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Suggestion to ease management for QB's with lots of infantry

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I find that when I have a huge company/battalion of infantry, once the scenario-setup starts, I immidiately begin putting them into tightly packed platoons. Putting each platon leader in the middle, and the other 3 or 4 units real close around him. This way I can much more effectively manage all these squads easier.

When I create a scenario I do the same thing for inital placements, so thos eplaying have an easier time seeing and moving platoons.

BTS - Is it possible for you to update the code so that infantry platoons are grouped closer together upon startup of a QB? This would make management of companies and battalions so much easier in the long run...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jpinard:

I find that when I have a huge company/battalion of infantry, once the scenario-setup starts, I immidiately begin putting them into tightly packed platoons. Putting each platon leader in the middle, and the other 3 or 4 units real close around him. This way I can much more effectively manage all these squads easier.

When I create a scenario I do the same thing for inital placements, so thos eplaying have an easier time seeing and moving platoons.

BTS - Is it possible for you to update the code so that infantry platoons are grouped closer together upon startup of a QB? This would make management of companies and battalions so much easier in the long run...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I do the same, but not in packed groups. I tend to spread them out about as far as I would when moving them, and put the in a V shape(squads on points of the V, platoon near the bottom to avoid contact). The reason I do this is I hate moving reinforcements before they're needed, and if you don't unpack the platoons and the opponent shells on or near thier position, one good shell can weaken the platoon to below fighting strength.

And, I agree that the weird spread out way the units come in a QB is annoying. I always get the squad on the far right having thier HQ on the far left.

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What you guys are talking about is simply platoon movement formations. The V is most common for when contact is expected to the front. And yes I too would like to see units better grouped at setup. I have quit playing the larger scenarios simply because I dread the long drawn out process of putting platoons in formation, companies in formation, assigning support weapons, etc. I realize BTS isnt going to want to line my boys up per the latest in Infantry TTP's but at least clumping them together in groups that correlate with the TO&E purchase chart would be a great help.

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Guest Michael emrys

The way I deal with this is first to go through the entire OOB with the + and - keys to see who the hot platoon leaders are. Then I go through the line-up again picking them and their squads out and placing them for the tough jobs. Then I put the remaining squads in supporting positions. Then I distribute the support heavy weapons in the manner that looks tactically best. Finally, I place any vehicles. Using the + and - keys makes this a lot easier and insures that I overlook no-one.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ScoutPL:

but at least clumping them together in groups that correlate with the TO&E purchase chart would be a great help.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Double clicking on each of the platoon leaders will select their entire platoons (and any nearby support weapons) so you can at least move the groups where you want them, but I agree that it would be nice to have them grouped a little better. When they wrap it's a little annoying: one squad at one edge and the rest of the platoon at the opposite edge.

The thing that is a bigger pain is distributing the support weapons (if you buy a battalion for example). You have to go and pick each mmg and assign it etc. If the game did this automatically, then someone else would complain that it's a big pain to create a super assault platoon of 8 MG42s.

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Better yet, what about a popup menu showing available units visible while a key is pressed so that when you enter a QB, you can press and select a unit you want to place from this menu rather than scanning all over the field for them. Move to that good spot, press and hold the key, choose a unit or units from the pool, release the key, and place.

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Guest Michael emrys

Sure. I got no problem with that. biggrin.gif

Now all ya gotta do is sell BTS on the idea. Give you a hint: don't use the word r***er in your presentation. wink.gif


[This message has been edited by Michael emrys (edited 09-24-2000).]

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Maybe this is a good place for an idea I had. Say like, if you have no unit selected and you hit the plus key, it takes you to the first unit, OK? A-0 or B-0 or whatever. My idea is, have other buttons that will take you directly to T-1 (teams) and V-1 (vehicules). This a compromise solution to not having a r***er smile.gif but using this idea in conjunction with the plus key should allow you to get to any unit rather quickly. As it is now, when I want to find a lost 60mm mortar I find a team, ANY team, click on him, and go + and - from there. This idea would simply be a button that would take you directly to the first one in the 'class'. From there you would just hit + until you found him. Whaddya think?


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How about creating deployment templates?

By that I mean...

A simple graphical utility, perhaps in the map making menu, that allows the user to create formations for various infantry (maybe armour too) units and have them available during deployment. For example create a template called 'Extended line' during its creation you could select squads from the unit and set up the spacing and relative positions you wanted. Another template could be 'Wedge', 'Vee' and so on.

Then, when you deploy your units these templates could be invoked and one selected. Of course some minor details need to be addressed, for example not all platoons have the same number of units, so 5 unit platoon templates would not map easily onto say 7 units platoons. But having a quickly invoked list of options would be useful, certainly in set-up and perhaps also during the game. During the game micro management could be (optionally) bypassed and a formation template selected. This perhaps simulating the pltn co giving an order... 'Extended line' .

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by deanco:

Whaddya think?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've got no big problem with this either, but I think it would be less useful than the pop-up menu idea.


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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiloIndiaAlpha:

How about creating deployment templates?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So solly; no likee.

I think this one would likely be too much work for Charles to implement and would be of limited usefulness. I'd rather see him working on something else.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys:

So solly; no likee.

I think this one would likely be too much work for Charles to implement and would be of limited usefulness. I'd rather see him working on something else.


How have you concluded that it would be too much work for Charles to implement?

On what basis do you assert that it would be of limited usefulness?

(Not flaming, just curious smile.gif )

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiloIndiaAlpha:

How have you concluded that it would be too much work for Charles to implement?

On what basis do you assert that it would be of limited usefulness?

(Not flaming, just curious smile.gif )<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I dunno, just seems like it would be something that would take a while to program since it's adding a whole new feature rather than just tweaking an old one.

And as for its usefulness, I can't imagine ever using it. Maybe someone else would; you could take a poll.

I guess this is an opportune moment to repeat something I posted in another thread a couple weeks ago. I don't intend anything I post to squelch anybody's ideas or inhibit discussion. I'm not trying to intimidate anybody (not that I imagine I'd be very successful at that anyway smile.gif) or throw my weight around (as if I had any!).

Everybody's got an opinion, and I'm not shy about expressing mine. biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by Michael emrys (edited 09-26-2000).]

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Well, for myself, this is the one thing I have to do EVERY time I play a game, and is the most tedious by far.

It just doesn't seem like the placement of infantry would need that much code-tweaking. The codes already there. This is the only thing about CM (in the entire game) that I would like made better. Every else is just great.

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This topic has been touched upon before in previous threads, ie, management of large number of units. Various suggestions have been offered and I'm sure Steve and Charles are well aware of the suggestions that have been made. Time will only tell if some kind of management "feature" will be implemented.





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