it. Almost. smile.gif I figure I will cough up the $2500 to Miltech ( http://www.miltecharms.com/rifles.htm , which also has pictures of a standard M1 and an M1-D) for one some day, when I need to give myself a really good present.

Anyway, I went back and looked at the US sharpshooters' rifles again. Definitely Garands, but no cheekpiece and the scope is too short to be an M-84, but a guy can dream, can't he? I thought the M1-D was issued late in the war, but couldn't find a quick source of info on the net.

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If your into Snipers and want to be in the mood for CM2, go and get this one (War of the Rats):


Now don't go and buy snipers by the bucket, since one day I mught play with you...



Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 07-09-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo:

He actually hit them? All I've managed, has been buttoning up. What distance?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Remember, due to FOW, you usually don't get casaulty info on tank crews until they bail out. If they button up, you might have killed a crew member or only scared them. But even if you missed, the tank is now buttoned up and so easier to engage with AT assets.


Leland J. Tankersley

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Sharpshooters are worth their weight in gold (how much would 180 lbs of gold be worth?). When I first used them, I thought they were useless - until I learned how to emplot them properly. Best thing to do is to get them on a hilltop, ridgeline, or building with a good field of fire - and leave them alone. Since doing this, I've had sharpshooters tie down Anti-Infantry and AT guns that an infantry company couldn't take without lots of casualties, thereby allowing the infantry (or armor) to get close enought to wipe out the gun.

They are also great scouts, since one man sneaking through the woods attracts much less attention than 30 of them banging around in there. They key is to keep them a good distance (at least 75-100m) from your other units, and let them choose their own targets. I ALWAYS buy some (probably too many) when setting up a quick battle. I'll even choose them over an anti-tank team if I must make the choice.

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Sharpshooters are wonderful units if you can find them a good positions to shoot from. I have had battles where even with a good position and plent of targets they will just sit there and not shoot. When they shoot, they can suprise you with how much they can suppress the enemy, even if they they do not kill anybody. I have had them hold up an entire armor column (3 churhills,2-4 shermans, and halftracks), just when they wanted to come out of some woods via a road. The computer "AI" does not seem able to just keep on advancing, even through a couple of bullets from a sharpshooter.I would like to see this "tweeked". The computer should be able to drive through (with tanks) a few small arm rounds. When I play, I just button-up and continue onward.

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