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Guest Capt_Manieri

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<table><tr><td bgcolor=red><font color=black size="-1">pssst, what you DIDN'T know..</font></td><td bgcolor=black><font color=white>..not to forget that Stugs nominally belonged to the artillery and not to the tanks. I suspect they build so much because the arty-snobs wanted to race around with their guns too. *lol*</font></td></tr>


[This message has been edited by Lindan (edited 12-29-99).]

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Guest Capt_Manieri

Hey Fionn,

I'm willing to do a public, After Action Report. Let me know when you are ready and I'll e-mail you the set up for the game. Okay?

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K, but, as I said to you after receiving your turn I ONLY play with FOW ON for a real game...

I was wondering how the hell you knew where my tanks were since I only did the setup turn. Then I opened the file and saw you had FOW OFF. No wonder you're doing ok in other games. Are they being played with zero FOW also? wink.gif.

I'm willing to play with FOW ON if you want a demonstration of how I can use the lack of FOW to crush you even more quickly but it won't be much fun I think.

It would be unsporting BUT if you want to play with FOW off I'll make an exception this once just to prove a point.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Hey Fionn, you think you could fit in another PBEM game? I figure that since the game will be at least late January before it's in my hands (This is MY guess GUYS!,Don't flail me, please... smile.gif ) that this would be as good a time as any to beat the other half of the famed Alpha AAR team.

(Sorry Moon... smile.gif )

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So that's how the little mongrel did it wink.gif

I was wondering how the Captain saw all my StuGs first thing, he had FOW off and I didn't even check redface.gif

Oh well, I did manage to show him how those StuGs work anyway. He may want to retract some of the above, or perhaps ask Steve to just close the thread and lose it somewhere.


desert rat wannabe

[This message has been edited by Goanna (edited 12-30-99).]

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Guest Capt_Manieri

WAIT A SECOND WAIT A DARN MINUTE HERE!!!!! Nobody specified that they when they e-mailed me that they want fog of war on. SPECIFY! You can't just automatically assume that I'll know what you want! Especially if you didn't say anything when we started. Now, when I started with Fionn, he told me right away to put my FOW on. That's cool, but you CAN'T tell me I should have put FOW on when we are 15 turns into the game!

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hey Captain...I have FOG on and I thought that everyone here liked to play with FOG on!

Anyway we arent 15 turns into the game but only one...so if you wish still to play me tell me here and ill send you one more deploy file.

hey BTS...what damned option is this FOW that lets one play with it on and the other with it off?...or we are simply wrong about this topics and the FOG option is set on/off for both players by the guy starting the game?

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Guest Madmatt

Whats all this talk about FOW beign turned off? smile.gif Heheee You mean that could be toggled wink.gif I guess I never thought to try! smile.gif

And YES I AM JOKING! Just goes to show you the difference between an aging gamer like myself and this new breed we see before us...Well, Wild Bill still has me by about 30 years... smile.gif

You know in all my PBEM's I have never even considered checking to see if my opponet was using FOW or not. I mean, why wouldn't you use it?!?

Madmatt out and totally in the FOG!

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Guest Gunnerdream

IMHO, and I certainly don't mean to step on anyone's toes, What could possibly be fun about playing CM(especially against a human opponent) with FOW turned off?

Maybe it's just me, but that actually sounds(GASP!) boring...

Gunnerdream...floating down through the clouds...looking at your entire OOB...

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Well, I think that 99% of people here wouldn't consider playing with FOW off. It's just so boring and "Command and Conquerish" you know?

Also, what's the point in knowing exactly where your enemy is? If I know exactly where they are I'll simply bombard them into oblivion.

In the full game you can sometimes have a LOT of arty given to your forces and if you knew where the enemy was it'd be a simple matter to bombard them into submission.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I suppose you are only counting the 3 beta demo scenarios, eh? wink.gif

Keeping the other games a secret? Sneaky bastard.


Seriuosly, anyone fixing to play Fionn, a word of advice:

Don't let him psyche you out in the e-mail. Ignore him, tell him to shut the hell up! Whatever it takes. I had him beat in Riesberg, took a bad blow to my flank and got flustered... he talked me into a ceasefire when I had him by the nostrils. FoW in this case really did me in, it didn't look like he was taking any casualties, when in fact he was hurt as bad as I. He did a masterful job of disrupting my attack formation though.

The next time we played (an all tank affair, quite fun), I beat him. But not until I took a licking. He is tough but is no superman.


On the subject of FoW. Playing without it turned on, and NOT informing your opponent is dispicable and should have some sort of ramifications. Amazing what's happened to our youth's values.

[This message has been edited by Bil Hardenberger (edited 12-30-99).]

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LOL Bil,

Yup, only the beta demo scenarios. I have lost one game to Martin and lost one game to you. I prefer not counting them cause :

a) I lost and,

B) either the game or the scenario wasn't as finished as it should be.. hehe (any excuse in a storm eh? wink.gif ).

I did draw a game with Mattias though.

Actually I haven't outpsyched anyone else wink.gif. It was just your very "I have a plan and will follow it" conduct which gave me the opening I needed.

I still think I could have won that one and certainly drawn. My infantry beside the road would have rolled you up quickly and left you with umm 2 tanks? and 1.5 platoons of infantry versus about 1 platoon of Germans. It'd have been bloody I'm sure wink.gif

Actually it'd be good to play it in the final version of the game since it will work so much better with the newer AI etc.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I agree with the purists and just assume that FOW was always used when playing against a human. Fionn, can you clarify for me that if the Captain has FOW turned off and I made no settings changes, being the oblivious dumb Australian that I am, that FOW was off for both of us the whole game?

In any case, I don't think it made too much difference in my game with the Captain, he got on the wrong end of being too aggressive with lighter armed US troops. But, that game ain't finished yet.

I am sure Berlichingen is going to jump in here (on me) soon, so I will state for the record right now that I got the short end of the too agressive stick playing him. Ouch, that's gonna leave a mark!


desert rat wannabe

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[This message has been edited by Goanna (edited 12-30-99).]

[This message has been edited by Goanna (edited 12-30-99).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I am sure Berlichingen is going to jump in here (on me) soon, so I will state for the record right now that I got the short end of the too agressive stick playing him. Ouch, that's gonna leave a mark!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hell, that one could have gone either way. As I recall, we both requested a cease fire. Your dancing StuG act didn't help you any wink.gif



Dan Brown


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If he played with FOW off and you had it on then IMO he had a decisive advantage since FOW would NOT be off for you.

A loophole in the beta demo which I think has been removed.. I'll have to check on that.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If he played with FOW off and you had it on then IMO he had a decisive advantage since FOW would NOT be off for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Do you mean that settings of the player that started the game do not carry over to the other player? If that is the case, I hope that loophole gets closed in the final.



Dan Brown


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If he played with FOW off and you had it on then IMO he had a decisive advantage since FOW would NOT be off for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

...and I still hammered him. That'll show you what some of those "German Coffins" can do. Go lay by your dish, Captain.


desert rat wannabe

[This message has been edited by Goanna (edited 12-31-99).]

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I did a bit of testing on this. Having fow off lets you see the name, squad number, ammo, fatigue, morale, command bonuses, panzerfausts carried, command status, unit kills, and hiding/taking cover status of a unit. It also lets YOUR OPPONENT see the troop quality, number of men, squad type, and detailed unit data. It doesn't allow either player to see unit location unless both people have it on. So yeah, you can cheat a little with fow off, but not too much, and you give more importatnt information to your enemy. And I suppose you can load it with fow off to check stuff, then with fow on to send to your opponent, but does anyone really care that much about winning the demo scenarios? I assume this is fixed already in the final version.

-John Hough

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