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The 700mm "Dora" gun in CM2?

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Due to the very size of the shell, the rate of fire will be pretty much irrelevent.

I mean, where ever it falls, there won't be much left to fire upon a second time.

Here's where a Dual Display Matrox is useful.

When your first screen falls of your desktop you could still play 10 or 15 turns till the next Wrath of God.



Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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I did use dual screens before for debugging but now I only have one.

I think it was a monochrome card on the editing monitor.

This kind of gun would be best to display the "coolness" of the game I think. Noone wants to be on the recieving end for this mother.


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Dora and Karl (the other gigantic railway mortar) aren't really appropriate in CM's scale. Just like TOT barrages, they would be rather pointless: everything within a hundred metres would be destroyed. The reload time was over two hours as well.

Are you certain Dora was used against Warsaw? As far as I'm aware, it was only used to reduce the forts around Sevastopol.

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Oh, I say it could definitely be used as an on-board weapon!

I mean, the 47.000 meter maximum range doesn't mean it could be used at less, with a little inventive thinking that is.

All BTS need to do is to implement working tracks, double in this case, and some kind of vehicle able to pull the 1350 ton load up the high hill we have put in the scenario.

"Hanging" from the side of the hill the gun could actually be pointed into a town or out over a field.

Just imagine how much fun it would be! 9000 lbs. projectile, what more could one want?

I wonder how much time it would take to limber and unlimber it though, could be a minor problem in this case.


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mattias:

Oh, I say it could definitely be used as an on-board weapon!


I say it could be used together with the Maus in a scenario called "Götterdämmerung". The Maus would lure a batallion, or make it a division, who cares, of Shermans into an ambush at a railway station, where the Dora is parked. The gun-barrel is elevated at 90š (give or take to allow for barrel-droop...) and when the Shermans come within 100m, the crew fires, the round goes up (probably destroying a bomber stream on the way), and comes straight down. During its flight, the gun crew takes refuge inside the Maus. Once the round detonates, all those uncool Shermans will be gone, and only the superior Maus survives. The Vaterland ist gerettet and the Landsers make off into the sunset. Happened all the time, or so the voices in my head tell me.



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Sounds like a smashing scenario!

If I wasn't in such a hurry to catch a train I would have told you all about my latest scenario project involving a 15 cm Hochdruckpumpe, a 28 cm Schiffkanone C/34 Drillingsturm (both on-board naturally) plus 200 puppchen and MMG carriers (hell, these thing are so cheap you can get a ton each)!

I could mail it to you if you want to rate it?

M smile.gif

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mattias:


Sounds like a smashing scenario!

If I wasn't in such a hurry to catch a train I would have told you all about my latest scenario project involving a 15 cm Hochdruckpumpe, a 28 cm Schiffkanone C/34 Drillingsturm (both on-board naturally) plus 200 puppchen and MMG carriers (hell, these thing are so cheap you can get a ton each)!

I could mail it to you if you want to rate it?



Mathias, you are a man after my heart. Finally someone who understands that all the incredible realism in CM serves only one purpose - to have scenarios in which allied beach assaults are being mauled by a batallion/regiment/army/gazillions of Maus tanks, who are in their turn obliterated by battleship guns (leading to lots of catastrophic explosions, we all know eyecandy counts), who are then being sunk by DF from an arty regiment fully equipped with Doras. Definitely send it to me - I will enjoy it so much to test this. All the while the LCTs and LCIs are being pounded by thousands of on-board Wurfrahmen HTs. I can see it now...



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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra:

Sure they got used, but not in any tactical situation.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oi Buster - don't you go and burst my bubble! No surrender! No surrender!



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Notice how BTS is totally ignoring this thread. tongue.gif

Dora, is that another name for Big Bertha? Two railway tracks wide, 810mm or so if I recall, fired once every twenty minutes to half hour...

One shell and you have a huge crater in the middle of your map. Three and you have a trench. Do it near a lake and you have a moat... this has possibilities folks.


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Everything old is new again, and I'm giving myself +5 Grog Points for having this. I have here before me a copy of Squad Leader Scenario #5 from Volume 5, Number 5 of Dragon Magazine. I don't know the year it was printed as this page does not contain a date. It is pretty old and I'm dating myself, but if I had to guess, I'd say 1982. Anyway, it is entitled "The Fall of Sevastopol," by Bryan Beecher. It contains the following optional special rule:

"Give the Germans one 'shot' of off-board artillery. No spotting rounds are allowed; the one shot simply lands wherever it lands. To reflect the strength of the artillery piece (Dora), use the 36-/200- column with a DRM of -12! The result will almost always be a KIA; however, on whom the shot lands (Germans, Russians or Rumanians) is very variable."

Come on Charles, do it! Do it! You know you want to!

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I love you guys.

In some posts we are all whinning about the reality and LOS and all of that.

And here it's the Twilight Zone.

I guess (and I'll be please) that a TOTALLY OUT OF YOUR BONKERS option for scenario could be fun once in a while indeed.

Might prove relaxing and catarthic.

Imagine, a dry scenario, you shell the lake, then it's raining for 6 turns.

Boy, what a bunch of loonies we are.

And the kids are thinking I'm working on my comp...



Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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