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AI purchase vs Human purchase

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Which is better for PBEM, when you select your own forces or when the AI makes the force selection? WHY? Or does it not matter one way or another.

Personally I prefer the AI selecting forces for a PBEM because it allows for a variety of encounters with equipment and squads. As opposed to the multiple KT VS Jumbo slug matches I've been seeing in human purchased games.



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Muzz, just don't play people who can't see beyond the supertanks. Regular troops, regular tanks, make for a more interesting game. I don't mind seeing the odd beastie on the battlefield, but hordes of them are just silly.


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Well, personally I think that if "anything's game" then there's nothing wrong with buying all KTs./

OTOH I do often favour a " Pz IVs vs Sherman 75s" rule in which both sides undertake to purchase no vehicle with more armour or a larger gun than one would find on an average Pz IV or Sherman 75..

A simple little rule like this quickly sets fair limits.

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The only problem I have with letting the AI choose is the large number of halftracks and armored cars you end up with. I usually play the AI and I choose equipment for both sides. No surprises that way but at least I don't have to kill 15 halftracks and 1 platoon of infantry.


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Hmmm... interesting. I usually find that the AI buys 1 or 2 halftracks, and a Mongolian hoarde of infantry. I just finished a 2000 point attack (me as Germans in the defense). The AI bought what amounted to a reinforced battalion - and 3 tanks and a halftrack! Since the terrain was quite open, it was a slaughter (theirs, not mine)...

The problem with the AI buying units seems to be that it always buys the same types (regular Shermans, etc) and nothing too fancy.

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i find that the AI chooses too many vehicles too - i did some tests before (about 10) with ai selected combined arms british forces. (500 pts)

in one battle i didn't get any daimler scout cars, in all others i got one, two, or even 3!!

(more than a third of my points in scouts?)

i find the AI a much bigger challenge if i choose their forces for them..... otherwise there is too great a possibility of finding one great big halftrack army, sometimes with even no infantry at all (suicide as often as not...)

i find 3 archers are more than a match for KT's in an open fight.... if your enemy takes lots of big tanks, try heaps of tank hunters with big guns... they're a lot cheaper....

(of course, this is against the AI, still just getting used to email play, so i could be very very wrong!)

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oops, almost forgot, i don't think the ai takes terrain into account - i know i'd want vastly different forces for town fighting, as opposed to rurul...

and then there's weather to consider...

time of day....

even your oppenent's likely choice of forces! (ok, a little unreasanable to expect it to do that...)

i don't think the poor AI takes any of this into account....

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Since folks seem to be in an answering mood, let me just pop down a few questions.

I've had the game for a few weeks now. I have played several canned scenerio's, one operation and a peppering of QB's.

I feel I am just about ready to play some PBEM. But, I was just polling, what is the average or size of a PBEM?? What maps do people usually use?? What types of battles? How many points? I've done a search, but the PBEM list that comes up is unreal, tried to refine it with no luck. My experience setting up QB's so far has been up to about 1500 purchase points. But I'm clueless on how many turns, and all the other intricacies to make a good QB every time. I've had a few, but not many.

Anyway, just curious as to what to expect. (And there very well may be no trend, but I was just inquiring if there was some sort of standard practice everyone uses) And if anyone would like to play a PBEM, please send me a setup at cmwarlord@aol.com. (Added that screename purposely for this game). I can usually play a few turns a day at night. I am in CST in the U.S. I am also on the ladder at CMHQ and RD, so if you want to get an easy ladder win, that's fine. smile.gif


GI Tom

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The size of PBEM games is mainly one of preference.

Right now I am playing several smaller and one big PBEM game. I find I like the smaller ones better, as the large one takes me to much time to plot, and I tend to get interested in a portion of the battle, and to forget to give orders for the other half of the troops.

What works best for me is a medium map, defense force up to 1000 points, and about 30 turns (but the issue is mostly decided by turn 25 al last).

The big one I am talking about is the scenario near Caen. And as said, while it is tense, it is a bit to big for me.


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I wanted to lay a quickie scenario after a weekend of camping so I played a 300pt QB vs the AI. I won in one turn ... because the AI didn't buy itself any forces. The next game it only bought one platoon. So the NEXT game I purchased the AI's forces and was able to spend all 300pts and get a better fight.

When I buy, I try to take a historical approach and pick a TO&E that I can justify. e.g - buying a platoon of Shermans and taking four M4/75s and one M4/76.

I've even given myself green troops and limited myself solely to infantry to try something fun. And you can SURE buy a lot of green infantry!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GI Tom:

I feel I am just about ready to play some PBEM. But, I was just polling, what is the average or size of a PBEM?? What maps do people usually use?? What types of battles? How many points? I've done a search, but the PBEM list that comes up is unreal, tried to refine it with no luck. My experience setting up QB's so far has been up to about 1500 purchase points. But I'm clueless on how many turns, and all the other intricacies to make a good QB every time. I've had a few, but not many.


I'd recommend small or medium maps (medium or large if playing armour), and for starting out I wouldn't go above 1000. In fact, you can get a good game against the AI (in terms of practice and working on weak areas of tactics) with 800 or so points. This point value also works okay against humans (they tend to buy more effectively than the computer, which still does an adequate job, with the odd anomaly here and there). Below 600 or so (strictly in my opinion), and you haven't got enough forces to make the game go any length, or get enough practice working with a variety of elements. For God's sake, always remember to take map size, weather conditions, hill/tree coverage, and time of day into account when choosing forces. In a game I played against Berli, it was a night rain setup, and so it was like knife fighting- you rarely saw stuff until it was 60 or so meters away. Made things like mortars awkward, and vehicles that weren't speedy, with good turreting, were at a severe disadvantage when things suddenly appeared. I could ramble on forever, but others probably have better info to post, so I'll slide off, now...


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I have also found some very bizarre computer purchases. The two that spring to mind are my infamous 'Night of the Living Volkssturm' in which almost the entire German force consisted on Panzerfausts and one in which my Combined Arms British force had two MGs as its only infantry component.

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I have found the AI to do a very decent job picking forces for my 3 pbem QBs. Usually with a 1000 point combined force you will get a couple tanks or TDs, a couple halftracks and a couple armored cars, with the remaining filled by a good infantry and support unit mix. I like the feel of having to make do with what you are given - I've ended up with jeeps a couple times, but at least these and the HTs always have a MG - never gotten a unit that didn't have a gun! Maybe I've been lucky so far, but I'm enjoying these games more than the game where we purchased our own units.

A 1000 point meeting engagement with combined arms, on a medium map, seems to provide fairly consistently interesting games, and is probably a good start for a first pbem.

I do have a question on the new random force quality selection for AI purchase: does anyone know if it allows for a troop quality mix for any given side? The only time I used it I got all regular quality troops. One thing I do like about buying your own is the ability to mix and match quality amongst your force - seems more realistic.

Well as they say on sportstalk radio - "long time listener, first time poster".


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