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You guys are very persuasive

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This board and the AAR's sold me. Man am I easy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nah, we don't think you're cheap or easy ... inexpensive and user friendly maybe smile.gif

Actually you're very perceptive, this board wouldn't be as loaded with good comments as it is if the game weren't any good.

I'm in the middle of a PBEM game right now in which I had plotted a move for my Sherman along some sloping terrain that was designed to give it a good shot. Imagine my surprise and shock when it started slipping backwards ... and still managed to get a shot off! It missed of course smile.gif, but it's that kind of detail that makes this such a great game.



"I don't want them brave, I want them dead!"

Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Congratulations windstarz!!!!, and welcome aboard!!!

SO what kind of upgrade are you considering? You had better be prepared, when your CD shows up!!! wink.gif


Life is tough...Its even tougher if you're stupid...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

Congratulations windstarz!!!!, and welcome aboard!!!

SO what kind of upgrade are you considering? You had better be prepared, when your CD shows up!!! wink.gif


I will probably get a 500mgh with a 17"monitor. Any suggestions on video card etc that would be optimum for CM?

[This message has been edited by windstarz (edited 06-04-2000).]

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I'd go with at least a TNT2 Ultra card. Better image quality and full transparency effects. Voodoos have trouble with the transparencies.

CM has building and smoke transparencies. I have the card mentioned and have no problem with the transparencies.

The Diamond Viper V770 is one such and popular card.

Some people will probably suggest a GeForce2, but for the money, a TNT2 is a good start.

[This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-04-2000).]

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Well, if money is a concern, I would recommend a V3. Just be sure to update to the latest drivers for DirectX 7.0a. Smoke and transparency effects look great on my V3 2000, and it only cost $89! Great deal for gamers on a budget.

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He's not the only conver. I'm the type who loves the first person shooter scene and hates wargames (Close Combat-type games ruined the whole genre for me..no strategizing) So I got the demo out of boredom a few days ago and was amazed. The depth was incredible! Then i read all of your statements and now, it's a must buy. But be4 i preorder, when is the release date? I've searched but found no answers? Is it a set date or a "when it's done" deal?


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KingOPork:

But be4 i preorder, when is the release date? P<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Soon. But I pre-ordered in Novemer, right after the Beta came out. So obviously my perspective is slightly different. Sometime in June is the general consensus, methinks.



The powers of accurate perception are often called cynicism by those who do not possess them. (forgot who said it)

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Very very nice! Preorder here i come. I'm also tryin to influence a good 20 ppl to buy this game. It's sad that i found the best wargame i have ever played on a small new article on bluesnews.com that the demo was out a few days ago. A game like this should have much more publicity and it's almost sad. I'll pass the word onto the FPS community however. Lets hope they make enough money to make CM2.


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Guest *Captain Foobar*

The CM demo is #3 right now, on the new demos list at fileplanet.com

I am excited to see it get on mainstream websites. Keep your fingers crossed.

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Guest Big Time Software

KingOPory 'n' CapnFoobar - thanks for helping spread the word, guys. Combat Mission will live or die on the strength of word of mouth from gamers like you.


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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Geezus man, no pressure.... rolleyes.gif


By the way, I have tried stumbling around on usenet, and havent found any active forums to convert in. Any tips.... We are waiting on orders, Major.

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CM is really the game I've been searching for since I bought my first Tandy 1000 a long, long time ago... when I was in elementary school or jr. high. I've played a lot of games that keep my interest for a decent period of time. But anymore, most of the games that come out (Mac or PC) don't have enough depth to hold my interest for more than a couple of weeks at most. I played the CM demo every day or every couple of days from when I got it in December/January until the gold demo came out... and I've played the gold demo once a day (at least) since it appeared. I can't even begin to imagine how much CM I'll be playing once I get it for real... so in preparation, I've purchased a lot of canned goods, a generator, a Tivo system to tape all the sporting events I need to see over the next several years, and lots and lots of bottled water... smile.gif

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Hmm welp I really think this game will succeed. I mean ppl are bound to review it. We've seen great games come and not get recognized, but not of this scale. This is a game that should have a PlanetCombatMission months ago. This won't go ignored. I'm no gun freak so i don't even understand what half the units are, but if they have their own models, this game will be crazy. The game just feels solid and polished. The 2 levels in the demo just scream replayability, and if they take the same amt of time in the Full version, you can expect a large following. I have a good feeling this will be a milestone in wargames. Hopefully any game past this will be compared to this game alone. What gives me more comfort is the fans here. From what i've seen most of you are diehard war nuts. I mean if anyone can judge a game of this type, it's you guys. I think if it wasn't so realistic, you'd have a few little kids saying "they should put nukes in it...that would be kewl." but this has the most mature and picky following. So more power to the diehard fans, and the game makers. It's been a long time that i've felt hype for a game like this. I've been let down over and over by games that said to have all these features, yet didn't make it into the game in the end. If this game has everything it says it will, game of the year of 2000. /me has fingers crossed.

-KOP www.merc-guild.com

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>From what i've seen most of you are diehard war nuts.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Flattery works every time. smile.gif A nicer thing you couldn't have said. I like you. smile.gif Welcome aboard.

I just bought 6 war books at B&N and fit his description to a 'T'.


on vacation on Ft. Collins CO. stopping off on my way to Louisiana. I've been in heaven all weekend; the women here are GORGEOUS!!

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by guachi:

I've been in heaven all weekend; the women here are GORGEOUS!!


Aren't there any interesting ACW sites in Louisiana? Sheeshh, calls himself a Grognard and then goes on about women...

Please note that all smilies on this iBook where run over by a 40-ton truck and are therefore incapacitated.



The powers of accurate perception are often called cynicism by those who do not possess them. (forgot who said it)

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Guest KarlXII

Ah, I've been following this forum for about a month now. I'm presently in Japan with a crappy company computer that have kept me from playing the demo. Luckily I'm returning to Sweden and a satisfactory computer next weekend, just before the release. smile.gif

How should I go about promoting this seemingly lovely game?


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Well i know how i can plug the game. I'm the admin of a top5 gamers.com board that gets plenty of traffic from top half-life gamers. So far i've only gotten 4 people to bite, but those are only the ones who responded to the board\me.


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Actually, the D-Day Museum is opening in New Orleans tomorrow! A lot of veterans, some good historians (eg Stephen Ambrose), and the usual Hollywood suckups (eg Tom Hanks) will be there for the opening. I was going to call in sick to attend, but it's sold out, so I'm unable to make it frown.gif At least they gave priority tickets to the vets smile.gif Make sure you take time to check it out if you're ever in New Orleans (it's by the UNO campus). A stop there should make for a nice break from touring the French Quarter and titty bars wink.gif

MT in New Orleans (just across the lake, actually)

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Guest Big Time Software

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>By the way, I have tried stumbling around on usenet, and havent found any active forums to convert in. Any tips....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

On usenet I'd say the best spots are:

1) comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical

2) comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic

3) comp.sys.mac.games.strategic

It's good even just to get the occasional post up there. If someone is potentially interested in CM's subject matter but just hasn't heard of the game yet, then this will catch his eye and he'll eventually visit the forum here.


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Stopping off in War-historical last August is how I found out about CM (thanks, Fionn...)

And I meant the the women in Ft. Collins are gorgeous. Hundreds upon hundreds of beautiful 20 somethings all vying to see who could wear the shortest skirt, tightest shorts, and skimpiest top.

Louisiana, not so much on the beauty part, but the ACW memorial in Vicksburg, MS (about 2 hours away) is really neat.


(note new e-mail address in profile)

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