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I have the same system as you except that I have a TNT2 64 with 32 MB. The game runs great, but expect some slowdown in larger scenarios with all options turned on.



Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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I played quite a bit of CM on a lowly P166 with a Voodoo 3 2000 (16M video RAM), and it ran very smooth, except for scenarios with really large maps.

The key is your video card. It seems that pretty much any Pentium based processor will do.


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Hmmm...Just for reference, I have a P2-400

oc'd to 450 recently, with 128mb RAM and a

TNT2 card. I saw no slowdowns or chunkiness

at either speed - after I turned off the

video shadowing in the ROM BIOS, and set the

AGP max transfer size to 256. If you *are*

seeing some slowness, try those two BIOS settings. They worked for me. In fact, the AGP aperture change was reocmmended by my video board maker on a slip in the box - easy to miss but very effective. No guarantee

they won't cause your system to go belly up

and die, but hey, that's just a disclaimer.

These are pretty common tweaks. The AGP cards can usually handle larger texture transfers, so the 256 setting helps smooth

performance, and their memory is usually

faster than main RAM and big enough to do the

job, so ROM shadowing is no longer needed.

Hope this helps.

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Guest Madmatt

Just a quick watchout for you and that Fancy Smancy Voodoo card. BE SURE to get the newest and most up to date drivers for that bad boy.

Some people have reported graphics anomolies with the Voodoo chipset and they are usually fixed with the newest drivers from 3dFX.



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Madmatt sez

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Just a quick watchout for you and that Fancy Smancy Voodoo card. BE SURE to get

the newest and most up to date drivers for that bad boy.

Some people have reported graphics anomolies with the Voodoo chipset and they

are usually fixed with the newest drivers from 3dFX.



My anomalies (i.e. lockups) weren't helped by the latest drivers. I think my combo of Aopen sound card and Voodoo 3 2000 (and who knows what else) was causing the game to lock up. So far turning off the 3D direct sound and turning off the weather (fog causes the game to lock up) seems to have done the trick. I think most people aren't having the same problem as me but I thought I'd let you know.

If I'm ever feeling motivated enough (hey the games working now even though I don't get fog) I'll try switching which PCI slots things are in. Hell, I think I've tried everything else short of wiping the drive and starting over and I do NOT feel like doing that.

Cardinal Fang

Nobody Expects The Spanish Inquisition!

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Giftig; exactly how do you change the ROM BIOS and change the AGP max transfer? I'm a computer novice so you won't bore me with details.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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Yes, one of the great hardware mysteries. I've heard leave it at 64MB, and half your RAM, and now wide open. You know, I haven't had any problems or noticed any difference trying any of those things. The video shadowing in the BIOS is a different story. I get better performance with it set to OFF.

Smoker out.

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exactly which drivers did you download? should i just download a certain one? and ive noticed on most games that it doesnt really matter what your processer speed is as long as you have 3d acceleration turned on,the video card seems to do most of the work itself.

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Oh an don't forget to overclock yer voodoo

i got my little voodoo 3 2000 up from 143 to 170 an there aint nothing it can't do smooth as silk also im running a p2 4oo with the i820 chipset (camino) an while yer at it tweak yer cache setting's with "cacheman"

a really cool piece of free ware!

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