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OT:Favorite War Movie

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zulu dawn.incorrect uniforms and weapons and poor dialogue,cy endfield who did zulu died before zulu dawn was made,however the film stands out for the attack at the camp,whilst they didnt have the 20000 that the zulus did,it portrays the assault brilliantly.

cross of iron is for me the best world war 11 film,spr is ok for the first 30 mins but becomes a bit hollywood after that,typical mix of men,bad germans etc etc

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Guest Mirage2k

Someone mentioned "Fail-Safe." I've just watched that movie in Physics (we're not doing anything really important now that APs and finals are over). I found it a tad unrealistic. Shouldn't it be impossible to contact the bombers anyway? Presumably they'd be under some sort of EMCON procedure. The fact that the "big board" showed the exact position of every Soviet plane is kind of weird too.

But if you're into that sort of end-of-the-world thing, I'd suggest reading Tom Clancy's "The Sum Of All Fears." It's about a terrorist nuclear device (recovered from a downed Israeli aircraft) that is used against Denver, almost starting WWIII when both sides overreact and a full-scale battle begins in Berlin (this is all after the wall came down, too, so it's kind of interesting). Very good, very realistic. Eric L. Harry's "Arc Light" is along those lines, too.


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My fav is "Die Brücke" (The Bridge), directed by Bernhard Wicki.

It's the movie where in the last days of WWII a group of young german boys (not all of them Hitlerjugend) get the order to defend a small (and unimportant) bridge against US forces.

No SFX, black/white, but a masterpiece and a classic.


[This message has been edited by Fred (edited 06-16-2000).]

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Wow...quite a thread, my £0.10:

1) The Battle Of Britain

(no-one could do anything like it again)

2) Waterloo

(no love interest gives added wow factor)

3) Gettysburg

(Stunning cinemagraphy and great dialogue throughout)

4) The Eagle Has Landed

"Difficult decisions are the honour of rank!"

5) Piece Of Cake - superb controversial dialogue but aerial sequences reinforce my comment for Movie 1 above

6) SPR - speechless, great story, great movie

7) Braveheart - hey I`m English but you gotta love this movie

8) Gladiator - Roman epic of courage and honour

9) Bridge Too Far - the foxhunting horns sounding in the distance near the Arnhem bridge are haunting..

10) The Sharpe Series - Sean Bean is great - he even talks with my accent ;)


"No Regrets"

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Glad to see Zulu, Gettysburg and Bridge too Far made it up there in a few other people's lists.

I have studiously avoided Thin Red Line under advice. SPR was outstanding for the first 20 minutes, then turned into hollywood tripe if you ask me. It wouldn't make my top ten for sure, and I really think it was over-rated.

Bryll Cream Boys deserves a mention, because, although not a good movie, it certainly puts another slant on things! Kelly's Heroes, Starship Troopers go in for light relief. BAT-21 was enjoyable, as were Red October and Crimson Tide for a little nautical stuff, but CT would rank as 11th behind Das Boot.

1941 completes my top ten.

I note that the furore over U571 has gotten as far as the British Parliament and the PM. They seem a mite miffed...(And well they should be if you ask me). FineScale Modeller this month had an article on the U571 model. I was intruiged to note that the torpedoes were not computer-animated or cartoons!

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Ok how bout The bridges at Toko-Ri? I liked that movie alot. Quite different now days, just point a laser at the spot and boom no fuss no muss.

Not really a war movie but since it does take place on a Greek isle in WW2, Mediterraneo the story of a group of Italian's who lose contact with their army and are stranded on the isle with the Greeks. Very nice film but NOT an action war movie by any means

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I wonder why tss hasn't already

posted about

Tuntematon Sotilas (The unknown soldier) and Talvisota (winter war).

Tuntematon Sotilas gets extra bonus for using real live antitank mines

for pyrotechnics. smile.gif

In addition;

Apocalypse now


Das Boot

Thin RL

Maybe "walk in the sun", depending on if

it was the one where

a bunch of yanks spent half the film trying to attack a house with

a couple of MG42's. (that film was great)

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1.Das Boot

2.Human Condition (12 hrs I will never forget)

3.Fires on the Plain (gets me hungry every time I see a pod, I mean monkey)

4.Guy Sajer's "The Forgotten Soldier" (should be a movie)

5.The Bridge (Trees are good for snipers, maybe, & shooting @ P51s should be from the kneeling position)

No not cliche': Private Ryan (If I want exaggeration, I just pick the first American authored book on WWII I can find - "We destroyed 8 Tigers with our shovels...")

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