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AS you may have gathered CMHQ ( http://combathq.thegamers.net ) is intent on bringing you all the information worth printing about Combat Mission. We have done this now for the past two months quite satisfactorily but with the ever-approaching release of Combat Mission we wish to expand our array of offerings.

With this in mind we will, shortly, be opening a "Mods" section which will offer graphical and audio mods for the GOLD version of CM (including Gold Demo of course).

We will also be creating UTILITIES for use with CM including off-line-browsable tactics pamphlets and unit information sheets and several programmes for use during the Combat Mission Meta-Campaign. The speed with which we bring these programmes to public light is HIGHLY dependent on the number of volunteers with programming ability who help us though.

Furthermore we are going to host a tactics section for the rigorous exploration of the tactical realities of the CM battlefield and for examination of the weapons, armies and tactics which prevailed during the time of CM1 and future variants of CM.

We will also be creating a scenario section hosting tips articles on scenario creation and user-created scenarios.

We intend to make all our mods, scenarios, utilities and articles available for free download from the CMHQ site for the benefit of the CM community BUT we cannot create them without the help of talented artists, writers, programmers and organisers.

As you can imagine the sheer logistics of updating the site daily and managing various aspects of the many areas into which CMHQ is branching are enough to keep both Matt and myself almost fully occupied each day and so we are asking you, the CM community, to help us continue providing and expanding both the range and quality of content on CMHQ.

CMHQ is organised along the lines of having small relatively independent teams who select their own projects from a list of suggested projects and then work, independently to achieve their goals. Each team will have one appointed contact person who can pass any problems or requests for research/ additional help etc up the chain of command. Basically the idea is that by having small groups of people working together on one specific project they will bond, create a well-functioning team and will NOT be lost in the maelstrom of one massive bunch of 50 or 60 people all having different skills and goals. Also by organising into teams it will be very simple for a team creating divisional insignia mods for vehicles to contact the research team contact person and ask for any and all pictures of "German and Allied Divisional Insignia in the ETO 1944-45".

By instituting such a system it becomes possible to pool the resources of many people and thus get the best results possible whilst still keeping everything manageable and creating a good community spirit (essential in such projects).

Projects we currently have on our books which we'd like to see tackled:


1. Winter mods for all vehicles and infantry.

2. Tactical Insignia mods for vehicles.

3. Divisional Insignia mod for vehicles

4. Building up a database of all the various graphical mods for vehicles and units which come out so that players can mix and match graphical mods by visiting our site and downloading modded graphics of individual units E.g. Let's say Mr. Smith's mod is generally good but you MUCH prefer Mr. Johnson's Hetzer graphic... Visit CMHQ and you can go to the Hetzer mod page and d/l JUST Johnson's Hetzer graphics and import them into Mr. Smith's mod.

5. Graphics for Matt's "Total Scenario Package".

6. Graphics for the Combat Mission Meta Campaign.

7. Graphics for CMHQ (banners, snazzy headers for various sections of CMHQ).

8. Graphics for the utilities we plan to create so they don't look horrible wink.gif.


1. Sound mods

2. Sound mod database.

3. Sounds for Matt's Total Scenario Package

4. Sounds for utilities we plan.


Well we don't have many planned but we are looking for articles on tactics, weapons, analyses of battles, OOBs, TO&Es, true stories, anything and everything which would be of interest to people who buy CM. We NEED writers to write these articles. We will provide proofing and editting for all articles as well as research help, graphics help etc.


Several Utilities for CM and the CMMC are planned.

1. A unit database. This programme is being designed to run on both Macs and Windows and will provide an off-line way to browse CM's units. It will feature pictures of the units, their statistics and tactical analysis a la 81mm mortar article I posted here.

2. A Briefing Creation Programme for possible inclusion with Matt's "Total Scenario Package" concept featuring a virtual officer giving one one's briefing on a topographical version of the scenario map. (Read on for more re: Matt's "Total Scenario Package" concept.

3. A "Routemaster" programme for the Combat Mission Meta-Campaign being designed to allow player's orders to be input and then have all convoys and non-battle movements resolved by the programme. This will be utilised to ease GM workload and a slightly crippled version will be made available to players and visitors to CMHQ to utilise in either planning convoy movements in the CMMC or just to watch what happened in the CMMC when we begin releasing the stored emails and battleplans.

4. Possible format programmes.

5. Various other programmes which I don't want to mention publicly yet until I know what the response to this from programmers is.

Tactics Section:

We need writers for this. While we could definitely write tactics sections ourselves we're simply so busy that it is impractical for us to do alone. I definitely want to write a German tactics manual but I can't do it alone.

So, in conclusion if you are:

a) an artist,

B) a programmer

c) a writer

d) someone who has always wanted to write about even only one aspect of WW2,

e) someone interested in exploring tactics.

f) someone interested in and capable of creatin sound mods

then WE NEED YOU !

This is a chance to form part of the largest CM site on the web and the site which is dedicated to being the most useful CM site to the CM community. However, we can't do it without your help.

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I can help out with the graphics definitely, and probably with the coding too some on the mac. What sorts of graphics are you looking for for the CMMC?

Also, I might be able to work up something akin to a unit browser for the mac. What did you have in mind?

- Bill

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Magnus present, and eager to start CMHQ-French ! smile.gif

Let us all unify under CM's banner ! The more we'll be, the better the game will be...

Our dear Beta-testers have been working a lot for us to enjoy the best wargame ever, so let's help them !



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As I have absolutely nothing of value (computer literacy wise) to offer but time (especially in the winter), I don't know what I could do to help. I do consider myself to be an above average proofreader, so I will volunteer for that if you need one. Otherwise, if you can think of anything else run it by me, I might even suprise myself.

Craig (aka Seed Cleaner elsewhere)

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Guest Madmatt

Fionn made mention several times to "Matt's Total Scenario Packs" and I guess the time is ripe to start letting the cat outa the bag on this one, unfortunately the timing is bad for me (for the reasons mentioned in several other threads) but I have contacted several other people about these directly.

What they are (and I need to get a cool snazzy name for them soon! wink.gif) would be downloadable software PACKS that would contain several files and utilites. The core componet would be a regular scenario. Either a new one or one which the game will eventualy ship with. The pack would also contain color and black white map graphics for printing and viewing, extended briefings, OPerational backgrounds, historical info and possibly even voice recorded mission briefings. The maps would contain geographical notes of interest as well normal military symbology (axis of advance, suspected enemy positions) basically everything that you CANT do with a normal text brief. The next and coolest part of the packs would be in the MOD portion. The MOD portion could contain special modified graphics that would run for the new scenario. So if the battle was at winter, then the pack may contain specialized winter camo graphics or even specific unit graphics and vehicle identification codes. I already have a working front end utility created that the player will launch and then it will go out and rename any files which are to be modified, copies the new files over and then (working on this part now) would launch the game (you will still need to pick the correct scenario) and then once you exited Combat Mission it would put everything back to normal. Sounds cool eh? Well thats what I have been designing in my warped little brain for quite some time...I will be able to supply much more info next week when (hopefully) things settle down some, but I just wanted throw out a peak at some of things we at CMHQ Labs have been working up! wink.gif



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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I believe I emailed Xavier about this yesterday.. I told him that we'd be willing to host CMHQ-EF( en Francais).

Basically we'd simply set up a section of CM which would be entirely in French. We'd let you translate any and all English articles, AARs etc into French. Anyone who submitted an article to you in French we'd like to translate it into English and post it to the English section of CMHQ.

To keep it simple I propose we keep the layout of the site as it presently is and simply change the language on all the buttons etc. We'd also be willing to let you translate all the utilities we'd release so that things like the unit database utility could be entirement en francaise.

Colin (and other Mac users out there),

We also want to establish CMHQ-Mac... Basically this will be a section of CMHQ which will release ALL the mods we make on the Mac...

Most people have PCs but we don't want to forget Mac users so it is our intention to have EVERY graphics and sound mod converted into both PC and Mac versions and offer them both for download on the site.

We do, of course, need people interested in doing those conversions and running the Mac section.

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Colin raises one hand and pulls plug on webpage with other. Count me in! I can convert graphics mods to Mac but I'm not sure about sound mods! Berli (I have no idea how to spell the rest of his name) converted the SPR sounds.

Also I know some HTML code so I can do some webpage stuff but my time is limited by school. However I am quite good with any Mac related hardware and software (I have an old, extensivly tweaked computer) although I don't know if you're going to need this.However that means Mac problems and stuff that I'm sure you will get I could field. I had my page for a little over a month and I got loads of these.


Visit my webpage!


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I might be able to help as a core programmer for windows programs... I love the Scenario-pack idea, I could work on some of that, (I figure you'd need a script language to some extend so the scenario programmer could tell what files need swapping, what is included, ect). I program in C++.

Keep me away from any type of interface programming though... I am horrible at that.. (I'm not joking, ask Bill)...

And I think Bill will agree when I say feel free to use CMSO in any way you want... We totally lack content right now (although I love our layout, but I'm probably a little partial wink.gif) So I think we're cool to adapt in what ever way you need us.

I was already considering writing a Pbem manager for PC... I just needed to figure out how I was going to do the interface...


[This message has been edited by Eridani (edited 02-16-2000).]

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Well scott - if you want I can do graphics for it (only if you write it for the mac though wink.gif )

Trust him. He wrote a 3D engine in CS that had NO interface. It just ran...

I second the CMSO thing. It is silly now becaue there are no new scenarios. Whatever CMHQ needs, we'll try to do.

- Bill

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What's CS?

As for CMSO.. Could you give me the URL again? Also give me a joint email and we can talk incorporation and future plans ok guys? I'm definitely all for joining up.

Ooh BTW last thing...

Programmer DEFINITELY needed for a chess-style ranking system for CM which I want to run off CMHQ. I think the chess system is the fairest but have a few twists to the chess system to make it more applicable to CM wink.gif.

I could use someone who could make like a java programme which can run off a server to make that happen though..

Anyways, that's one of those "other projects" which will happen if I get enough response.

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I can help out with the Mac related stuff. The way the two platforms deal with graphics makes the individual graphic mods difficult for the Mac. There is a program (Res Compare) which can make patches to the graphics, but the graphics being changed have to be the originals... in other words, you can't patch a patched file. If anyone knows of a utility for patching resources that doesn't use the "compare" method, let me know. Another problem I see with making the same graphic mods available for both platforms is the difference in gamma (PC use 2.2, Macs use 1.8). What this means, is that graphics created on PCs are light on a Mac, and if created on a Mac, they are dark on a PC. I'll try to remember to get with CoolColJ to see if we can come up with a method of dealing with this... other than fixing each file one at a time.

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I'm sure you could work something out with applescript and photoshop's action pallete to automate this. I'll see what I can come up with for a photoshop action - alas I know no applescript...

- Bill

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Hey Berli did you convert the SPR sounds to Mac. I converted them to what I though was the right format but I couldn't get them into the resources succesfully.


CoolColJ and I have a little deal that our sites (Mine and his) are the only sites that will host his mods. I know that I'm going to convert his TTv2.0 textures to Mac and I assume your going to want those. I don't mind you hosting the Mac mods that I convert but you'll have to ask CCJ about it. I don't think he'll mind but we might as well be sure. Also CCJ and I are planning for a simlultanious (PC and Mac) release for his new textures.


Visit my webpage!


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Suggested Utility: A texture manager.

Something that would enable you to have each of your texture mod collections in separate folders. Then you tell it which mod pack to use and it takes care of all the work of getting CM to use them. You know, like for Quake skins or Air Warrior textures.

I can't make this myself, but I hope somebody can wink.gif.




WW2 AFV Photos: people.delphi.com/jtweller/tanks/tanks.htm

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Cs = Computer Science... it was a class we were in together...

I wrote a 3d engine program with nothing but a Trig textbook...

I was quite proud wink.gif

Hmmm, a chess-ranking system...

I can try... Alas, I do not know Java, but I need to learn anyway and I hear it is similar to C++. Unfortunately I'm also a little iffy on how Chess Ranking systems work, but I'm sure its not hard...


Colin- Bill could port to Mac pretty easily I think... My question is : is there already one included in the Demo?

I'll work with Bill to get that email to you


[This message has been edited by Eridani (edited 02-16-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

I could help making a German CMHQ. Is something like it planned? (because there are quite a lot of Germans on the board)

Could help coding html, javascript and (soon) perl for whatever you want, too.




If you want help with translating English-German/German-English I'm happy to help. I always feel that it makes sense to have everything reviewed by native speakers of both languages. My German used to be fluent, although it's a little rusty now. Nothing a dictionary can't fix though, especially for all the Fachchinesisch.



Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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Guest GriffinCheng


I always want to be a historican but I somehow "misadventure" into the career of computer software developments. I write Oracle, Java, HTML/Javascrpt/etc for a living. ;( I am currently looking into MySQL/mSQL/PHP stuff on Linux. I have no experience in game mods and had too many other game interests.

So, if you think I can be of any help in free research or free programming that may aid , please let me know.

Personally, I don't think a Chinese version of CMHQ would generate any interest.... frown.gif

Griffin @ work

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