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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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In an attempt to restore stability and reassure our more violent, demonstrative, and disturbed members, I have begun yet again the Cesspool, which seems to have entered some sort of Black Hole phase (as has been long predicted).


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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I told you, dammit! I told you to prepare, to set the gravity shackles and not just sit back without thinking about the Chandrasaker limit, but no, you were too busy sipping lattes and writing in to Ms. Gah, our sins are wiped clean but with them, our virtues.


Barad-Dur, the Dark Tower, which suffered no rival, and laughed at flattery, biding its time, secure in its pride and its immeasurable strength.

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I never thought the Peng Thread death would come like this...like an attack of dysentery. Well, actually, I tell a lie. It was probably always destined to come like this.

Quick, Peng, come on! They're trying to crucify us!


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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My personal opinion is that the pool achieved critical mass reached sentience and rejected

Footballhead by self destructing (posted originally in that usurper, Alexander Haig Iam in charge Meeks's thread)


Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread

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and to restore a sense of stability ......Stenchpoo where's my turn, here you are ending life as we know it. If you had been attending to business this would all be a bad dream


Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread

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All phenomena is transitory, suffering exists where we try to hold on to permanet forms; the Cesspool has changed it shape, but not it's form, it lives yet is reborn.Nice touch there Meeks. Sort of like being able to visit Ma in the Home. We get to visit that which formed our lives but move back into the world

Let us go forth, It's a mutha of a beautifulthread and it's going to be right there!


Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread

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Hey! does that mean I got the last post plus the one that killed it? I was posting a followup that you are actually your sister (you've both been caught now!) and when it returned me to the thread after I said "submit" it just said "1:51 am" in a single light blue line and the thread was gone. confused.gif

I bet we can even go back and edit posts to create a revisionist history...

[This message has been edited by chrisl (edited 10-12-2000).]

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Big Time Software

Moderator posted 10-12-2000 02:49 AM               


Hello you wastes of space!

It is my sad duty to make it official. The Peng Thread has imploded. You can still access the pages by using the base URL and page number, like so: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/007077-128.html

But I have locked it up to preserve its memory (and stench) for generations of Hamsters to follow.

In honor of the late Peng Thread, I ask that the only Smilies that be used for this first page be limited to this symbol of unity and hope:

May it rest in peace.


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Ahem. The thread entitled: The Cesspool, by Meeks, is an informational posting on the death of the "Peng, I Take Our Challenge Public" only. I insist, as the creator of that Thread, that the future home of the Cesspool™ always have 'Peng' in the subject, unless, or until, such time as Peng himself, in consultation with myself (and Berli, as the foremost representor of Evil), shall determine that another topic/thread name is acceptable. All who honour the memory of the Peng Challenge thread will await its new home.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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That's strange, dear Seanachai, as it seems Steve has recognized that thread as the one and true Peng Thread Reborn. He didn't post to your little thread. A ha, ha ha, muhahahaha!


Barad-Dur, the Dark Tower, which suffered no rival, and laughed at flattery, biding its time, secure in its pride and its immeasurable strength.

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I ask all those who honour the "Peng, I Take Our Challenge Public", aka 'The Cesspool', to await its rebirth. I wish to consult with Peng (and Berli, as the foremost representative of Evil), and other Knights of the 'Pool, to determine its new name and location. Post as you will, but no new home will be official until our announcement. As good Illuminati, we must consult in this, a time of crisis, before making decisions regarding the fates of thousands (or at least thousands of useless posts, and where they will be found).


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by Seanachoo

(Meeks is actually a good candidate; he must not otherwise have alife, because he returns files pretty regularly and with zest). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As I was saying, when the Cesspool was so rapidly and surprisingly drained...

Meeks is his sister, or vice versa, since this internet stuff makes things anonymous anyway. Sneezy might not even be sneezy-- he could be Lorak, or even Loraks sister, for all we know. Anyway, the way Meeks manages to post so much bile so quickly, and still manage to return moves, is that he and his sister are each other, and possible even more people. They might even be a whole "Cesspool.com" that just started up in the bay area, and is moving to Antarctica because the rent is cheap. I'm not sure what the business model is, but it is almost certainly shady, and probably involves bricks. There's plenty of evidence for them being the same person (if you can call them that): they're both bilious, you've never seen them both post in the same place at the same time, and they're using a plural name "Hamsters". They might have multiple personalities (though they're indistinguishable) in the same body, but it's more likely separate bodies with the same personality. They return files way too fast, and they can take a hell of a beating with a brick.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hamsters:

That's strange, dear Seanachai, as it seems Steve has recognized that thread as the one and true Peng Thread Reborn. He didn't post to your little thread. A ha, ha ha, muhahahaha!


The one true thread seems to have overwritten itself...I don't think the cesspool should have cesspool in the title-- it makes it too easy to find.

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Knights and squires! form the wagons in a circle, castle Pengthread has fallen!

Lock and load taunts! Theres wannabees in them thar hills...

Gentlemen we must rebuild the thread, we have the technology, better, stronger, faster,tauntier...

Steve Austin-wise we will create a bionic thread! With our one good eye we will see farther than any cesspooler has seen, we will all run in slow-motion while making an odd dit-dit-dit sort of noise and flared jeans, and wing-tip collars will be our uniforms! Ok well maybe not the clothes but still our weapons shall be bile, pure and venting! our enemies (and you know who you are fur-ball head)will fall at our feet as witty repatee's cut them to the core and the parry and thrust of humourous invectiture leaves them wandering, befuddled in the mists of no-mans-land, plaintively crying for their mothers.

Solidarity brothers!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Knights and squires! form the wagons in a circle, castle Pengthread has fallen!

Lock and load taunts! Theres wannabees in them thar hills...

Gentlemen we must rebuild the thread, we have the technology, better, stronger, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I will slay the new Cesspool as I slew the last!!


Final Poster and Slayer of the Cesspool Thread.

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I go to bed, not expecting anything bad to happen, and you lot break The Thread???!!

Oh, rue the day.

Someone send me a setup, I'm too upset.



Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Guest Germanboy

Hmasters, Geeks, Twat, whatever - I just saw you challenged me. I shall be most happy to oblige and serve you your empty head bobbing up and down in a bowl of vile stew. Well, since you challenged me I get to choose everything. Watch your email inbox.



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Guest Germanboy

Roight, I am with PenileweelosttoPeng on this one, so here's the post that went to Geeks thread first:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hamsters:

Yes, we all should have realized that the bloody thing was alive when it tried to digest Andreas.


Hamsters, you pathetic little creep - digest me? Not in a million years. As generations of ex-girlfriends can tell you, I am very hard to stomach. So sod off. The really important thing is that the Cesspool went at exactly the minute I woke up today. Which would explain my funny feeling then, and my reluctance to get out of bed. I instinctively knew there was only dreary greyness awaiting me, without the possibility of catching warmth and a bit of light at the Elmsfires dancing on the surface of the pool. I think a Combaiku is in order (all the rest of you untalented nitwits can just shut up for a minute and think of Geeks sister while pretending to observe a minute's silence - no farting and belching please):

The pool it is gone

rotten stench wafts a last time

vultures come to feast now

Yes that's a tear in my eye.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

The pool it is gone

rotten stench wafts a last time

vultures come to feast now


Right then, so where's the grub? And I do believe I owe some soon-to-be-Dead Things a file. Btw, Andy-pandy, my CO is alive and killing still. Thought you would like to know. Which reminds me that I must write a lovely little novelette called "The Death of Every Gerbil under Gerbiltoys command" soon. Very soon.

And since Seanatjoo has this democracy thing going (I must ask Satan and Peng for permission yadda yadda) right now I will post it here unless a new, more foul-smelling thread hasn't been started by then.

So there.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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I had a bad feeling about leaving town with the 'Pool in the hands of you methane-sniffing pack of incompetents. Now look what you've done!

Certainly the board's most unique thread should continue with the sobriquet of the most... curious life form it has spawned, the pod known as Peng. Peng was a lone cessdrop before there was a pool in which to waller.

With all respect due Meeks, which is precisely none, I can't respect a thread whose opening posts contain bizarre non sequiturs from something called kain. I don't think he is able. And who hasn't enjoyed the mystified posts from newbies, wondering where this "Cesspool" was to be found?

If we just put up multi-national signs with arrows saying "Cesspool Here" it will lose some mystique. Make them Search! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HAH!!! The mutha-beautiful Peng thread, the Cesspool, LIVES!!!

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Just got the news...

The Horror, The horror!

'Just this morning, they let me know you were gone,

Cesspool the post chrisl made put a end to you.

I logged in this morning, and I thought up a taunt,

I just can't remember who to send it to...

Oh, I've seen Peng, and I've seen Meeks.

Seen tons of taunts, been reading them for weeks.

I've read taunts from men when the future of their game was bleak...

But the Cesspool now's nothing more than a Cess-creek.'

Let us restart the pool with lovely name-calling, beautiful references to obscure works of literature, jokes about how French people actually get cleaner by bathing in cess-water, and public exposure of Meeks' sister's Topplements. A grand party worthy of Bilbo Baggins eleventy-first birthday!



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What is all this blather about some cesspool?

You guys have way too much time on your hands.

Get lives all of you before >insert disaster description here< befalls all of huminity.

You are wastes of skin.

Is there anyway I can block threads I dont want to look at anymore?

Uh, lessee. Oh, yeah, "I taunt you all."

Ha! that was a good one, huh?

Well, after rubbing my two functioning neurons together for several seconds this morning I can think of no reason why there should be another Peng Thread. In reading some of the post mortem comments of 'pool denizens one stood out in particular, in that the original cesspool was of a spontaneous nature. To try to force it into being again would be similar to putting your old dead cat in the pet cemetary in hopes of it rising again. Yeah the flesh and bone are reanimated, but it acts a bit cross and not like its old self. Its just not the same.

MrS~Tea in his righteous lunacy and Hamsters/Meek(!) in their "crazy as a treeful of rats" haste have been caught in an understandable trap. It would be a fortune in GLORY to be the one who resurrected the "Peng" thread, or so they thought.


Send it to Hell whence it came.

If another rip in the fabric of space-time should occur and spawn another monstrosity of bile, spleen, bad poetry, worse temper, foul odors, misbegotten souls, odd bedfellows, strange alliances and bits of woodworking with the raffetta work and curlicues on the ends then so be it.

Else - ttfn, seeyawouldntwannabeya, hastalavistafathead and buhbye.


P.S. THIS is the official Peng Challenge thread - Piss off Hamsters/Meeks(!).

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I have followed the Mutha Beautiful Thread Elders here, to this place, where we shall together carry on the pool's existance. A bit too clean right now, but a few days more and that ought to be cleared up.

I've arranged for a pump to send some of the murky waters to be transferred into here, however, it will take some time to build back up to our previous levels.

The good news, the Mutha Beautiful Thread Accounting Department was able to start a second set of books fresh for the occasion.

This WILL be the official place to post. I say any knight caught in the "fake and imitation thread" be shot and quarterd and used for steps in the bottom of the pool.

Thread Bean Counter,

GI Tom


To a New Yorker like you, a hero is some type of wierd sandwich.

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