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Ok, to take a little pressure off of us while we all wait in anticipation for the game I pose this question. If you were a german or american who served during WW2 and were allowed to choose a weapon (respective sides) what one would you choose.

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A Mark 2 WAV with the enhanced front sponsons.

But seriously, either a P-51E Mustang or an F4U Corsair. Always wanted to be a fighter jockey; too bad I'm blind as a bat.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

[This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 06-14-2000).]

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Guest Pillar


Good firepower, mobile. Not the type of weapon that makes everyone want to kill you.. (Ie. Mg-42 or any other Machine Gun emplacement).

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My choice:

SchwereinfanteriesturmspĆ¼le, SdKfz 988 Ausf.Z(44r) H

If someone manages to make a picture from Germanboy's invention I'll print it on some of my T-Shirts.

Some of the latest posts here on the forum convinced me, that it is impossible to drink anything while reading.

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Though one!

MP44 ranks the highest for all purpose.

MG42 Squad level.......Best MG. Germany has the MG3 now and it is almost the same.

PanzerFaust-Antitank, light & very effective.

P-38, personal side arm if I couldn't get the MP44 or MP40.

Hope that is what you were looking for. biggrin.gif

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Well as a German, I'd definately want a MP44 for its long range stopping power.

As an American, I'd take a BAR. Portable .20 cal (or is it 20mm?) MG. What do you think mows down the poor German infantry in the Demo?


Finally........Maximus...has come back.....to the Forum!!!

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Guest grunto

i've got to go with the BAR... that german slug (7.92, 7.94?) was a 'pansy pellet' compared to 30.06... -g-


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From the German perspective I'll add to the many votes for the first assault rifle, the MP44.

If I were US, I'd avoid the Reising like the plague... I'd probably opt for the Thompson.

British or Commonwealth: The Bren for sure.

Russia I'd go for the incredibly sturdy submachinegun of theirs. Was it the PPSH or something like that?


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Guest Rollstoy

German Volkssteinschleuder Ausf. E (late) or the Austrian equivalent Schwere Stoaschlatz '44.

Favourite vehicle, by the way: Vierlings-Donnerbalken auf SturmspĆ¼le 44! (Yes, I know there was another thread for vehicles, exclusively).

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Guest smbutler

For some reason I'm fascinated with light armour, esp recon av's. But they were moving coffins for the most part.

I'd have to say, though, that the ARMY would prefer to issue me a muzzle. After two days of sleeping in the field and no baths, cocktails, appetizers, etc., I'd begin to bitch so loud the Krauts (no offense intended) could hear me for miles.

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For vehicles: the Puma (don't recall what SdKfz it was (SdKfz 234 ? ))

For weapons the 'HitlesƤge', MG42 but with improved bolt and reduced ROF. 1800 rounds of 7.92mm should take care of most things. Very good on tanks with 'gegossenen' (build as a single piece in a foundry?) turrets. That makes them ring like a curchbell and could get the crew ear and nose bleeding, thus panicing them smile.gif


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1) MP44

2) MP40, in order of preference. Finns had a nice little tommy-gun, too- Suomi?

P38 for sidearm, second choice the nice FN Browning Hi-Power.

As a sniper I would have been happy with either a K98 (one of the Czech ones) or a Springfield '03.

I don't know how many above have carried a BAR around for a while, but I am way too lazy to want to live with that thing.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schugger:

My choice:

SchwereinfanteriesturmspĆ¼le, SdKfz 988 Ausf.Z(44r) H

If someone manages to make a picture from Germanboy's invention<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

INVENTION??!!!! Why you unbelieving catatonic lycanthrophic semi-habilitated hidebound sorry excuse for a slackass posterboy!

There are numerous well-documented occasions on which the only thing shoring up the German frontline was the SchwereinfanteriesturmspĆ¼le, SdKfz 988 Ausf.Z(44r) H, in the East and in the West. Even someone as bereft of any knowledge as Ethan admits to that! Or, actually, he better... And other elucidated posters with personal frontline exposure, veterans par excellence have related the magnificent use to which the Allied derivatives of this superior piece of weaponry were put at all fronts, it being a unique piece of equipment, deriving its design principles from the Eierlegende Wollmilchsau Sdkfz. 751/B (LT).

Invention my arse!

Now you may go and wipe your screen.



The powers of accurate perception are often called cynicism by those who do not possess them. (forgot who said it)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by desert fox:

Ok, to take a little pressure off of us while we all wait in anticipation for the game I pose this question. If you were a german or american who served during WW2 and were allowed to choose a weapon (respective sides) what one would you choose. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If I'm German armor, the Panther tank; American, a Pershing or the deepest hole I can find.

If I'm German infantry, any submachine gun; American, the Garand or Thomson.

If I'm a company or battalion commander in either army, as much artillery as I can get as often as I can get it.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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