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Order of Battle


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Forgive me if this exists and I have just overlooked it. Being an unorganized type, I frequently lose track of my units in a battle and tire of going from one to the next to see their status. Perhaps an in game Order of Battle giving a text listing of unit status( str, morale, ammo, in command..etc) that would allow direct keystroke access to individual units could be implemented.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Degus:

Forgive me if this exists and I have just overlooked it. Being an unorganized type, I frequently lose track of my units in a battle and tire of going from one to the next to see their status. Perhaps an in game Order of Battle giving a text listing of unit status( str, morale, ammo, in command..etc) that would allow direct keystroke access to individual units could be implemented. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Do a search looking for "roster" in the subject line. There is a lot of debate over this feature.


[This message has been edited by Theron (edited 09-18-2000).]

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Hi Degus

Being one of the unorganized types as well, I may offer some help to keep tracks of your units.

In the order phase press Shift+B and Shift+C

to turn the bases on and enlarge the units scale. Also try to keep track of your highest HQ unit ( A0 ) and cycle through your force with the + and - keys.

Hope this helps



Very strong because Mikrowaben!

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Guest Michael emrys

Keeping your squads organized in platoons and under command of their leader will help this and other problems immensely. Appoint each platoon an objective (at least in your own mind) and check each turn to see that they are doing something toward winning it. After a while, your army will almost seem to run itself (optimistically speaking smile.gif).


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Better late than never...

Here is a link to the last time someone asked this question. The thread also has further links to the three threads where the roster was last intensively discussed.

Question for CM veterans/experts...



They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."

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