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Black Watch

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The Black Watch and Lucknow band performed in Houston last week and I was lucky enough to see them. It was a great night with a disappointing crowd, but the guys were very impressive and friendly. I encourage anyonw who is interested in Military bands or the music of the U.K. to go check them out.

It embarrasses me that the American culture that most of the rest of the world sees is Madonna, RAP, and "Dallas."


Always with the negative waves, Moriarty.

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Guest Michael emrys

It also irks me that they judge our take on history from such things as films like U-571. It still amazes me that people take slop like that seriously.


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good point Michael emrys. I agree. smile.gif

I choose not to see that film even though it initialy interested me. Actually I was dissapointed in the fact that the movie was just a hollywood shgimmic. But nontheless.

penubly: please come to NYC. If you want to see true american culture, check out what is happening here. Of course just about anywhere in america is american culture. I am not embarrassed.

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why do people always pick the two examples of US culture that normal people in the US hate?

i mean no one says, "man, the us has the sopranos!"


"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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I think the British have a love-hate relationship with America. Basically, if there are things about America that people like (Friends, everything costing a fraction of what it does here, more sunshine), they'll use it as an example of how great the country is; while if there are things they dislike (Jerry Springer, super-rich/trailer-trash stereotypes, celebrity politicians, Hollywood's bastardisation of the truth), they'll use it as an example of how much the country sucks. In other words, people like or dislike America as the mood takes them.



They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."

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Never saw U-571? You mean you missed the chance to see an entire Gemran submarine cleared out by 8 crewmen tih SMGs? (semi-plausibles, its damned cramped) A super sub stand up to about 20 depth charge attacks, and a direct hit by a 5 inch gun? Nuclear tipped topredoes that made the evil nazi destroyer explode like a 1980's video game? My god, what have you missed... wink.gif

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