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Question for all you Canucks out there, I have a friend in Greece who has a shirt with a map of North America that reads, bottom to top, "Mexico", "United States" and "Yooperland". Any idea why the Greeks started calling Canadia "Yooperland"?


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

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I bet you that shirt was actually from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (where I'm originally from). Yooper is a slang term in that region for the local people. Yooper, as in "UP" of Michigan. I've seen shirts sold to tourists in the area that show Mexico, and the US to scale, and then an exaggerated "UP" to the north indicated the significance of this sparsely populated area. Kind of a local joke.

Are there any other Yoopers out there playing CM, or am I the only one?

[This message has been edited by Mannheim Tanker (edited 09-14-2000).]

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Nope, sorry, a Buckeye here, but through the residence of all other family members in the Badger State, I'm becomed acquainted with "Da Yoopers" and their attempt to secede from Michigan and leave it with the "Mitten". wink.gif

How was it one of their songs went?....

"Dashing through the snow....in my rusty Chevrolet....."

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I should be ashamed that I know this, but I'm pretty sure Da Yoopers didn't do "Da Tirty Point Buck". They did "Da Second Week of Deer Camp". I think 30 point buck is funnier though...maybe BTS should include that over-under-double-barrel-uzi-heat-seeking-shotgun in CM2! LOL! Any of you guys been to da UP? If so, where?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Diceman:

Think CM could model the weapon used to shoot at that "30 point buck"? Who did that song anyway? They play it every deer season up there.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LOL, I first heard that while pumping gas at a self-serve up there, on my way to go deer hunting around Iron River. It was freezing but I stuck around to hear the whole thing (I didn't know the radio was going to play it once an hour for the balance of the trip).

I have a game right now where I could use the triple-barreled laser-guided buck blaster (forget the rest of the specifications).

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HI Mannheim, I am from that great state of Sconsin (Wisconsin to those who haven't been). I still say we should just march up there and annex that land. I here there be gold up there. Not to mention It wouldn't cost as much for a hunting license. smile.gif



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Cheese heads!!!!! Charge!!!!!!!!!

Hey I'm originally from Milwaukee, so I'm not quite in Yooperland, even though I have heard the band The Yoopers. OT, Packers ain't doin' too good this yer, ya know.

I'm stationed with the USAF here in the UK, so cheers, mates!



"The Lieutenant brought his map out and the old woman pointed to the coastal town of Ravenoville........"

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Teutonicc, I think most Yoopers would be allow you to peacefully march in and annex the Sudetenland, er, I mean UP wink.gif Beside, most people there are Packer fans anyway. I think most Yoopers identify themselves more with northern Wisconsin (Green Bay on north) than with lower Michigan, which is inhabited by "Trolls" - because they're under the (Mackinac) bridge.

We'll still charge you the $100 for an out-of-state hunting license, though (which is what I have to pay since I now live in Louisiana) frown.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker:

Any of you guys been to da UP? If so, where?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

From Detroit area originally, but the UP was the playground of choice...

Iron River for rifle, Escanaba for a little of everything and walligators, Brevoort (NO one knows where that is) for grouse and archery, Carp River for salmon, the Soo & Mackinac for women (worked on the ferry for a summer job smile.gif ).

Greatest place in the world except for black flies, skeeters, January through March, and the economy, eh?

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Skeets ARE the State Bird...Don't forget about the infamous "snow snakes". In case you haven't heard of these: Many of the prison guards in the UP (Detroit likes to ship many of their inmates up to us) tell the new inmates to beware of the snow snakes, and they often point to their trails in the melting snow. What they are pointing to are actually the remains of tunnels dug by voles, rabbits and other critters smile.gif

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MT said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Skeets ARE the State Bird...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Listen, you carpetbeggar, Lousy-anna had the skeeter as State Bird firstest. Plus poison ivy is the State Flower, and the fire ant is the State Critter. Plus we got better prisons here. How many movies, documentaries, and congressional investigations have there been of Yooper prisons, as opposed to Angola? I rest my case biggrin.gif



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Guest Michael emrys

Speaking of skeeters, I heard that one lit on the ramp of a USAAF base in Alaska during the War, and a mechanic pumped 300 gallons of avgas into it before he realized that it wasn't a P-38. tongue.gif


[This message has been edited by Michael emrys (edited 09-14-2000).]

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I remember the story of a prison riot in Marquette (state pen) over being fed road-kill deer (abundant in MI, and the state cops bring 'em in).

Having personally eaten road-kill deer, I don't understand what the beef was (HAHAHA)...

Loosiana is the UP without the charm... or the teeth (some room for disagreement there)... or the snow... and when your skeeters have 4 months a year to make a living, they are HIGHLY motivated.

Black flies don't connect with southerners- this is something entirely different than a housefly. More of a pit-gnat with jaws, and where there's one there's a million. They can burger an ungloved hand before you can say DEET, please. Canada, Alaska, and the northernmost tier of states are their hosts.

They are naturally drawn to the Peng thread.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>There ARE lots of deer down here, but they're just cute, tiny things. Nothing worth shooting at<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Mostly we shoot them to keep them from eating crops and flower beds, and being road hazards. Damn vermin, worse than rabid SS Gerbilgrenadiers.

Plus, they make good alligator bait, and what's left is good for crayfish bait.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Black flies don't connect with southerners<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

They know better. If they don't break their teeth on our thick hides, they suffer spontaneous bug combustion from the amount of hotsauce in our blood smile.gif. Even the dreaded Highland Midge gives me a wide berth.

Down here, however, we have Southern flies that have co-evolved with us and can handle this stuff. Deerflies in massive swarms and smaller formations of the much larger hossflies. The skeeters get more press due to numbers and all the yankees they kill with fever, but IMHO the hossfly is the true ruler of the skies. They've been known to carry off small childern.

But the bug that I find most annoying is the lovebug. These things don't bite nor seem to damage crops, but they are a serious threat to travellers. Twice each summer, such as right now, they swarm by the billion over hot surfaces like roads, mating on the wing. You hit so many that you have to stop every 5-10 miles and clean your windshield just to be able to see. Plus wash them off the fenders because their blood quickly ruins your paintjob. And don't even think about motorcycling unless you like the nasty taste of the things and don't mind feeling sandblasted.

They are also attracted to white objects in the evening, such as your house, which they will completely cover. Next morning, they'll mostly be dead, leaving ankle-deep drifts on your walkways for you to track on the carpet.

Nothing (except bikers) eats these things. The swallows, martins, and dragonflies all stay clear and spiders abandon their webs and build new ones when they get full of lovebugs. Fire ants won't even touch the corpses on the ground. And as the great mounds of them rot in the hot sun, they release a very putrid funk.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I gotta wash my car tomorrow before I lose my paint job! Any other advice for this carpetbagger?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Better wash the car ASAP. It only takes a couple hours for the acid in their blood to discolor the paint.

As for advice on Southern bugs in general, I recommend you drink a LOT of homebrew beer or, if that's too much work, eat a lot of brewer's yeast pills. Apparently, some sort of vitimin B found in these products is a natural bug repellant. What your body can't absorb is sweated out all over your skin, keeping bugs away.

Also, start putting Tabasco on everything you eat, liberally. Not only is this also good for you, it makes you taste bad to most bugs. So if the vitimin B doesn't keep them away, at least they'll only take a nibble before giving up. Eat enough hotsauce and they'll explode in flames wink.gif



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now if I can only learn to cope with the 120 degree heat index.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, for starters, don't become a fireman until after you've acclimatized smile.gif. To acclimatize, pack several quarts of Gatoraid and just go walk around in it between 1400 and 1600 for a week. Then try to cut the grass during that time. Gradually build up to fighting fires in full bunker gear in that timeframe biggrin.gif



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bullethead:

Also, start putting Tabasco on everything you eat, liberally. Not only is this also good for you, it makes you taste bad to most bugs. Eat enough hotsauce and they'll explode in flames wink.gif


That was one great Tobasco commercial ... the one with the guy sitting on his porch eating pizza doused with sauce, when the skeeter lands .... the rest is history.

I'm an Air Force brat by birth, Sconsinite by upbringing and have spent a short time in LA (not Calif). I well know the skeeters in both. Fortunately, have avoided the love bugs.

Bullethead: Many thanks again for the lesson on arty.


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?" — Oddball

"Crap." — Moriarty

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 09-15-2000).]

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