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CM for Linux?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by marcusjm:

Would it have a market?



Why would Charles write Linux code for CM when most linux users believe EVERYHTING should be free, how many copies of the Linux CM would they actaully sell vs. how many more would be copied by Linux users who think that all software should be free.

If I was Charles I'd say thanks, but no thanks.

-tom w

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Where did you get that idea?

IBM wouldn't have invested 300 million USD in Linux if they didn't want to make some cash.

Borland is soon releasing Kylix for Linux.

Some games available for Linux

-Jagged Alliance 2

-Civilisation Call to Power

More to come

And btw if you download copyrighted software without paying you are still a pirate no matter what.


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Quite many, if not most linux users are professionals in the field of computers. Yes, many of them believe that information, software and such _should_ be free, but they also respect other opinions and copyrights. More like the same mentality you see here with MODs - "how can I make this better for all of us".

But ranting aside; I would love to see CM ported to linux, too, but I suspect that the market won't be that big for some years to come frown.gif More likely one of the bigger win-emulators (wine and like) will reach a state where it can be used to run CM -- that will be a good day indeed smile.gif

Topi - now some kind person could step to the spotlight and tell me that CM already works with wine, please? wink.gif

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Its very important to realize the diference between a suporter of the Gnu Public Licence and some one who just pirates games. The idea behind the GPL is that the source code for games should be free if the author desires and any software project that incorporates GPL code must itself be GPL. In other words you can take advantage of this great GPL code base, but you have to give back to it by expanding the code base.

Pirating games is clearly recognized by GPLers as a whole nother issue. Some one using GPL code is making a choice than any code they write with it must be open source. A closed source game designer is making no such choice so you have no right to pirate their game.

Now, I'm not saying that the Linux comunity are all saints. Some certainly have radical views on MP3 issues (and I don't see how you can use Napster and get mad at game piraters). But my expieriences on slashdot.org have been that game piraters are rather disliked.

I will also add another fairly significant game to the list of those released under Windows, Mac and Linux simultaniously: Quake III.

That being said, I think BTS has better things to do than port CM to Linux. Like CM2. But, if they decided to do it I for one would buy a copy.


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Guest Rollstoy

I think the big step would not be Windows to Linux but DirectX to Open GL. The rest is C++ in either case and some system routines (e.g. load/save dialogs). And to the list of games for Linux I want to add Quake 3 - Arena cool.gif!



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by marcusjm:

IBM wouldn't have invested 300 million USD in Linux if they didn't want to make some cash.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The main reason IBM (and most other major computer makers, IMHO) are getting on the Linux bandwagon is for the back end server products, not Linux on the desktop. IBM will find a way to make money off of "free" software the same way they always have: consulting fees. ($150/hr and up, oh my! eek.gif )

BTW, my boss is investigating running Linux on our S/390... rolleyes.gif


Canada: Where men were men, unless they were horses.

-Dudley Do-right

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aka_tom_w wrote:

how many copies of the Linux CM would they actaully sell vs. how many more would be copied by Linux users who think that all software should be free.

Well, they would sell at least one. To me. Nowadays the only reason why I boot to Windows at all is to play games. CM, in particular. (Due to an interesting mishap my Win98 refuses to acknowledge that there are more than 512 megs of hard disk space and I can fit only one game in there).

As other posters have pointed out, GPL and pirating are two wholly different things. I have written GPL:d software myself and use free tools whenevenr possible but I still think that the author of code should have right to decide how it is distributed.

I'm lucky to be in the lucky position that I can release my software under GPL and still make a living (being a graduate student with a grant). Not all programmers can do that.

- Tommi

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by marcusjm:

Not to forget that there are more Linux installations than Mac:s for which there's a CM.

Plus it's growing every month.


Ok, now that hurts. frown.gif

Being a Mac Fanatic I find it hard to believe that the use of the Linux operating system as a "client" on non-server cpu's out numbers the use of the Mac OS.

What kind of statistics support that claim?

-tom w

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Since Macs have been dragged into the conversation I will throw in my $0.02 US. If BTS plans to continue MacOS support, they will at some point in time need to convert to a native MacOS X or beyond. MacOS X runs on a BSD kernal, Mach 3. I may be wrong, but I don't believe that it would be a great leap to go from MacOS X OpenGL to Linux OpenGL since they are both varients of Unix.

So I would speculate that when CM is moved to MacOS X and OpenGL that Linux will not be far behind, or for those who want to believe it, vis versa.

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Could a person (today) "install DirectX under WINE, then CMBO on top of that?"

If this is possible and it works then my days using Windows are numbered.



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