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Yet another OpenGl thread!

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Hey Steve and Charles,

Just found out that the RAVE API you have chosen will not work with Mac OS X. So come summer people with a modern computer will not be able to play CM unless in software mode. Just curious as to how you plan to solve this.

Your humble servant,

Colin Richardson


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[This message has been edited by Colin (edited 02-21-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

Ah, just get your priorities right - OS X or CM - I know what I would go for smile.gif

Andreas (if your OS ain't broke, don't upgrade it) Biermann



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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Just one more reason you need to ditch your MAC and go PC.

Haven't you guys figured it out, yet? The MAC may run a little faster, persay, but so what if it has trouble running things. So as a young Bill Gates told young Steve Jobs that, "It's not in the hardware, its in software." smile.gif

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ol' Blood & Guts:

Just one more reason you need to ditch your MAC and go PC.

Haven't you guys figured it out, yet? The MAC may run a little faster, persay, but so what if it has trouble running things. So as a young Bill Gates told young Steve Jobs that, "It's not in the hardware, its in software." smile.gif


Hooray, platform warz! smile.gif

Out of my dying hands will you rip any of my four Macs OB&G! BTW, the beta runs on three of them and two don't even have 3D cards. I saw it on a PC with much better HW specs than my two slower machines and it looked like you-know-what.

So stop pushing Windog, send me a turn!



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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Well, it's kinda funny when you go into a computer hardware/software store and you have to ask where the MAC stuff is. wink.gif

But to reiterate what I said earlier, what good does it do to have a slightly faster CPU when you can't run an average program on it.

And what's with the single-button mouse? MAC users too simple-minded to comprehend two or more mouse buttons? My mother uses MACs at school, but when she tries to use my PC's 3-button mouse, it blows her mind. And my mother's no dummy. I tell her, "Why doesn't the school system get rid of those losey MACs?" I mean that's like having a one-button joystick.

"And that's all I got to say about that! 'Cause Stone Cold said so!"

P.S. No offense Steve wink.gif You and your G4 can go on your merry way. smile.gif

I just don't understand the draw towards MACs

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 02-21-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

This whole conversation reminds me of the old Amiga versus IBM (PC's) debate some 10 years or so ago!

My how things stay the same, 10 years from now we will be arguing over PC's and something else...


One last point, from a Network Engineer point of view, supporting Mac services does indeed quantifyingly SUCK, but then I never was one to pick sides... wink.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Umm... for the record.. Amiga's kicked ass! smile.gif

And I agree with Madmatt.. Running the Mac's on our network here and getting it done right. Is a big pain in the butt.

It all boils down to what I've held was true for a long time. For Gaming nothing beats a PC. If your into publishing get yourself a mac.

OH, one further note... People complain about the old bill gates and his monopoly... Well, Mac wouldn't be in this mess if they weren't such a Monopoly with their hardware. They waited way to late to let people make out of shop parts for it. IMHO




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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

It all boils down to what I've held was true for a long time. For Gaming nothing beats a PC. If your into publishing get yourself a mac.

OH, one further note... People complain about the old bill gates and his monopoly... Well, Mac wouldn't be in this mess if they weren't such a Monopoly with their hardware. They waited way to late to let people make out of shop parts for it. IMHO



Exactly my point!

I arrest my case!

Thanks Lorak and Madmatt smile.gif

Mmmm, there Colin! You feel it? You'll see the light once you get outta school...hehe

P.S. Of course, I'm just venting some frustration waiting for the game! wink.gif

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 02-22-2000).]

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Recoding CM/CM2 to OpenGL is going to be a huge task. Attempting to put out both a RAVE API & OpenGL API based game is going to be a huge headache.

I'd guess that by the time CM3 is in progress (assuming that is 2 years from now) Charles & Steve will convert over to OpenGL. Maybe they'll poll the buyers to find out what platform/OS that they'll be using (once CM2 is out) to find out if they need to stick to the RAVE API or switch over to OpenGL.

Just another one of the joys of developing games in an ever-changing universe of APIs. tongue.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>One last point, from a Network Engineer point of view, supporting Mac services does indeed quantifyingly SUCK<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's what you get for running NT servers. Its not the Macs, its NT. We have been replacing our NT boxes with G3/G4's running Appleshare IP... Winblows boxes thinks it NT and Macs connect via TCP/IP... something NT doesn't allow. The two man things we noticed on switching were increased network response times and increased reliability (when a Mac server goes down, you reboot... when NT goes down, you lose a day of work).

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Mac wouldn't be in this mess if they weren't such a Monopoly with their hardware.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're right. If Apple let anyone build Macs, you'd see Mac users on this forum complaining about their new video card not working with CM because of some driver problem. Sorry, I'll stick with Apple and a hardware standard.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I just don't understand the draw towards MACs<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Couldn't have anything to do with Apple having the industry's highest rating in customer satisfaction could it?

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Guest Madmatt

I don't support NT boxes. I handle Novell Netware servers thank you very much! wink.gif

We do have a convoluted mix of NT, Netware 5 and 4.11 servers but my 'children' are all Netware 5 now....



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ol' Blood & Guts:

Mmmm, there Colin! You feel it? You'll see the light once you get outta school...hehe


Colin, hang in there and don't listen to them - I started out as a PC user, switched to Macs six years ago and never looked back. Just got my fourth Mac, a PB1400, the best laptop ever made.



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Hmm don't worry there. Theres no way I'm switching to a PC. One time my dad was using the computer for business so I hadto go to my friends house to type up and print an essay. I got there and something wasn't working for some reason. And they didn't know why. It was working an hour before and it worked an hour later. And thats the draw to Macs.


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Aargh - now I have to slog it out in a platform war:

1. Comment about Mac Users and One Button Mice:

This is crap. I have a two button mouse. I had a four button mouse. It takes some getting used to, but Apple is of the opinion that users who *need* more than one button will get a mouse that has that feature, and users who do not shouldn't be burdened with it.

2. Network Administration:

I cannot speak much for multiplatform networks, but my father's law firm was spending about $30,000 per year supporting a network of 30 Windows PCs. This was unacceptable, and my father (who is computer literate, but no networking guru) converted the entire office to the Mac, installed an Appleshare server, added 20 new machines and the whole system works fine. They have spent a grand total of $348 replacing a hard drive that broke (physically because of age) Now instead of spending 30k a year on support they buy 10k worth of new machines each year and give the old ones either to employees or to charity. A good deal.

3. Software Availability:

Name one. (excluding games) I will find you either the program or an equivalent for the mac. How many programs do you use? 10? 15? maybe 50 if you are a real power user... there are plenty for the mac.

I am not saying windows PCs are worthless, I am simply refuting claims that the mac is in some way inferior. It is not.

- Bill

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PC - Expandability/Customizability

Mac - Reliability/Stability

That is the whole platform wars in a nutshell. Yes there are exceptions, yes you CAN expand a Mac, yes you CAN have a stable PC yada yada... but in terms of GENERAL TRENDS... the whole stupid arguement comes down to the above.

That would make it a matter of personal preference... and not worth bickering about wink.gif

sorry, had to chime in


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