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Guest Richlo

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:


Well, I gotta say that I first throught this was going to be a Troll posting based on the username. But it isn't the first legit username that has raised a few eyebrows. So long as the style of the postings sticks to what this BBS is about (er... CM smile.gif), and the name itself isn't some sort of abusive statement, I don't have a problem with people's choice of usernames.

I'm also not going to padlock this one up so long as people just stick to the real topic of this thread, which means Combat Mission smile.gif


How quickly we forget.

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Well as for what Lewis said about Fionn , I'm pretty sure he meant to have some Mr.Winkies in there, you know these.. wink.gifwink.gifwink.gif

However, then again, look at G*L's profile. He does say, Interior Decorator, San Fran, CA. Now if that doesn't scream a bit too much co-incidense, then I don't know what does, as far as "troll-sakes".

That's like saying I'm a hair-dresser from Province, Cape Cod, Massachusettes.

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 05-27-2000).]

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Guest Username:

At least OB&Gs has a sense of reality.

When Panzer Elite was about to come out, a couple of jokers were screaming for inclusion of the 'gay' panzer regiment the germans had supposedly formed in WWII. They were 'acting up' till they got their way.

This regiment supposedly fought without their shirts most of the time and just adored the leather nazi officer caps. Wings finally told these guys that no units, SS or wermacht or gaymacht were identified in the game.

I take g*lover about as seriously as I took them. Someone with a hotmail address, stereotypical occupation and location, and a username that is just a farce is insulting the intelligence of everyone here. I agree with Teach. Keep it to yourself.

Lewis P.I.G. (Politically Incorrect Guy)

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Guest hunt52

Ahem. There are two possibilities here:

1. gay*lover's handle is representtive of his sexual preference and he is here to be a serious member of the community.

2. gay*lover's handle and profile are jokes meant to stir up trouble and get Steve and Charles to have to lock up threads.

If it is the case that gay*lover is here to be a serious member of the CM community it would be foolish in the extreme to harass him (as has been done earlier in this thread.) Harassment of people new to the board will give the community a bad name, cut into Steve and Charles's sales, and make it that much less likely that we see CM(N) where N is an integer greater than or equal to 2. If gay*lover is a real person here he should be treated with the same respect as any other member of the board.

If, however, it is the case that someone has registered gay*lover in an attempt to stir up trouble then if we treat him as a respectable member of the board he will have failed in his aim and cease. If we, however, hassel him, he will continue to perform prankish activities. Therefore, if gay*lover is a joke we should treat him as a respectable member of the community.

It is clear that regardless of the intent of the person posting as gay*lover he should be afforded respect and courtesy. I personally am inclined to think this not a joke, just because I am a trusting person. We need to treat new people on the board with respect and courtesy until their actions make clear how they should be treated.

- Bill

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Well, just one more word about this.

Homosexuality just happens to be against my religion, so if you don't like it...you can kiss my Catholic Ass!

GOD made Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve and not Karen & Sharon.


"When in doubt....shell."

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 05-27-2000).]

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

No, not a fanatic, just one that thinks that ones sexual preference doesn't need to be brought up constantly like gay people tend to do. Heterosexuals don't pranch around and say, "I like the opposite sex, I like the opposite sex."


"When in doubt....shell."

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 05-27-2000).]

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Guest Username:

Well lets let G*lover respond.

I dont care about peoples sexual proclivities or religious beliefs (OB&Gs you hitting the meds? Share some with me huh?).

But If someone has a handle like Kike*killer or Boy*raper or Prot*slayer or Dope*dealer or Combat*Mission*Copier...ITS MEANT TO GET A REACTION!!~! So it has.


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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

The only meds I take are for my injury.

Hell, why don't I sign up as "Queer*Bate" as a Hairdresser from Cape Cod, MA?? Sheesh! rolleyes.gif

Hell, I bet this guy isn't even gay. With such a stereo-typical occupation and locale, doesn't it seem to be just a little suspicious?


"When in doubt....shell."

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So what he has his handle "Gay*Lover"? So what? Maybe other people are against "SS Panzerleader" as, an SS Panzerleader executed their brother during WWII? Or, what if someone REALLY hates Elvis' Music? (Either Elvis :) Should we be ranting about someones name just because it doesn't fit our own personal agenda? Maybe he IS an interior decorator from San Francisco? Gay people are interested in military and history as well. He didn't say ANYTHING to do with his intimate actions with other individuals (true OR false). So, lets not convict this guy on things that he hasn't done, and probably will not do. I wonder what the reaction would be if his handle was Cuban*Communitst*Gay*Lover would be? Lets get beyond the superficial, and talk about CM, like Gay*Lover tried to do.

Also, my PBEM's are being sent now. I couldn't use the Internet much this week, as I am waiting for Job replies, and other important phonecalls. Sorry for the delay.

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Gentlemen, I'd hunt down some quotes from Paul the Appostle but I have a BBQ to go to. Let me just say this: if GL isn't a member of your church or denomination, not only is GL's private life in its entirety not your business, but making an issue of it just gives a negetive image of your church. If he is a member of your church, you talk to him as a brother, you don't trash him.


He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

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Hey Major Tom,

Why ya gotta bring me into this? (just kidding....I would smilies but Peng eat all of mine)

It is kinda strange that Senor Gay*Lover hasn't posted any replys in a while.


"Tryin to be so so bad is bad enough, don't make me laugh by talkin tough" EC

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OB&G, Physical condition is another thing that is really annoying when it's brought up constantly. I really don't care about your injury, so stop whining about it.

Hell, I bet he's not really disabled, but just wants some cheap attention.


"Grab your weapons, get up and fight!"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ol' Blood & Guts:

Well, just one more word about this.

Homosexuality just happens to be against my religion, so if you don't like it...you can kiss my Catholic Ass!

GOD made Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve and not Karen & Sharon.


You know, I was going to make a comment about how someone so wound up over a user name must be latent... But then I figure it's not fun trolling when you don't even have to bait the hook before the fish start jumping into the boat.

Oh, you should give Karen & Sharon a try.... Well, Kristen and Sharon were interesting... You know how to get ahold of Karen?

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OBG wrote:


Homosexuality just happens to be against my religion, so if you don't like it...you can kiss my Catholic Ass!


This is just so off topic I shouldn't even bother... but isn't swearing against your religion to OBG? Listen, if someone wants to go around proclaiming their sexual preference, let 'em! That takes a lot of courage as evidenced by the 40 posts that have appeared inresponce to what was a very inoccous question.

As for whether they were a troll or not, I guess we will never know. If they weren't they were certainly scared off by some of the intolerant responces to their username.

I don't know why any of us are bothering, I've found that polerized views like this (both the tollerant and intollerant responces) tend to be almost impossible to change. I strongly sugest a lock. Sorry for wasting bandwidth.


[This message has been edited by Maastrictian (edited 05-27-2000).]

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by G2A:

OB&G, Physical condition is another thing that is really annoying when it's brought up constantly. I really don't care about your injury, so stop whining about it.


Well so is "how many kids y'all have" and "what kind of work y'all do".

I'm not whining about my injury, I only mention it in the threads like "Work" and "Average CM addict 25+ years, etc."

I can assure you that I am disabled, if I wasn't I'd sure be on an ass-kicking crusade around here.

I suggest we all just shut up and get on with more productive threads.

Steve, please lock this thread! It's getting pretty stupid AND off-topic."

Geez! Talking about me who can't drop it. rolleyes.gif

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 05-27-2000).]

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Guest Big Time Software

OK, I should have guessed that certain people would be incapable of staying on topic. Last words before this is closed up...

A "Troll" is a coward who hides behind the Internet to do antisocial behavior. Someone voicing an opinion and arguing a point of view is by definition NOT a Troll, unless that "opinion" or "point of view" has no real point other than to just piss people off. On a 1-10 scale of value to the world they are in the negatives. I put Trolls in the same category as I do certain forms of single cell organisms.

As for people pushing their own agendas, give me a break. This is not a theology BBS or anything else. If you don't have something to contribute that is RELEVANT to Combat Mission or WWII, keep it off here. I for one don't want to see any of it here, and I think the majority agree. You want to argue about the morality of homosexuality? There are plenty of places to do so, and this is NOT it.

In particular I am asking OB&G once again to shut it in this regard. In my "religion" people that carry intollerance and hatred in their hearts they go straight to Hell and they don't get to collect their wings or $200. But who really gives a crap on this BBS? Probably nobody, and therefore it has no business being posted. So knock it off.

As for controversial usernames, we already have at least a 1/2 dozen that people could take issue with. Major Tom made some good points about that. But so long as I don't see a pattern of a related agenda or Troll behavior then I am not going to censor people's choice of identity, even if I personally think it is a bad choice. Obviously straight forward offensive language is something different, and that will get the old ban slapped on it right away.


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