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New Sceanrio/Operations Section Activated on CMHQ! Complete with a Wild Bill Scenario

Guest Madmatt

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Guest Madmatt

Thats right! We have jumped on the Scenarios and Operation bandwagon and opened our own section. We will be taking a slightly different approach and featuring Tactical Overviews from each side as writtten by Fionn Kelly. Since this could be spoiler type info there are links to these overviews from the Scenario Briefings page. We think you will like how we have done this! This first downloadable scenario is now up and is based on some of the exploits of a US Sherman tank ace.

Many people are asking about the release of the MDMP-1 and all I can say is its coming soon and continuing to be updated.

What I CAN say is its currently broken down into TWO packs. One Graphics Pack (about 12mb's) and one Sound Pack (17mb's). Each of these can be downloaded as a single file or in chunks for ease.

We got you covered!



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CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission

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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 06-18-2000).]

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Outstanding Matt, you continue to take care of us even before the game is in our hands (excepting, of course, that swine GhostOne frown.gif). And thanks for the downloading options as well, those of us without high speed connections need the help when DLing relatively large files.

Whoa, spoke too soon it seems. I just tried to DL the scenario. I went to the Scenarios/Operations link, then clicked on the Maastrich scenario. It went to a blank page and stopped. Mind you I'm using a SPOP browser (steaming pile of poo, AKA Netscape) so that might be the problem.


[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 06-18-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

Use 'Save link As' and just name the file with a .cmb extension. You should be ok. Scenarios and Operations are VERY small encrytped text files (.CMC for Operations and .CMB for Scenarios) your browser may not understand the extension. You could IRRC even save it as a text file then just rename the extension as indictaed above and it should still work...

Perhaps I will just 'ZIP UP' all future files...



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission

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Guest Madmatt

Oh, wait a second. You are only seeing a BLANK PAGE when you follow the MAASTRICHT link??



I'll see what I can do...Standby!



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission

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Guest Madmatt

Ok, since all my versions of Netscape NEVER show a problem I either fixed it or made it worse!

Someone (anyone!) with Netscape please try the Maastricht page and Briefings and let me know if they are working for you!




If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission

Combat Mission HQ


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

Thats right! We have jumped on the Scenarios and Operation bandwagon and opened our own section. We will be taking a slightly different approach and featuring Tactical Overviews from each side as writtten by Fionn Kelly. Since this could be spoiler type info there are links to these overviews from the Scenario Briefings page. We think you will like how we have done this! This first downloadable scenario is now up and is based on some of the exploits of a US Sherman tank ace.

Many people are asking about the release of the MDMP-1 and all I can say is its coming soon and continuing to be updated.

What I CAN say is its currently broken down into TWO packs. One Graphics Pack (about 12mb's) and one Sound Pack (17mb's). Each of these can be downloaded as a single file or in chunks for ease.

We got you covered!



Whoa! eek.gif

You know that scenario Maastricht tanks? I live 5 mins from the city of Masstricht Mat. smile.gif

I live in the Netherlands now and have been touring all the battle grounds I can. If anyone has a question please ask and I'll try to answer it if I can,or research it and get back to you.


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Guest Madmatt

Err, I WILL NOT let one of my threads become some sorta of lame assed Browser war. All I want to know is if Netscape displays the page correctly? Ok?!?

Are we clear or should I just shut the whole damn website down?


p.s. At first this was meant to be taken light heartedly but the more I see how this entire forum is becoming a cesspit of annoying repetitive trite I start to wonder...


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission

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Can you find me a copy of a 1944 Nijmegen - Arnhem map, at 1/32000 or better?

I want to build MAPS but don't have a historically accurate basis for them. (I could use the Close Combat ones, but I doubt those are accurate).

I *almost* had someone in the Netherlands ship me a couple, but he asked why I wanted them and then when I mentioned CM he stopped communicating. I don't know why -- maybe he is busy photocopying them for me, but I doubt it.


e-mail is lori.pat@ns.sympatico.ca

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Guest Madmatt

ehh..Never mind..I told someone to blow me, then reconsidered...



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission

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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 06-18-2000).]

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Matt, thanks, the scenario shows up fine now.

I figured you would want to know if it didn't work for Netscape despite personal preferences smile.gif. I use it because I'm used to it. I have both browsers but as a creature of habit I prefer Netscape. But what the hell do I know, I returned X-Com to the store because I didn't like it.


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Guest Madmatt

Thanks Joe, my earlier frustration wasn't directed at you, just the overall noise to signal ratio that seems to be prevailing on the forum at this time.

The thing with Netscape seems to be in my useage of tables that either have backgrounds in the cell or some sort of nice colored border. Look at the same page in Netscape and IE and you wont believe the difference.

The MAJOR problem I have with Netscape is in its lack of consistancy. In order to check my page I have FOUR copies of Netscape installed and sometimes (like with the Maastricht page) it looks fine on all my versions but someone will say that can;t see anything.

I have even had a friend load a page in his copy of Netscape (4.73) which I also have and on his system he couldn't see something but on mine I CAN!!! Talk about frustrating! I thought all my troubles would be solved when I got Netscape 6 but that seems to have more bugs than not and most people just passed it by which is a shame as it finally supports all of the IE/Frontpage table and text effects.

Oh well...



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission

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Hey MadMatt, I took a look at the scenario and Fionn's commentaries (spoils the scenario for me, but I was curious to see what they looked like). I think it's a great way to do things. After playing a scenario blind, it will be very helpful to have Fionn's comments, to see what we did wrong (or to pat ourselves on the back for doing it right). I don't know how he'll keep up with all the scenarios (and perhaps commentary will only be available for some), but it's a terrific idea. Thanks!

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