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Book Suggestions & German Forces

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Greetings Folks!

After visiting three local Barnes & Nobles, and two Boarders Books I was unable to obtain the definitive book on the combat infantryman of WWII. I am looking for something that has in depth descriptions of the forces available in CM. So I now turn to the WW II Gurus of this board for help.

#1. A suggestion on a good book with the elements I seek.

#2. Could anyone provide a description of the following German forces . Just a few notes on their role that they played.


Waffen S.S.




Excuse my ignorance on the subject. I have a great interest in the era. However my general knowledge of WW II is much more broad.

Thank you


P.S. Great Job BTS!!! Hands down my favorite game of all time.

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Nigel, I have the ultimate guide for you. It costs about forty dollars, but is an indespensable guide. "War Department Handbook to German Military Forces." Most big book stores carry it. It contains answers to all of the questions you asked in excrutiating detail. Also, http://www.uwm.edu/People//jpipes is a HUGE site with the kind of information you want.


"Rinky dinky stinky thinky"

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I would back up the recommendation of the U.S War Departments Handbook on German Military Forces, though do read it with some caution. Remember the time it was written - e.g. there is no real concept of Kampfgruppen because they were just so alien to other nations forces at the time. There are also some other organisational errors. On the whole it is outstanding though.

I would also recommend Nafzigers book on German Infantry Organization of WWII. Again there are some errors, but on the whole it is a very good overview. Also, this book only details Heer units, but this includes the Gebirgsjager and Volkssturm.

Just nitpicking really, but you say "#2. Could anyone provide a description of the following German forces . Just a few notes on their role that they played.


Waffen S.S.




The Wehrmach *is* the German armed forces encompassing Heer, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine. I see people make this mistake all the time so please do excuse me if I seem a little pedantic as it is a pet niggle of mine.

All the best.



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If you want to read the definitive account of a German Landser in WWII, I highly recommend reading "The Forgoten Soldier" buy Guy Sajer. This book is an autobiography of an Alsatian that volunteered for the German Army and served with the Grossdeutchland Division on the Eastern Front. It is pretty harrowing story and difficult to put down. It contains a particularly riveting account of an infantry man's view of the failed Kursk offensive. Can you say screwed, glued, and tatooed? smile.gif

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I'm from Germany - I'm not a real WWII expert but I can give you some infos about the Wehrmacht Forces...



Military armed forces:

Heer (infantry)

Luftwaffe (air)

Kriegsmarine (navy)

WWI = Reichmacht, WWII= Wehrmacht, today Bundeswehr.

Waffen SS (Waffen Schutzstaffel)


The Waffen SS was a "special force" of Hitler's warmachine but not a part of the "Wehrmacht" or the "Polizei" (police).

The Waffen SS was first built of two seperate forces:

"SS-Verfuegungstruppe" (ue=ü) Hitler's private elite forces - later the base of the Waffen SS.

"SS-Totenkopfverbaende" (ae=ä) KZ-Guards - after 1941 completly integrated in the Waffen SS.

The Waffen SS had access to all Wehrmacht resources. Waffen SS recruits had to be min. 180 cm tall, hair color blond, light colored or best blue eyes and needed to have special physical conditions. They where Hitler's elite forces and military-"police". After 1943 the Waffen SS was open to recruits from other european nations.

Fallschirmjaeger (ae = ä)


Just paratroopers

Gebirgsjäger (ae = ä)


Infantry forces in mountain areas, e.g Alps, Ural, etc.



Formed in fall 1944. Hitler's idea was to modilize all unarmed men between 16-60 years. They where send to the front with min. training and bad equipment.

Another active "force" later in the war was...



Boy scouts equipted with weapons in the end of the war. Most of them were just between 8-14 years old.

They all had thier own uniforms and signs.

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Buy the Handbook on German Military Forces. It is worth it. I got the book about five years ago adn am very glad I did. If you're like me, your copy will be pawed through and marked up in no time.



Betas available to everyone are just publicity stunts anyways. -FK

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Another good book, published in 1971 and a second run in 1981, by Arco Publishing Inc, is called German Army Handbook 1939 - 1945 by W.J.K. Davies. It breaks down units to the company level and lets youknow what gear they use. It also has a section on German map symbols used during the war. A first rate reference book. I do not know if you can find it or if it is still in print.

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