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OT: How Hollywood is rewriting the role of the British and the USA in war (Big)

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"Pictures are for entertainment, messages should be delivered by Western Union"

--- Samuel Goldwyn (the G in MGM)

Everything you have ever read, heard, or seen has been (and forever will be) created with, by, and from the biases of the author(s). It's always best to maintain a healthy degree of analytical cynicism when perusing any information...

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Oh yah, almost forgot:

Lynch Mob(not the Rap group)originated with a certain extralegal "justice of the peace" Charles Lynch in 1781 Virginia. Hizzoner Lynch was prone to only one finding in his "court": Guilty! And so it came to pass that any group that took the law into it's own hands with fatal consequence was termed a "Lynch" mob.

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Guest Germanboy

Dumbo, ROFL - that was so funny. And let me tell you that a German accent is no good if you want to get laid in the UK...



The powers of accurate perception are often called cynicism by those who do not possess them. (forgot who said it)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:


Bygones, eh?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sure, no problem, man! I dropped that whole other thread because I hadn't explained myself well originally, and then knee-jerked an angry reaction (don't post angry is usually a good rule, I've way too often found I was wrong later smile.gif )


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Guest Big Time Software

Dumbo, that was one Hell of a post. I didn't find it funny, but instead largely an afirmation of the 6 months I lived in London. All except for #10. Nobody $*&^ing told me that, and now that I am married and living in the US this knowledge is utterly useless smile.gif

von Lucke, you got it! What you didn't stress is that Mr. Lynch's favorite targets were Loyalists, especially if they had money (which he would steal, of course). Yup, both sides had some really nice guys, as do all sides in all conflicts...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

And let me tell you that a German accent is no good if you want to get laid in the UK...


English girls are easy, but they're not that easy. I should know, I married one...

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Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

English girls are easy, but they're not that easy. I should know, I married one...

This post certified free from smilies.


I actually had one English friend tell me that she could never date a German b/c her grandfather could not cope with it (veteran with bad memories). So I stick to foreign girls stranded here like me. Preferrably from neutral nations or former allies of ours. Swedish, Spanish, Italian, so much choice...

Please note that all smilies on this iMac were put on a starship and launched into the sun.



The powers of accurate perception are often called cynicism by those who do not possess them. (forgot who said it)

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German boy:

I think you are selling yourself short. Lots of English girls I know dig them Teuton guys. Also with the accent you gotta play to stereotype, think "sophisticated german aristocrat" and play the role. Also remember Germans can relate to English coldness a lot better than other nations so use that too smile.gif

I think also youre freind met the exception rather than the rule. Most of the younger English generation are pretty much the same as similar aged Europeans from whichever country. History plays a rather limited role in thier lives.

Personally I loved travelling around Germany everyone was incredibly nice to me that and the food was as good as France but there was much more of it 8)

err anyways I am SO Off Topic I cant even see it from here 8)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dumbo:

German boy:

I think you are selling yourself short. Lots of English girls I know dig them Teuton guys. Also with the accent you gotta play to stereotype, think "sophisticated german aristocrat" and play the role.


Actually, the topic "Why Germans are Lousy Lovers" is a perennial favorite in the better British journals of opinion. What the rest of the world has to say about the British in that regard rarely gets a mention, however.

As OT as a Britney Spears thread by now...




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

My God this is the first thread on this forum I have seen that has denigrated to giving advice on peoples love lives.


Denigrated? Elevated it has been! Just shows what a great bunch of mates we are here.

Thanks Dumbo, I was actually not that serious. Having said that, the "sophisticated" would be a bit of a problem.

Please note that all smilies on this iMac got wasted at a Somme re-enactment using live ammo.



The powers of accurate perception are often called cynicism by those who do not possess them. (forgot who said it)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Please note that all smilies on this iMac got wasted at a Somme re-enactment using live ammo.


Hehehe. This damned board has some of the most talented and sick individuals I've seen, some quotes are top-notch. That was one of them. Or maybe I'm just laughing so much because of the warm, fuzzy feeling I get when I understand that others have the same kind of references that I have.

Plus you learn that there are grown up people who actually believes that England is ruled by a Queen, not by a government. That's not so funny though.

Several smilies are purposely injured on this computer on a daily basis.


Geier, formerly Kettle Black.

"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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A little O/T but interesting:

European heaven:

French are the cooks

English the police

Germans the mechanics

Italians the lovers

everything's run by the Swiss

European hell:

English are the cooks

Germans are the police

French are the mechanics

Swiss are the lovers

everything's run by the Italians!

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I would like to contribute to the original cause of this thread, the way especially Hollywood is twisting history. My feelings are that the US goverment and industry (thus including the entertainment business) are on a very strict imperialistic way !

Not only tries the goverment with help of trade taxes and financial support on their own industry to strengthen its economy, the industry itself tries to set its standards as worldstandards too, but even the way of life mainly through stuff like Coca-Cola & Mac**** and more important Hollywood (and the like)!

As Ghandi said - he likes to welcome each and every culture in his home but he doesnt want to be overwhelmed by just one!

Not only the British get their share in Hollywood productions but the Germans too smile.gif

In most James Bond (and lot of other movies) there's this evil henchmen blond, strong with blue eyes (very germanic - did you really believe we look all like this ?).

And especially in war movies the Germans are real dumb ! Like in SPR - yeah, we usually drove with this open top antitank panzers in a city, and we never expect a mg or a sniper at a churchtop ...

It was said that SPR was a anti war movie ... never !

Yeah, this great highcommand even cares for a single soldier (wasn't there a estimated death toll of 70% at the airborne preattack on D-Day ? even if it was much less then that ...), and didn't they won the battle and the war ? Aren't they heroes ?

I never got the feeling that the characters from 'Das Boot', 'Im Westen nichts neues' or 'Die Bruecke' were heroes - these movies weren't so bad that they made me puke - but SPR was so , sorry I'm missing the exact English words for this, falsch, unehrlich, it nearly made me.

Ok, I stop now ...

Hopefully I will be here more then once a week ...


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In (cautious) defence of SPR, at least they didn't make the Germans out to be "evil". You know the stereotype I'm referring to: The monacled, jackbooted, leatherclad, torturing type. And apart from one reference to Monty, didn't pick on the brits either. I enjoyed the movie, finding fault only in the story and some of the plot execution (like the battle you refer to).

What's odd about it all is that there were some really good American war films from the fifties and very early sixties that threw out all the old stereotypes and really tried to examine the human condition in wartime. Special effects were obviously not on a par with today, but they carried powerful messages and were well-acted. Today, we get glitzy effects and no substance to the story.


When I die I want to go peacefully, like my grandfather, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car

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I take issue with just about every point made in this post:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Murx:

I would like to contribute to the original cause of this thread, the way especially Hollywood is twisting history. My feelings are that the US goverment and industry (thus including the entertainment business) are on a very strict imperialistic way ! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is so far off base, I don't even know where to begin.

1) The current US government is so far from imperialistic that it barely even acknowledges the concept of national interest, let alone recognizing what it might actually be. Why else do we send our troops on operations that can be of no conceivable net benefit to the United States? E.g., Haiti, Kosovo, Bosnia, Sudan.

2) If the US government were engaged in beggar my neighbor mercantilist imperialism, it wouldn't be spending huge amounts of time and energy drying to break apart one of the U.S.'s most successful companies.

3) Taken as a whole, Hollywood abhors most of the virtues that made America great. Look at almost any movie with pretensions to plot and you will find an extremely dated pseudo-Marxist critique of American society, e.g., American Beauty, almost any recent war movie (w. the possible exception of SPR), any movie dealing with issues of religion.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Not only tries the goverment with help of trade taxes and financial support on their own industry to strengthen its economy, the industry itself tries to set its standards as worldstandards too, but even the way of life mainly through stuff like Coca-Cola & Mac**** and more important Hollywood (and the like)!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Anyone from Europe who criticizes the U.S. regarding anti-competitive behaviour had better take a long hard look in the economic mirror. Furthermore, your comments about Coca-Cola and MacDonalds tell me that you either have a very blinkered view of American society or you've swallowed whatever pseudo-Marxist crap they're currently peddling at Tübingen as if it were holy writ. BTW, I studied at Marburg, and I know Marxist crap when I smell it.


<irrelevant whining snipped for brevity>

I never got the feeling that the characters from 'Das Boot', 'Im Westen nichts neues' or 'Die Bruecke' were heroes - these movies weren't so bad that they made me puke - but SPR was so , sorry I'm missing the exact English words for this, falsch, unehrlich, it nearly made me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

False? Dishonorable? Why? Because the American soldiers are made out to be heroes? Well, here's a bit of news: they were heroes -- they liberated Europe (along with the Brits, Free French, Canadians, Anzacs, etc.) Maybe there is less heroism in German war movies because the celebration of heroism in an evil cause is morally questionable. And if you want to find examples of "honorable Germans" in war movies, I don't think you'd have to look too far -- although they'd be in American or possibly British films, e.g., "The Great Escape". Furthermore, "Das Boot" and "Im Westen..." ("All Quiet on the Western Front) were anti-war movies, so the lack of heroism is hardly surprising.

And, for the record, post-1965 or so, the US produced plenty of anti-war movies too. SPR was so unusual because it didn't kick the audience in the face with the obvious message that war is a bad thing. It let the audience make up its own mind whether, even if war is hell, some wars might be worth fighting.


Ok, I stop now ...


Well, thank the Lord for that.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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I tried hard to not respond to Hakko post, but "American Beauty" portrayed as a "pseudo Marxist critique of American society" makes me laugh really loud biggrin.gif

Hakko, you could smell "pseudo marxism" in whatever you want, if you desires it hard. That happens often in my country and thousands of innocent people died ("missing" means something to you).

Man, I know people that found very interesting correlations between the Keop's pyramid and a bunch of crazy things... But you...

BTW, what do you think about "international sionism"? Is the other thing the people that smell marxists smells everywhere too...

C'mon, Hakko, don't be ingenuos, you're living in the capitol of a new empire.


p.s. Sorry, I used to enjoy most of your posts, but you are being too partial in this one.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by argie:

I tried hard to not respond to Hakko post, but "American Beauty" portrayed as a "pseudo Marxist critique of American society" makes me laugh really loud biggrin.gif

Hakko, you could smell "pseudo marxism" in whatever you want, if you desires it hard.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Argie, you are correct in that I painted with a rather wide brush in my previous post. Then again, so did Murx.

I suppose if one wanted to be precise, "American Beauty" is less pseudo-Marxist than it is post-Marxist. Why? The middle-class bourgeosie are all depicted as alienated and/or secretly perverted. Marriage is depicted as a living lie, while true happiness and freedom are to be found only in illicit/forbidden sexual relations, preferably combined with drugs. The military is depicted (through the Colonel character) as brutal, sadistic, close-minded and secretly homosexual. The movie celebrates only youth in its most Dionysian incarnation.

I could go on, but this is not a film studies forum. You will have to trust me that this is how Marxist thought has metastasized in the United States since the fall of the Soviet Union. I will not presume to comment on Argentinian politics without doing a lot more research, if you will do the same for the United States.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> That happens often in my country and thousands of innocent people died ("missing" means something to you). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm not going to get into a discussion about Argentina's recent sad history, but if you don't believe that the global fight against Marxism-Leninism was one that needed to be fought, then we will find very little common ground.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Man, I know people that found very interesting correlations between the Keop's pyramid and a bunch of crazy things... But you...

BTW, what do you think about "international sionism"? Is the other thing the people that smell marxists smells everywhere too...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You are so far off base with this one you have no idea. I just have to set free a smiley for that one: tongue.gif


C'mon, Hakko, don't be ingenuos, you're living in the capitol of a new empire.


Actually, I live in a small town about 5 hours fast drive from the capitol of the only remaining super-power. There's a big difference between that and an empire, at least as far as America is concerned. Think about it: if America really wanted to take over the world, you'd be singing the Star-Spangled Banner everyday. America is the only country in history that has possessed this level of unchecked, raw power without unleashing it on everyone in sight. Many people outside the U.S. just don't see how this could be, so they have to cook up American imperialist conspiracies.


p.s. Sorry, I used to enjoy most of your posts, but you are being too partial in this one.


I hope you will continue to enjoy my other posts. Check out my Combaikus, they are much less serious.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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I notice an undercurrent on many threads regarding the value of SPR vs other war movies. I've been looking for a place to spill my guts on this, so here it is.

SPR is probably not a good example of hollywood writing Britain out of WWII history. The events depicted in SPR didn't revolve around the British sectors of the Normandy battlefield so you can't expect to see much UK activity. The sleight against Monty was unnecessary though. More likely the GI's would have been cursing the US generals that landed them at Omaha beach.

On first viewing i've liked all the recent 'serious' Spielberg movies, but haven't been able to bring myself to collect them. While the emotional content of Amistad, spr, etc is riveting, they fall just short of 'classic'. For me a classic counterpart to Amistad, addressing the same issues of freedom vs slavery, would be 'Brazil.' That of SPR would be 'Savior.' or 'The Beast'. I suppose Spielberg's films strike out for me because they propose to teach moral lessons using a documentary-style depiction of historical events, then freely toy with the facts. There is something basically dishonest about that. Better to teach principles through pure fiction or completely fictionalized accounts set on a historical stage.

For a good documentary style epic that depicts an entire operation and with appropriately weighted emphasis on the various nationalities, see 'A Bridge Too Far'. As far as I know the movie's facts are pretty solid. The book has been accused of some changes/omissions, but I don't know what they are. If anyone can enlighten me I'd appreciate it.


I heard American Beauty was good...but you've pretty much trashed it for me with that last analysis. Just when you think anti-capitalist freudian psychologizing ala Dickens and James Joyce is finally a cold dead turkey, it gets warmed over and served up by Hollywood. Maybe i'll rent it to verify.


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