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Thinking of getting new video card to play cm any suggestions???

Guest Shatter50

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Guest Shatter50

Well there is nothing wrong with the card I have except it gets choppy often on large battles. Now when I say choppy not too bad but would like to get a card that runs CM smooth is this possible and what is the Video Card.

Also CM has put me on more of a WWII kick( I have always been interested but now I am on another level). So I have recently purchased 3 WWII fighter sims and I do not own a flight stick type control, what is the best because I entend to purchase one.

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Guest Shatter50

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I/O Error:

Geforce 2 GTS, AGP version

Microsoft Sidewinder Pro, or another one of their types.

/me groans softly... biggrin.gif


Is the Geforce 2 Gts AGP version smooth and how smooth totally, a chop here and there or from time to time ????

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I would definitely recommend a Voodoo 5. CM looks 10 times better with full screen AA. (Anti-aliasing... not Anti-aircraft) Voodoo 5 has the best AA on the market. You can actually see details at 1500 meters. No Jaggies at all. (Screen Jaggies that is... Not JagPanthers.)

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ARgh... been there, tried that. Even with the Wicked3D OpenGl drivers, the Voodoo club of cards are DEFINITELY on their way out the door.

Check out some benchmark speeds, you'll be rather surprised at how poorly the Voodoo 5 stacks up...


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You might find that the voodoo 5 3dfx card does not do very well compared to other cards on the market at similar price points. However, it is from my experience that after a few games with fsaa on, you see why 3dfx is still in business. They make great looking 3d results. Not to say other companies dont make great 3d cards becouse that is simply untrue. Other card manufacturers make great cards and make cards that out perform the voodoo 5 certainly. However, with fsaa, I have seen the difference the card can make. I run Driver the video game on 266 biege G3 mac. I have the voodoo 5 installed run it in 4xfsaa and WOW!! it looks fabulous. I really have been impressed with the fsaa technology by 3dfx. By toggling the fsaa on and off during the game you can really see the difference.

Anyway. I just wanted to wiegh in on the 3d card thing. I know some people dont like the 3dfx voodoo 5 card all that much because it has its limitations. ie: it cant run Quake III at 150 fps. But oh well. I personaly dont think youll need that type of performance but I guess you never know. The voodoo 5 also has to feed off of external cpu power. The great thing about the voodoo 5 is its fsaa and its 64 mb of ram. The ram really helps if you like to install lots of mods and high res mods at that. I hope that helps.

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Words cannot describe how much better any game looks with FSAA. Don't write-off the Voodoo 5 before you have had a chance to play CM on one first. Once you have experienced 3D without Jaggies you can never go back. I would much rather have FSAA at 50 FPS than no FSAA at 75 FPS.

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Guest Shatter50

Well I/O Error has won the argument so geforce it is, all this talk, guess I better go to get one tommorow or today should I say

Thanks guys

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Guest AbnAirCav

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shatter50:

Hey another question guys.

Can any of tell me a few more good WWII games that are out??? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There's a table comparing WWII wargame scales at http://www.dragon-isle.net/TheBunker/wargames.html. If you're like me you'd probably be happier at the tactical end, where Combat Mission lives. Along with CM, I personally really like the Campaign series (East Front II, West Front, Rising Sun).

Steel Panthers: World at War is free, and can be found at http://www.matrixgames.com/spwaw/index.asp, but it's a large download so I picked up the December issue of Computer Gaming World where it was on one of the CD's.

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With the new beta hidden surface drivers for the Voodoo5, reports are that it achieves better framerates than a gf2 ultra.

I'd do a little more research than just asking for opinions on a gaming forum before rushing to make an expensive video card purchase.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gronk:

Words cannot describe how much better any game looks with FSAA. Don't write-off the Voodoo 5 before you have had a chance to play CM on one first. Once you have experienced 3D without Jaggies you can never go back. I would much rather have FSAA at 50 FPS than no FSAA at 75 FPS.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And the best of both worlds is the option of really really high frame rates that you get from a GeForce 2 GTS, combined with FSAA that is indistinguishable fom the 3dFx FSAA in CM.

If money is not overly limiting, there is only a few credible option right now, and they ALL start with GeForce...

Jeff Heidman

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiger:

With the new beta hidden surface drivers for the Voodoo5, reports are that it achieves better framerates than a gf2 ultra.

I'd do a little more research than just asking for opinions on a gaming forum before rushing to make an expensive video card purchase.


What reports are those? That would be quite an accomplishment!

Jeff Heidman

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Actually, the Voodoo 5 sounds like a better purchase for those strapped for cash. Aren't they down to about $150 now? With basically the same performance as the GeForce with exception of frame rates, the Voodoo 5 is the poor man's GeForce.

You're talking half the cost here. My only question is...will you still be able to update drivers for it when 3dfx gets out of this business?


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Guest Shatter50
Originally posted by Tiger:

I'd do a little more research than just asking for opinions on a gaming forum before rushing to make an expensive video card purchase.

Hey Tiger first time speeking great mods

This is not the first info I have come across about videocards and from what I have heard, the Voodoo 5 and Geforce I have heard are the best right now.

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Only 3Dfx junkies scream Voodoo X. Because they're used to shotty image quality from earlier cards. They think 4x FSAA is something else. For those people, I say, try a Nvidia based card and your FSAA is a bunch of malarky. Nvidia cards have always had better image quality than 3Dfx cards.

I've seen FSAA screenshots and I can't tell a whole hellava lot of difference than what my TNT2 card can do.


"We're not gonna just shoot the bastards`, we're gonna cut out their living guts, and use them to grease the treads of our tanks."

"We're going to murder those lousey hun bastards by the buschel."

"The Nazis are the enemy, wade into them,

spill their blood, shoot them in the belly."

"We are not holding our position, let the hun do that."

"We are advancing constantly, we are not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy."

"We're gonna hold onto him by the nose, and we're gonna kick him in the ass."

"We're gonna kick the hell out of him all the time, and we're going to go through him like crap through a goose."--George S. Patton

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And the best of both worlds is the option of really really high frame rates that you get from a GeForce 2 GTS, combined with FSAA that is indistinguishable fom the 3dFx FSAA in CM.

Every technical review I've read which tackles the different FSAA approaches of 3dfx and nVIDIA gives 3dfx much higher scores--indeed, Jason Cross at CG Online went so far as to typify the 3dfx 5500 the only card out there at present which does it "right."

I think, Jeff, what you might have meant (don't want to put words in your mouth) to refer to is that with its greater processing power the GeForce2 cards are able to simply overpower the pixel workload and run at a much higher resolution than the 3dfx entries, rendering the discernible effects of FSAA less obvious with each step up in resolution. 3dfx gets caught in a kind of negative loop here insofar as the FSAA 4X option places an enormous load on its processor, leaving it even farther behind in the wake of comparable GeForce competition.

In the end, it kind of boils down to taste, though I will say that 3dfx has never been as mainstream as I would like or even as responsible as they ought to have been over the years with respect to driver stability and updates. Fact is, the proprietary GLIDE which makes Voodoo what it is resides out on the far edge of the hobby's video mainstream, and unless there are some hot titles optimized for this API that you simply must have it is hard for me to imagine anyone wanting to buy into what otherwise strikes me as a dubious technological scheme.

Let's face it, the standard games are written to has been OpenGL and is fast threatening to come round to DirectX--and for good reason, which I'm not gonna get into here. Also, nVIDIA has always been fast to update its drivers when necessary and, with a few exceptions, these drivers have proven to be as stable (and compatible) as it gets for Windows. All of which is a far cry from the 3dfx reality.

For what it's worth, I recently upgraded from TNT2 (Diamond Viper V770 32MB) to a GeForce2 GTS 64MB card for the sole reason I've become hooked on the hi-res mods for CMBO and my poor little Diamond just couldn't cut it any longer in that demanding gaming environment. When my trees began to sparkle all around me as I scrolled the map the proverbial handwriting was on the wall.

One other issue: money. I think at the moment the Voodoo 5500 might be the best buy around, bar none. I conversed with Garry about this a week or so back and he almost got me to pull the trigger on the Voodoo 5500, though I finally stuck with nVIDIA.

Call me a creature of habit.

[This message has been edited by Tris (edited 12-06-2000).]

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