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To Madmatt

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Guest barrold713

Sincere condolances to you and your family at this time of sorrow Matt.

This is rightfully a time to grieve the loss of an important presence in the fabric of your family, but from my own experiences, this should also be an occasion to celebrate the life, accomplishments, and the memories your uncle left to those who came in touch with him through the years.

Thinking of your favorite memory or the unique detail that embodies the essence of your uncle are good ways to reconcile the passing and gain from this sad time.

Best wishes to you and yours.

Barry Huizenga

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Sorry to break in on the emotional conformity here, but does this really have to be on the forum?

I can understand the personal sorrow that Matt is feeling, but no one is helping by bringing up his private life on the forum.


"War is like the cinema. The best seats are at the back... the front is all flicker."

- Monte Cassino by Sven Hassel

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Hey Bates

Put a Sock in it !!!!

One of the things that makes CM & this forum work is that we are a community.

Mad Matt is a Founding Member and we all want to share his loss and offer our regrets.

If you dont Like it..

Ban Yourself !!!

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Sorry to hear it, Matt

There are some facets of this thing called "life" I regard as definate drawbacks.



"Confucious say, it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"

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Thanks everyone for the kind words (well with a few exceptions) but I can see the validity of closing this up now as it has run its course.

I have no desire to tarnish the memory of my Uncle by starting yet another childish and pointless flame war.


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