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Does anyone know anything about CM2

Guest Shatter50

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Guest Shatter50

I read somthing about CM2 in the scenario section that CM2 was going to consist of the war in the Eastern front. Simply put I would like to know any info about this. I hope it is true, about the Eastern front being the focus of the game. The idea of playing the Germans against the Russians or vice versa is great.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shatter50:

No I wasn't dreaming BUD. Go to scenario section to The Russians and check it for yourself.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Shatter, before you get in any deeper, please understand that Fionn is such an older-timer on this board that he knew Noah personally. He was a beta-tester of the game. He's done immense amounts of historical research towards producing this game. He is doubtless actively involved in doing the same for CM2, the Russian Front. He is trying to suggest you use the 'search' function to check on answers to commonly asked questions like this, where the info is readily available, in his own, crusty, heart of gold way smile.gif


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Guest Mirage2k

Sometimes you have to throw a piece of meat at the grogs just to see if they're awake. smile.gif



Throw me a frickin' smiley, people!

Your one-stop-shop for gaming news is www.SiegersPost.com ! Hit it!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shatter50:

I wasn't saying anything negative. It just seemed he was saying I saw no such thing.

Sorry everyone<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No prob, didn't think you were being negative. Those of us who aren't useful for much else pay dues by helping newbies. It's good to have questions, but really, try using search on some. It's amazing what you'll come up with. I know that the sheer number of threads that come up sometimes is intimidating, but you'll get better answers in general, and sometimes find some pricelessly weird discussions amongst the fabulously informative.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Guest Shatter50

Hey Seanachi

Is it wrong for me to be asking all sorts of questions instend of using search. I have used search but only specific info is given. When I ask others I get their views and sometimes additional info, and I also enjoy interacting with all the Battlefront members.


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It sounds like CM2 is going to be the East Front '41-45 (including Finnish Front), CM3 will be North Africa and Italy, CM4 will be the Blitzkrieg years '39-40. This is all very tenative, so don't make any life- altering plans based on this list.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shatter50:

Hey Seanachi

Is it wrong for me to be asking all sorts of questions instend of using search. I have used search but only specific info is given. When I ask others I get their views and sometimes additional info, and I also enjoy interacting with all the Battlefront members.


Nah, interaction is good, but remember that some of these people have been discussing many of these questions for 1-3 years. A lot of the rest of us have only been here for a few months, and even I, a relative newcomer, have seen some of these questions asked dozens of times, and answered dozens of times. A lot of folk want newbies to make a little effort and familiarize themselves with basic info, and some of the main discussions of stuff. When they do, then they work from a better idea of what's been said before, and can bring something new to discussions. By reading some of the older threads and discussions, you also learn a lot about the people you'll encounter here (like Fionn), and how to rub along better, who's got useful info (many people, happily), who's astonishingly helpful (guachi, for one), people who might seem like they want you to die, now, on command, and rid the universe of your presence (Peng, but he doesn't...well, completely mean it), and the few who are just useless sods who everyone else has to endure. When I came on board in April (when I started reading, not posting smile.gif ), I'm glad I read a lot of the older threads. Not only was there great information about tactics, the development of the game, and innumerable Monty Python references, but I started to build up this mental landscape of the people here. It's really a rather marvelous forum. Some great people have left, but new and intriguing people have started to arrive. As soon as I figure out who Boo, the Space Hamster is, I know that I will feel more complete... smile.gif


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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if that is, in fact, your real name, what you have just witnessed was an attack of the pointlessly dull monster we sometimes refer to as MrSenileTea. He purports to be a repository of help and useful information but is more like a suppository of rather large and uncomfortable proportions. He is in all actuality a font of pointless anecdotes, and will try to feed you the contents of his drool cup. DO NOT BELIEVE A WORD THIS FILTHY STINKING LIAR SAYS!!!

Fionn is not actually a member of this forum or any fora related to combat mission (thank you, Fionn for being one of the only humans I have ever seen use the plural, 'fora' instead of the horrid americanized 'forums' so often seen.) he is instead a small smoothly furred rodent-like creature with a fantasmagorical win/loss ratio not to be confused with gerbiltoy who is not at all a rodent and is also a big fat liar esp about his win loss ratio. Now there is an actual rodent we like to call TC Schutz, of the chinchilla variety who is often seen with a mythical elven king named Lorak. TC Schutz hasn't actually played the game because he is not very proficient with the mouse yet (it is my understanding that he is squeamish about using an input device named for one of his 'lower' cousins), and he doesn't quite have the matching skill set required to type the letters which correspond to the actions in the drop down menus. However he is a fine tactician and is apparrently the brains behind Lorak's recent spate of victories.

Anyway, if i had a point it was this...MrSenileTea knows alot about the sewer systems in Minnesota, but not much else. He likes to pretend to know things about this so-called community, but he is generally just a great big puffy bag of cesspool gas and if your know what is good for you, you will avoid any "advice" he may have for you. Oh, except for one thing. It is completely true that I hate everyone and everything and wish them all ill and dead. Including you. Especially you now that I realize I have wasted several precious minutes writing this when I could have been playing the game in which I just blew up MrS'Tea's Firefly with a cleverly hidden panzerschreck.

Oh and by the way, there is no such thing as a search function. It is a bloody fiction. the only thing it ever turns up for me is some damn whining post by Elvis about how much he wants TCP/IP. avoid him and his posts.

Die a lot now



A Journey of a thousand miles starts with a single gunshot wound to the foot.

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Guest Shatter50

Is it just me or are some of these members here either speeking in some other language or they are on quality drugs.

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Mr Peng is on special little pills.

Blue ones in the Evening, Red ones in the morning and some small yellow ones every other hour.

Mostly they keep him sane, mostly... wink.gif

Actually, I feel kinda sorry for you Shatter50, everyone here seems really insane this weekend and you have to try and get questions answered and stuff! Don't worry, just keep hanging around, they're ok when you get to know them.

Just imagine a group of trainspoters with too much time on your hands.. Or wild Gorillas.. if you hang around long enough, and make coo'ing sounds, eventually they'll accept you, scratch your back, pick nits off you etc, (that goes for the Gorillas too).


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O, I just thought i'd say I know how eager you are to know stuff! I always am the first time I get into a game, so just perservereererrerr and keeep asking if you like, I'll be around to answer what i can

and go amuse yourself


Anyway, good luck Shatter!

And everyone else, didn't your mothers tell you, if you don't have something constructive to say, don't say it at all! smile.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

He is in all actuality a font of pointless anecdotes, and will try to feed you the contents of his drool cup. DO NOT BELIEVE A WORD THIS FILTHY STINKING LIAR SAYS!!!

Anyway, if i had a point it was this...MrSenileTea knows alot about the sewer systems in Minnesota, but not much else. He likes to pretend to know things about this so-called community, but he is generally just a great big puffy bag of cesspool gas and if your know what is good for you, you will avoid any "advice" he may have for you.

Especially you now that I realize I have wasted several precious minutes writing this when I could have been playing the game in which I just blew up MrS'Tea's Firefly with a cleverly hidden panzerschreck.

Die a lot now



See? Now the first 3 or 4 times Peng showed up and posted about me, I was afraid he'd taken offense to me. But from what he's written here, you can see how we've become the very best of chums! What a guy.

Now excuse me, as I have to go pound a sharpened chinichilla through the evil, panzerschreck hiding heart of Peng the Merciless...

Oh, and smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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wow.. I am speachless. (which makes most of you happy I am sure.)

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now there is an actual rodent we like to call TC Schutz, of the chinchilla variety who is often seen with a mythical elven king named Lorak. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>However he is a fine tactician and is apparrently the brains behind Lorak's recent spate of victories.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nice Peng... Just give away my whole tactical advantage to the newbies! As for the "spate of Victories". I laugh ! You can't prove I've had a victory, never the less a spate of them. Just ask my foes.



Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

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Guest grunto

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Nice Peng... Just give away my whole tactical advantage to the newbies! As for the "spate of Victories". I laugh ! You can't prove I've had a victory, never the less a spate of them. Just ask my foes.


Well you're beating me in The Siding. Actually there are still a few Germans around there but there sure are a lot of Americans who haven't even seen action yet, just kind of hovering out there as 'stars' while the top of the hill seems to have been lost to a flood of T8s and Chaffees.

I would say the way you split the German defense and the one move in particular by your flamethrower might point to the existence of that lizard =grin=

..at the beginning i should have never fired smoke with the 81mm mortars... duh... =g= (TRPs in heavy fog.. gave away TRP position)


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umm.. never really even noticed the smoke.

Trying to remember back, It was by your wire and your guns.. correct?

If so don't worry about it. I had already found my path up the side, so I could avoid that area. It just looked bad from the get go. Too bad I had to get a bazooka slaughterd to find out for sure though.



Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

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