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Wargames don't ruin relationships..Women do! Oh and the Tuesday CMHQ Update is ready!

Guest Madmatt

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Guest Madmatt

And that little nugget of wisdom you can take to the bank and smoke it! tongue.gif

Ok, so what do we have for you this evening?

How about a study of the different Artillery practices and methods of the varoius Nationalities in the European Theater during WWII? Well thats what we got and its a very good read. So check it out...

Another 1600x1200 res POTD also makes his grand entrance so be nice! wink.gif



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Guest Gunnerdream

Geez, Madmatt, hope my wife doesn't see THAT topic heading!!!!!:0

Gunnerdream...floating down through the clouds...

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Guest Madmatt

Just trying to get everyones attention is all... wink.gif

Now get back to your loved ones where you belong!!!



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 04-18-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

Umm, ok I will bite... How exactly is it worse, not say that the Beta was all that bad though...



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 04-18-2000).]

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I'm not really sure how to explain why the POTD looks so bad. The POTD is kinda fuzzy looking and the textures of the grass, trees, tanks, and buildings are unusually dark. The only thing I can compare it to is when there is when I play a game to long and or there is an error and the graphics get all distorted and miscolored. I don't think it's because my computer is out of date since I got it last Christmas and it's a P3 700. Can anyone help me out?

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Guest Big Time Software

Hehe... the dark/light contrast is because it is Dawn/Dusk in that scenario smile.gif Trust me, it works very well when you are in the game. Really sets the mood!

Fuzzy? Hmmm... dunno but nothing in the code or artwork has changed to make that happen. Must be the JPG compression.

To compare, check out the POTDs from the last couple of days. Nothing has changed since then so if you see a difference that is why.


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 04-19-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

Let me make sure I posted the right one too. Maybe the fault is mine! I could post the 4mb 24 bit 1600x1200 Targa version if you guys want, that one isnt blurry at all!!! wink.gif

Could be a fault on my end and i will re-convert that picture and then see what shakes...


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Guest Madmatt

Well I think Steve is right, thats just a dark time of day and that picture looks pretty much the same no matter how I convert it.

Tell you what though.. Tomorrow I will put up at least TWO new POTDs to make up for it...




If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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I don't mean like everything i darker because of it's dawn/dusk, I mean only the few basic colors are present for the the vehicles, buildings, etc. Also there are lines of dark green through the light grass and I can distinctly see three types of grass, dark, medium, and light grass. Another thing I can compare it to is this really old tank game I used to play in the early 90's.

All American

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Well, I'll give All American some degree of credit. The grass tiles do look a bit dark and "exagerated".

Hmmm....now this is interesting. I just opened the 'panthers.jpg' up directly from my HD in a photo program and it now looks correct. Grass tiles are bright like they should be, and the textures are clearer and brighter like they should be also. Must be the way the browser is displaying that particular picture.

However, what I do see as strange is that the lower "brown" Panther seems to be out of scale with everything else especially with the Shermans on the opposite ridge.

Well now wait a minute... confused.gif

The first observation about the grass was taken off of a 50% zoom of the 1600x1200 res. Now when I go at 100% zoom, grass and textures still look right. Now the second observation at 50% zoom the Panther's scale looks right, but when I go to 100% zoom that's when the Panther's scale looks distorted with "larger" Shermans!

Must be the 1600x1200 resolution playing tricks or something confused.gif

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Guest Big Time Software

All I can tell you is that everything look fine in the game itself. AA, check out the last half dozen POTD and see what you think. We haven't made code changes to the way things are drawn for MONTHS, and the basic artwork you are commenting on has been in there for almost as long.


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I'm not blaming the game because everyother POTD looks fine. It's just this one that's all wierd and I'm trying to find out if there is something wrong with my computer or if there is a problem with the way CM HQ posted the POTD. I didn't mean to sound like I was saying the game looked like crap I was just trying to explain the problem and was hoping someone could help me. Sorry for the nuisance.

All American

[This message has been edited by All American (edited 04-19-2000).]

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

I say again, look at the picture on something else other than your browser. It will look correct.

Yes, CMHQ does seem to be loading a lot quicker lately. biggrin.gif Even with the banners. wink.gif

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 04-19-2000).]

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Guest Gunnerdream

"Holler"! Thats good! I haven't heard anybody use that word since I left Indiana! wink.gif

Are you from the Midwest also?

Gunnerdream...floating down through the clouds...

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I'm having the same problem as All American

the POTD looks like it is distorted somehow

the colors are not right. I don't know what it is but there is something wrong with it

The textures are all wrong, it looks like

before Vga or something frown.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

Tell you what though.. Tomorrow I will put up at least TWO new POTDs to make up for it...


And if we thinks Those are bad, do you put up two new POTDs for each of those = 4 POTDs?

And if we thinks Those are bad.......= 16

=32 =64 = 128..........

Caramba! Madmatt get rid of your fulltime job...... tongue.gif

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Guest Gunnerdream

Hey Mark IV, I've been in New Jersey now for the past three years. I'd be the fellow passing you in the median, giving you the Jersey salute. wink.gif

People out here drive like maniacs!

It's sort of like conform or die! smile.gif

Gunnerdream...floating down through the clouds...

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