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Versiontracker review

Guest Germanboy

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Guest Germanboy

Yes I know, there are so many review sites...

I just went to http://www.versiontracker.com/moreinfo.fcgi?id=8025#comments to see if they feature the Gold demo and they do, 779 DLs so far. Before me, some dork gave it a one rating, the worst possible, so I weighed in with five and a short blurb.

Maybe all the Mac users here should work towards giving it an average of five, eh? So get over there, register and do your duty. We would not want the Versiontracker crowd to think that CM lacks support, now would we?



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Guest Madmatt

I have also weighed in with my opinion (such that it is) on the subject matter...



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

And if it's NOT on CMHQ then its just GOT to be on CMHQ-ANNEX...

CMHQ http://combathq.thegamers.net

CMHQ-Annex http://cmhq.tzo.com

Both now proud members of the Combat Mission WebRing

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Guest tom w

Call for MORE fire Support

Some malcontent thinks this:


"thomas davie said on 05/17/2000:

  Sloppy AI on the attack, inconsistent interface presentation from viewpoint to viewpoint, inability to edit units and/or weapons, lack of coordination for AI troops, poor pathfinding thereby requiring inordinate amounts of micromanagement and poor fire discipline  "

here's the coordinates:


fire away!

-tom w


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"Remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

G. S. Patton <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Man I think that is real lame of him to make a post like that on that thread - it is simply untrue _ what the hell is his problem???

cant edit units ??? WHAT DO YOU WANT?? People to CHEAT??? There is absolutely NO REASON for editing units in this game

The name is in lowercase and the THomas Davie in here is capatalized _ seems to big of a damn coincidence but anything is possible

I've seen Thomas Davie post in here several times what gives? Thomas how about explaining yourself? This is utter BS if it is your post (under the name thomas davie) If it is not then my apolgies in advance but please clear up the confusion in any event.

Also this came after the announcement to go to versiontracker - another coincidence?

he said:

thomas davie said on 05/17/2000:

Sloppy AI on the attack, inconsistent interface presentation from viewpoint to viewpoint, inability to edit units and/or weapons, lack of coordination for AI troops, poor pathfinding thereby requiring inordinate amounts of micromanagement and poor fire discipline


[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 05-17-2000).]

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Guest Scott Clinton

Not that I agree with Mr. Davie but...

Why is it "lame" for him to voice HIS opinion? What is more "lame" about him doing it than anyone else?

I was of the understanding that forums like that (and this for that matter) ARE for posting one's opinion...and if he did not like the game then why can't he say so?

I think some of you guys need to face up to the facts that there WILL be people out there that will be both intelligent good people AND they will NOT like "Combat Mission".

Just because someone does not like CM does not make them a bad person, nor does it make them "lame" when they express their opinions in an appropriate forum in an appropriate manner (as Mr. Davies did).

Also...it is 'hostile' posts and flames like this from rabid fans that keep people like Mr. Davie from posting on THIS forum (and others). Do you guys REALLY want this forum to turn into nothing but a cheerleader section were dissenting voices are flamed with no mercy???? I may be out of line in saying so, but I don't think that BTS wants that at all.


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

[This message has been edited by Scott Clinton (edited 05-17-2000).]

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BTW... editing units IS possible in CM - to some extent. In the editor, you can assign names, ammo loadouts, morale and leadership factors, suppression and weariness of units, make them fanatic and adjust their experience level. You cannot edit the TO&E's, though, that's right...

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS_PanzerLeader:

I've seen Thomas Davie post in here several times what gives? Thomas how about explaining yourself? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh dear, and I thought the season for witch-hunts was two weeks in Autumn - or was that Elks in Sweden, I am never quite sure...

Honestly, I have to agree with the grumbling grognard here. The guy at versiontracker.com wrote his opinion, put in reasons and his name, what more can you ask for? I think that is fair, honest and upfront and if he is of the opinion that CM sucks, so be it. Instead of pursuing the matter further and flaming him, thereby making us all look like a bunch of lunatics, look at about 20+ positive reviews vs. one negative one. People will be able to make their own judgements about that and if they think they don't need to edit units etc.pp. they will still have a look at the game, I am sure.

I am a bit afraid that there is some unhealthy and irrational exuberance going on here. Steve and Charles have said themselves that the game is not absolutely perfect, and will get more work done. And it is a game after all - there are real wars going on elsewhere, and I have a PhD to write... Just to put it into perspective.

Each to his own as they say. What is to be gained by calling people to explain themselves? You won't change their minds that way.



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Now now guys. Just cause you don't agree with Tom doesn't mean you should "abuse" him wink.gif.

I don't agree with Tom about his opinion on this either but his opinion isn't the end of the world wink.gif.

he doesn't like CM and probably won't buy it but IMO he's just one of these guys who can't "get it" for his own reasons.

He's gone public with it on anothe forum so I figure its ok to say that the 3D view etc gives him major league motion sickness and I'm sure that feeds into his whole annoyance with the game.

Seriously, just let it slide. 99.9% of PC gamers won't like CM wink.gif. However, if even 0.1% like it then we'll have tens of thousands of PBEM buddies wink.gif.

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Scott _ I gotta disagree with ya here it isnt lame for him to voice his opinion _ It was LAME for him to slam CM and give it a rating of ONE.

Sorry but BTS needs good reviews - Does this mean no one can say annything negative about it NO it doesnt

BUT am I supposed to believe he HATED the whole game and there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING good about it??? BECAUSE that is what giving it a rating of one means

and when hes been here rubbing shoulders with the crowd and the turns around and SLAMS it hard on a public forum where BTS needs good Pr is absolute CRAP

He couldve said something decent gave it an average rating or even two if he hated it BUT ONE?? sorry that is crap no matter how ya wrap it mad.gif

There are some things I dont like about the game (though very few and VERY minor) but I sure am not gonna shoot myself in the foot by badmouthing CM so there will be no CM 2

I'm disgusted



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I just found this on the site:

Fionn said on 05/17/2000:

One of the worst WWII sims I have ever had the displeasure of working on! Faulty AI and inaccurate ballistic modeling. AI scans for human opponent setup placement and reacts accordingly (cheats!).

Somehow I doubt this is the Fionn who has worked so hard on this game and promoted it so well. If I was him I'd want to find out who made that post.


He who gets there the fastest with the mostest wins.

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Guest Scott Clinton

> I supposed to believe he HATED the whole

> game and there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING good

> about it??? BECAUSE that is what giving it

> a rating of one means...

You should beleive that JUST as much as the OTHER reviews on the site that gave it a "5".

He said that is what he thinks why would you doubt it?


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

[This message has been edited by Scott Clinton (edited 05-17-2000).]

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All I can say about that is that obviously someone is "having fun".

I have a NARROW list of suspects ( 3 actually) and all I can say is that:

1. I'd love someone to present me with the email address of whoever I can report abuse of posting privileges to at Versiontracker and

2. I REALLY hope they have an IP tracker.

If they can't do anything about this then it is unfortunate but a part of life.

IF they can track down whoever falsified that post ( something which is illegal in Ireland BTW) then I'll take it up with that person's ISP and have their service removed. I'm quite sick of this sort of childish behaviour and, instead of getting angry on this forum, I'm now going to take all legal avenues open to me to stop this sort of stupidity.

On the other hand... I'd like to make clear that if whomsoever made that post emails me privately and apologises that I will consider the matter closed and won't do anything about it. We all make mistakes and so long as whoever it is undertakes not to do so again I see no reason to follow this up.

IF they don't own up though and it is in my power to pursue them then I will and when I pursue you I don't take prisoners.

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I guess someone is over there impersonating us to trash CM

Thomas if that isn't Your post over there please accept my humblest apologies frown.gif

I am very sorry if it isn't you -which since someone has now posted over there using Fionns name it probably isn't :embarrassed:

I really never thoguht that someone in this community would be that LOW to pull something like this (impersonating forum members) People just never cease to amaze me :Mad:

But my point stands if you are a member here and have a beef with CM think about the future of CM if you start slamming it on a forum where those posts may determine a sale




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I think that Scott is right on this one. I may not like him as a person or what he has done to me in the past BUT he is right here and you are wrong SS-PL.

IF this is Scott's opinion then he has EVERY right to express it as vehemently as any of us would express our appreciation.

The fact that there are like 20 positive posts and about 2 negative posts is its own message. Hell if there were 100% positive posts I'd figure that Steve and Charles were making all the posts themselves.

Someone ALWAYS hates what you make and since Tom doesn't like CM he is entitled to say so.

OTOH if I find out whoever impersonated me and they don't own up to it then they are going to learn a lot about "entitlements" themselves.

Ps. Email has already been sent to the relevant parties. The clock is ticking for whoever it was to own up to me via private email.

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I ';m not saying that they don't have a right to an opinion but IIRC you said earlier you stated that if someone lies about CM let em have it. well I didnt flame em I stated my opinion and the fact I was angry at the irresponsible posting (which to me was unfactual at best) _ it was BS IMO and still is frown.gif

I was wrong to assume that the thomas from here was the actual poster - although this stillhasnt been verified/denied one way or the other frown.gif

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Guest Scott Clinton

> IF this is Scott's opinion then he has

> EVERY right to express it...

errrr...was that a typo?

That was NOT my opinion. As a matter of fact that is a Mac site (right?) so I refrained from posting at all (stricly PC myself).

> All I can say about that is that obviously

> someone is "having fun". I have a NARROW

> list of suspects ( 3 actually)...

You may remove me from that list I got better things to do than 'go-round' with you again. wink.gif

GOOD LORD!!! Do you think...


just maybe...


...could there REALLY be TWO Fionns out there!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!


Btw: good luck finding 'them'


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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Guest Madmatt

One of my boys did this great Injustice????

ANd there arose a great wailing as the ground was ripped assunder and the time prophosised and feared for so long had come upon the huddled sycophantical flock...


Time to thin the herd some!

Colin? Your first! wink.gif



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

And if it's NOT on CMHQ then its just GOT to be on CMHQ-ANNEX...

CMHQ http://combathq.thegamers.net

CMHQ-Annex http://cmhq.tzo.com

Both now proud members of the Combat Mission WebRing

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It is EXTREMELY interesting to me that you should think that you would be on that list. A guilty conscience perhaps?

PS. For someone who has "better things to do" than go around with me again I must admit to being puzzled as to why you would, via private email give Lewis advice on how to embarass me publicly if you REALLY are as innocent as you claim...

And I quote from your email " Post this same message to a few forums he frequents in order to shame him to relenting. He holds his 'postion of respect' in very high regard. Threaten this with postings"

This following me around is what I term "cyber-stalking" and what I accused you of. It is also what you VEHEMENTLY denied. Of course, since I have email from you in which you INCITE others to cyber-stalk me it is now obvious just how truthful your denials were. STOP stalking me and STOP inciting others to do so Scott.

Seems like SOMEONE took your advice to heart and posted to VersionTracker.. Of course, you didn't know that I had a copy of this email from you did you? So you didn't know that I'd know the story behind the story did you? It's nice to finally have proof of you privately doing EXACTLY what you have,publicly, on this forum, denied doing.

Now, as I've said before.. STOP your private dirty tricks etc and stop acting like a white lamb on this forum. If you have an issue with me then take it up on the forum. I do NOT appreciate receipting private emails from you or from those whom you are inciting to attack me.

P.p.s. No-one has, as of yet, owned up to this. Fortunately it seems that Versiontracker DOES log IP addresses of posters and they have confirmed that they will give me the IP address of the poster. Once I get it I'll act as I have outlined previously.

By my reckoning whoever it is has 6 hours or so to own up before I get the evidence I need to track them down. My offer of total acceptance of any apology and the dropping of any "follow-up" still stand but whoever it is MUST own up to what they did via private email BEFORE I get the IP address.

[This message has been edited by Fionn (edited 05-18-2000).]

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