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Video Cards and FSAA

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Hello All

Looking for some advice from any graphics/video buffs out there.

I just bought a geforce2 mmx video card and rememebered reading somewhere that the fsaa setting can greatly improve the graphics quality of CM.

Is this true and if so, and how do you set the fsaa?

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I don't know. I bought a GeForce2GTS recently, and I've tried using FSAA in CM, but I turned it off again. For general gameplay purposes, I didn't find the benefits to be great enough to warrant the drawbacks (my mouse behaves somewhat strange sometimes when I have FSAA on).

Try it out for yourself.


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I have a Voodoo 5, and I use 4xFSAA. When I first got this card, I was using EAW quite a bit, and frame rates for flight sims are the most important objective. So I didn't use the FSAA thinking it would just drop the frame rates. I remember the shock when after a few days, I dared to try the 2xFSAA, and the terrain suddenly burst into life. A game that I'd played to death for months and months suddenly became a new game. The overall effect was so stunning that it gave me that actual feeling of not having anything beneath me. The downturn is, it does effect the frame rates but the 2xFSAA was not so much a drain as to bother EAW, and the combined effect was as I say, wonderful.

Now, with CM, a game not so dependent upon smooth video frame rates as a flight sim, I use 4xFSAA, and combined with the tonedown mods, new tree, grass, building and terrain mods, it is again, quite stunning. The realism that it provides to the eye is again, stunning.

I have noted, that the higher the resolution of the mods, and the more mods I pile on, I have found a quirk or two, but they are easily dealt with by adjusting the other advanced settings on the card. I do overclock, but only to 170, about 4 clicks above the default. A good compromise to my thinking. As for comparisions to Nvidia, I don't like entering into that debate, seems to me it is like comparing automobiles, soda pop, or women's hair color. Depends upon the eye of the beholder. All I can say is, FSAA is a grapical improvement that I could not have imagined prior to having it's capability. Is it worth it? Again, all I can say is if I had it to do over again, I would go out straight away, and buy the card one more time.

Hope this helps.


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Do you have to 'force' FSAA in CM?

Also: BTS: is there any frame-rate counter function built into CM?



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Thanks Jeff, I think your referring to the new beta build out there, otherwise I only see the 1.04 version under "new" drivers, which I grabbed already along with DX8.

And no, you do not have to force FSAA in CM. Just choose it in the advanced options menu. Then view the dramatic difference. It is ofcourse, dependent upon other system factors, available RAM, main procssor speed, and amount of hi-res mods, but these can be handled very well using the advanced options (which there are many to tweak), and find the best set of parameters for your system.

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 12-14-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 12-14-2000).]

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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

Hi Peter,

I have a Ge-Force 2 and here is how to set the FSAA.

Right click on your desktop, click properties, settings, advanced.

Then click the Tab for your Geforce card. Click on additional properties then Direct 3D settings. Click on "more direct 3D" then Antialiasing. Push the slider right to full (4X4) and click on force antialiasing in all applications. You must force CM to use it. I found that other games don't like that option like Rogue Spear or Rainbow six.

Hope this helps.



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