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CM versus Panzer Elite?

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Well..it is another tank sim, BUT it is the best and has the most potential of ALL tank sims. You are really locked in the tank in PE and cant really control the other platoons.

In CM you are giving personal orders to all units, tanks, etc under your command.


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For WW2 tank sims, Panzer Elite is the best out there. Having said that, the manual sucked, the learning curve is steep, it is buggy, the AI has problems, infantry graphics are poor and the infantry AI is lousy. One thing that really sucks is the nosave feature. By that I mean if you die or are disabled its game over. You can't jump to another tank.

Combat Mission, with the "alpha" demo that came out last year is a terific game as it stands. It has a few minor bugs that BTS has already fixed. They have also GREATLY enhanced the game - go to Madmatts site combathq.thegamers.net to see what the game is now compared to the demo.

The demos AI is very very good, even better now. Graphics greatly improved, there's a scenario editor/builder etc. etc etc.

CM is easliy going to be the benchmark for wargaming.

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Mr Zulu

I agree with your post somewhat but you havent seen the the manual for CM so why go on your 'this sucks that sucks' tangeant?

The initial post was how the games compare. If anything you can compare the demos really. Unless you have access to the playtesting of CM.

I believe that Wings is going to improve PE now that they have the bugs out. You are a bit cloudy with your game save reference. People have said they want to be able to jump to another tank ( I guess if the commander is alive) but they also want to be able to save the game so that they can stop at a point and pick it up later.

So its apples and oranges and sour grapes it seems. But this board should be about CM shouldn't it? Pissy sniping should be used for Talonsoft and Close Combat.


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Guest Seimerst

Two different approaches, two different design concepts equal two different games. PE (as stated in this thread) is a very detailed WWII tank sim-- perhaps the best out there. That is not to say it doesn't have some problems. I enjoy it-- they have some great ideas and an interesting interface. Go to their web site and subscribe to the PE Development Group and you will find some very interesting threads from some very knowledgable posters. I think many of the regular crew here must post there too.

HOWEVER... the beta demo of CM is a far, far better game if you want the best small untit tactical WWII sim out there. So think how great the CM will be when it hits the streets. And I mean simulation versus a game. Ten years from now, I think we will still have CM on whatever will be the equivalent of our hard drives.

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His exact words were "I haven't downloaded Combat Mission yet (will tonight), but I'm curiuos how it compares to Panzer Elite. So far, I'm quite impressed with Panzer Elite, so CM may have a lot to live up to. Anyone care to share their impressions?"

The way I interpreted this was he was asking for a comparison between PE and CM. As there is only the CM demo out, logically the comparison is between PE and the CM demo. If you want a comparison between PE demo and CM demo, I can do that but IMHO the PE demo was pretty bad, especially when you compare it with the CM demo. Also, it is pretty easy to understand where CM is at now or at least where the playtesters are at by reading comments on this board and visiting Madmatts & Fionn's site. CM demo + improvements = Great game!

As to your reference to me saying "this sucks, that sucks", I specifically used that term to refer to 2 things, the manual and the Nosave feature. The manual is missing a lot of things. Fact - You have to go to the PE site and download information on how to use the gunsites properly. This was something that should have been included with the manual, not posted on a website. Fact - And even Teut admits problems with the Nosave, something that might be addressed in an Expansion Pack.

You said "Wings is going to improve the game now that they have the bugs out". Fact - the game was buggy when released. This tells me that the game was rushed out (to get Xmas sales). Thankfully CM will be released when its ready, not to prop up sales or meet some suits marketing schedule.

And your last comment indicates you would like to set yourself up as a censor for this board. Gaffertape asked "If anyone would like to share their impressions?". Which I did so. You are the one who's doing the pissy sniping. Show me where I was wrong in my evaluatuion of PE.

If this board were exclusively about CM as you would like it, we would only have about 2000 posts in here, not the 25,000 +. I have learned a lot of facts about WWII, plus a variety of other subjects in here from a lot of posters. I hope to continue to see a wide variety of posts. That's one of the things that makes this forum really interesting.

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Yes you shared your "impressions" and I took you up on it.

He said he was impressed by PE. You have to slight PE because of some reason. That was my impression. You continue to attack Wings and PE in your next post like you are out to prove something. Some people are just bitchy in nature I guess.

Just as the games are different so are the companies making them. Why you are throwing that into the mix is beyond me.

HEY IF YOU ARE IMPRESSED WITH PE YOU WILL BE BLOWN AWAY BY CM!!!!. Theres something you could have said, but it wouldnt have let you spew off some whiny little comments would it?

As for me setting myself up as a censor ... can't you come up with anything better than that? You are totally sold on the fact that CM is going to be bug free and absolutely perfect. Luckily I have a sense of humor and a realistic outlook on life..


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Whiny little comments and pissy sniping seems to be your forte Username.

It seems you like flaming instead of answering questions. If you get off of your PE pedestal, maybe you might answer my questions about where I was wrong in the assessment of PE.

Was it released early? Yes.

Was it buggy? Yes.

Was the manual missing many things needed to properly play the game? Yes.

Are there still problems with PE? Yes. (See Teuts posts)

Would it have been a much better game it they had waited and released it when it was ready? Yes.

Limiting topics to strictly your idea of relationship to CM = censorship.

I've got PE and like it better that Panzer Commander, but it has problems that show it was rushed out the door.

I would hate to see what you were like if you luckily did not have a sense of humor and a realistic outlook on life.

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Guest MantaRay

Personally I love both games, but it is hard to really compare the two. It would really be that one is Star Wars, and the other Terminator. Once you get into to each game, you can pretty much be immersed for quite a while.

As of this moment, I like PE much better than CM for only one reason. CM is not out yet. After CM comes out I will have to go in its direction simply because it is the best wargame on the market, and even if they released the demo version with 40 missions, it would still make any wargame its lackey.




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<font color=red size=+1>Tonights main event on the battlefront.com battleforum: in the red corner the mighty zuuuUUUULUUU1 and in the blue corner the incredible uuuUSERNAAAAAME! This is going to be a tough fight ladies and gentlemen...</font>

<font size=-1><cite>sorry, couldn't resist...</cite>

cool down, both of you. I really can't see how it's possible to jump at each others throat over 'discussing' the differences between two games that are a)from completely different genres and B) one of them isn't even out yet.

So what do you want to do? Post and repost and snipe and flame until this post has to be locked up or just behave like the mature persons you surely are and get back to normal business?? (..or you join forces to flame me, hehe smile.gif )

just my 2p

<font size=-2>putting on flame-proof vest</font>

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Wow... Had no idea my innocent post would become a theatre of war in itself. Anyway - I downloaded the game, and am now falling asleep at work because I was playing CM all night. I still like PE, but I feel that I have discovered the biggest comparative difference (in my opinion). By having no control whatsoever of infantry (and limited control of your wingmen) in PE, tanks often got butchered in built up areas. CM gives one the ability to move in a combined force of infantry and armour which is the only tactically sound way to go about it.

Needless to say I am very impressed. Took me right back to playing Squad Leader, but this time it was up close and personal.

One question for the makers: (and no, I'm not asking when the release is) Will this game be available at retailers or strictly as an on-line sale?

Thanks to you all,


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The post was about someone who liked PE and was curious about how it compared to CM.

You took it as "Whats your complaints about PE". Maybe thats your nature. So YOU leap on your bitch pedastal. I am just defending a product that HAS been improved AND is being improved as YOU whine.

I am not "censoring" anyone. I would have to be able to delete messages on this board to do that. So your censorship math equations are somewhat unreasonable also. You just can't accept the fact that someone is showing you to be an chronic complainer.

You also have a negative frustrated tone. Whats that about? LOL Have a nice day Zulu


PS I can't wait for CM to come out and be perfect so you can be uncomplaining about something for once.

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Guest Big Time Software

OK, let's knock off the attacks, there is absolultely no need for it. As for the quality, fun, and accuracy of PE there is room for debate on this elsewhere. And as everybody has said, CM and PE are really two different types of games from the ground up.


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I agree Steve that there is an available forum for PE made available by the designers. I was just defending them here because I percieved them being attacked.

You are correct (as am I and the others that posted) that they really are 2 different genre and cant be compared as such.

I can't wait for the game to come out and be the best documented, bug-free, "all things to all people" game in the history of the universe.



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Guest Zulu1

Apologies to Steve.

Sorry for the dustup that occurred in this thread.

"This hill ain't worth dying for." --> ie. Panzer Elite

However, CM is another story. That's a good hill to fight for. smile.gif

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Guest PeterNZ

Must admit, i don't quite get why Username got so hot under the collar, the other guy just said he didn't like PE for a cpl of reasons, (seemed valid enough to me). And nowhere did the original poster say "please compare PE and CM and please don't say anything bad about PE cos i might get upset so imagine they're both the same game and the same quality and then compare them, ta"

As someone who used to review games weekly, I was more than happy to say "the manual sucks" if it did, and if there wasnt a save, i'd say so if it annoyed me.

The guy was just listing some features and how he felt about them and how they compared to the proposed features of CM. I really don't see how or why that should cause such umbridge.

I think sometimes people here get very sensitive :> Maybe we need a good group therapy session or a big hug, or something :>

PeterNZ - Confused and Amused

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Sorry for your confusion Peter.

I agree with Zulu that "Panzer Elite is the best out there".

I made a point of what I consider rude attacks that belong somewhere else (where they can be addressed by the designers also). Steve agreed with me and I believe alot of others would also. This isnt censorship is it?

Zulu made some sort of apology.

The person that started the thread now can enjoy PE and CM demo.

We will all be treated to CM in the near future because it will have absolutely perfect award winning documentation, completely clear tutorials, a learning curve even a chimp could master blind-folded, no glitches, bugs, hardware conflicts, marketing mistakes, bad cover art,etc.etc.

I will wait till then before saying anything sucks. Or how great something is.

Lets have a race! Will PE be completely fixed before the release of CM? Whose taking bets on this action?


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Guest Zulu1

Hehe kiwi, I was wondering that myself.

Hope you are from NZ.

How's Black Magic doing. Last I heard she was up 3 - 0, but news is kinda sketcky up here.

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