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Real-Life Fanaticism

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Yeah but the broken up pieces of TWFTs (The wild frothing trolls)become reanimated as even smaller trolls that will run up the leg of your pants and bite your you know "whats" with their rotten yellow teeth (RYTs).


PS "woofwoofwoof" thats my other dog impression

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Good to see some people have kept their senses of humour. wink.gif

As for the bear hunter story Tss. Interesting, hadn't heard of that before. One comment though, why the hell are so many of your sagas SO depressing? Everyone bloody dies in them. C'mon where's the "and they all lived in a nice comfy fjord forever after" ?

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Here's a bear story, my cousin, living out in the boonies in BC, was playing in her back yard as a kid, and a black bear wandered in. Spent the afternoon in a tree, guess the bear wasn't happy.

Bear tip #1

If you are being chased by a bear, run down hill. Their small upper legs/arms/beating tools tend to cause the bear to lose it's footing and tumble head over heels.

Result = you get away to tell the story how you beat a bear with it's bare bear hands.

[This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 02-28-2000).]

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Fionn.... Happy endings? LOL I'm sure you have read enough Irish Lit. to understand that the most popular ending is this.. Every Man and woman in that heroic battle parished except for (insert name). Thats where the story comes from. smile.gif



This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


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LOL. The guy I'm named after ended up having his wife desert him for his right hand man. Eventually he had the wife turned into a deer and her new husband killed her before dying horribly himself.

His son ended up challenging him to a duel and being killed by the guy I'm named after while another son got lost for a few hundred years.

The guy ended up dying despised and broken.

Now THAT is how you end a good story in Ireland wink.gif. Death all round and those who survive are broken men wink.gif.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

One comment though, why the hell are so many of your sagas SO depressing? Everyone bloody dies in them. C'mon where's the "and they all lived in a nice comfy fjord forever after" ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'd say it is the weather. Too much rain, ice & snow leads to depressing sagas. It is difficult to live happy-ever-after if all one has to look forward to is rain, ice & snow. wink.gif


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Guest PeterNZ


the historical documentary "Eric The Viking" shows us that beserkerness is a inherited trait and one that needs to be trained, otherwise the beserker warrior will 'go beserk' as they say, at nearby planks of wood, chicken coups etc etc. Once fully trained a 'Beserker' can foam at the mouth, make his eyes roll and other exciting effects that befuddle his enemy, making him easier to strike down with Ye Olde BattleAxe


Seriously tho, I don't think the words Beserk or Fanatical adequately cover many of the behaviours here. I remember in Close Combat (duck), the Beserk soldier would scream and charge the enemy.. pretty accurate in my mind, (esp. to the historical meaning of the term), and Fanatical would just easily obey orders. Hmm.. perhaps we should open up the debate to more terms, shades in the spectrum really. Also to acknowledge the other ends of the spectrum.

I reckon there's been lots of work on this by psychologists, but lets make some ****e up of our own.







I reckon that beserk would be a short term thing.. cos.. it's kinda suicide, esp. in a modern war with guns and ****e.. fanatical could be a regular occurance for many units when engaged in battle.. ie. many of the examples here posted. Someone work some more on these concepts, but i think the idea of a two-color psychological spectrum of fanatical and beserk is too simple.

more ideas anyone? smile.gif


[This message has been edited by PeterNZ (edited 02-29-2000).]

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You have alot of nerve trying to get this discussion back on track.

I think you are mixing things up here.

I would rank units status and state as such:















The status and firepower situation would dictate the state.


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Guest PeterNZ

O of -course- I'm mixing things up!

I leave logic to other people, I prefer to charge ahead, damn the torpedos etc etc.. I leave the nitty-gritty to the technical chappies, (que a 3 page disertation by Fionn on states and status please!) (hehe no offence, luv yer posts mate smile.gif )

Meanwhile, i'm off forging new frontiers, pushing back the envelop of sanity, then slicing it open with the butterknife of general purposeness.

Tally Ho!


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Guest Kettle Black

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

Everyone bloody dies in them. C'mon where's the "and they all lived in a nice comfy fjord forever after" ?


Hamlet. Macbeth (err The Scottish play). King Lear. Asf.

We're of the old Love, Blood and Rhethoric school. We can give you them consequitive, non-consequitive, we can give you Rhethoric and Blood or Blood and Love, whichever you prefer but we can't give you Love and Rhethoric. Not without the Blood. Blood is compulsory you see?



Kettle Black

"The End? With practically everyone still on their feet? Over my dead body!"

The Player, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead"

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Last name is Kaufman.


Interesting idea to add onto the existing temporary troop status levels in CM. As of now, there are states like cautious, pinned, or panicked. Why not have other troop states like enraged, stoic (maybe reserved for the English army in retreat), courageous, etc.

I wonder if this would be of any value for CM2? I like it at least.

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I said something about this a couple of months ago.

I really think CM does a good job modeling the lower end of the morale spectrum, but I think there is room at the top. Soldiers aren't robots. If someone in their squad gets hit they might get really pissed, run up to the MG and shoot the crap out of it, disregarding the order to fall back for example.

I think there should be a state like "panic" where the unit is not in your control, but instead of cowering and running beats the crap out of anything it finds until it realizes that charging Tigers is not a good idea. Now I'm rambling...

Definitely not for CM 1. Maybe for CM 2? smile.gif

- Bill

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One comment though, why the hell are so many of your sagas SO depressing? Everyone bloody dies in them. C'mon where's the "and they all lived in a nice comfy fjord forever after" ?

Well, for one thing, there's not a single fjord in Finland and if they wanted to live in one, they'd have to move to Norway, and I can't see any self-respecting mythical Finn doing that, especially after the Norsemen repeatedly confuse Finns with Sami in their sagas. (At least in Egill's saga and I think that in Njall's saga, also).

Actually, our folklore and mythology is different from the Germanic tradition and our legends don't have powerful warriors killing scores of enemies. We have just mystic poem-singers singing their advesaries into swamps and an abundant supply of young maidens drowning themselves in lakes (I can count three without looking at any sources...)

Well, as this posting doesn't have anything to do with CM or WWII, I might continue for a while about bears. (My bus home leaves in 15 minutes and I have to fill time somehow...)

For Old Finns a bear was a mythical creature and the ruler of the forest. One shouldn't call it with its correct name, 'karhu', as it might hear and come to investigate. Instead, they used a number of nicknames: 'otso', 'mesikämmen' ('Honey-Paw'), 'metsän herra' ('Master of the Forest'), and so on. The only time when 'karhu' was used was during 'karhunlepytys' ('Appeasement of Bear') which was a 3-day ceremony that was held always after a bear was killed. The idea of the ceremony was to appease the spirit of the bear so that it wouldn't come back for revenge.

- Tommi

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Guest Madmatt

Ahhh, nothing like sliding up to the ole' monitor to catch up on some forum threads and then find my name thrown about like a two bit whore on payroll day.

Steve, we aren't ever going to see eye to eye on pretty much anything in this world. Trust me, I could give you a flame war so hot that your offspring would ignite, but whats the point? You seem to absolutely love bringing up my name and the fact that you don't like me time and time again and thats fine. Knock your self out...Have a ball, whatever.

You do, say and post what you think is right and so do I. I don't make you read my headlines and posts and I could actually care less what you think of my work on CMHQ. I post with a distinct persona and that will not change. You and that persona 'Madmatt' are cut from a very different cloth, thats just the way it is.

If you really want to believe that my contribution to the entire CM community has been nothing but noise and nonsense, fine.

I replied to you once before that everyone here is allowed there opinion and its just as true today.

So Stephen, have a great life, take care of yourself and those around you and may all lifes many blessings find their way to your doorstop...



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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