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BTS, how many chances do Nazi worshipers get?

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Have u read what i said Silesian-jaeger?

Do u understand it!!???

NO!! u dont!!

U are a neagative nasty person, who are u to judge me? what gives u the right to call me lame!!

Im happy he gave us links and nice things to look at. THE ORIGINAL ISSUE WAS... He was originally accused of submitting a link for an SS site and called a nazi. The people who accused him of that should be banned!!! They were harressing him.!

There was nothing wrong with that site link.

Some of his pics may have been unneeded but he wasnt that bad.

After suffering alot of abuse, (similar to me a few days ago) he went off at everyone posting sick pics etc.

If u read my post above yours i directly said i did not approve of those sick pics.

Read the posts before u accuse people of stuff. U can read cant u????

Im not siding with him im trying to get across to people to

1. Stop harressing others because this is destroying the forum, as how can anyone post without being abused.

2. Read the posts correctly before u reply.

3. That BTS should boot any harressing or consistantly negative minded people who have only 1 agenda to be nasty to others.

How can people post without being told that they are lame or that they are w$%kers etc.

BTS please keep an eye on things and boot people who are harressing others.

I was harressed the other day and i wasnt too happy about it.

Little things turn into big things which is waht happened to PIEPER.

I didnt lose it and swear and go nuts but i think swearing is nicer than putting people down in nice language all the time.

Read the posts and u will find alot of nasty comments.

Just chill everyone else ill be looking for a new game to play.

Screw u guys!!!!

Im a going home!!!!


Lo there do i see my father, Lo there do i see my Mother,and my sisters and my brothers,

Lo there do i see the line of my people back to the beginning,

Thou they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever....

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I actually have that site as one of my favorites. There are great pics there and there is military music there. I honestly don't know why he was jumped on when he linked that site. The later pics that he posted clearly had the intent to bother people. For that he deserved to be banned.

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Ok Gaz.

I see. I have thoroughly read your posts (If you are doubtful about this claim I ask you to read a thread I started about smilies and how people need to pay attention to what they read and what they say.)I am very careful about what I post, most especially when I am talking trash, taunting and otherwise being a pain in the ass.

Although it may be difficult for some to separate the wheat from the chaff, most people that I have met on this board are able to do so. You, good man, appear to be one who cannot. You also appear to have a hard time writing in a way that others with differing bandwidths can download and parse coherently, which makes respondng to your posts in a civil and appropriate way difficult at best.

Might I suggest a thing or two to think about when posting (all right the rest of you, stop snickering. I have the serious mode on now.)?

Here I will adhere to an especially important thing when posting: that is, when asking a potentially rhetorical question, err on the side of caution and allow the object of your inquiry the chance to respond. Perhaps GAZ_NZ has not the slightest interest in what I have to say. If so, that will be fine and I will take my leave. However, should the injured party care to partake in a bit of friendly conversation regarding my opinions on some issues relevant to civil discourse, then I would welcome a reply in kind. If, on the other hand the gentleman would prefer me to piss off entirely then I will depart a lot and bear him no ill will.

In anticipation of further discourse.


P. S. I have decided that it was far too effortful to write this over such trivia, and I am not at all interested in a response. I am loathe to edit or delete this post as too much time and effort went into its composition. GAZ, write well and often and you will be admired and emulated. Substitute 'u' for 'you' and utilize similar shortcuts and be misunderstood, minsinterpreted and otherwise have others mis s your point - whether it be valid or silly or objectionable. There are reasons for writing conventions and clarity is one of the chief among them. If you wish to be taken seriously and not fobbed off as a dullard, crank or misfit, write well and you will be respected. Write like a guttersnipe and you will be treated like a guttersnipe, regardless of the erudition, validity or genuineness of your posts.

P. P. S. do not nit-pick at typographical errors, as you will be sure to make them and then heaven help you when you are found out.

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Guest Silesian-jaeger

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Ok Gaz.

I see. I have thoroughly read your posts<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Mr.Peng, it is an honour to see you work.


"In one (German) town, Private Honey stood next to an

elderly German man and a ten-year-old boy. As the Shermans and brand-new

Pershings rumbled by the boy said,'Deutsches Panzer lind besser.' Honey

looked down at him and asked,'If

German tanks are better,

why aren't they here?' "

quote from Stephen E. Ambrose, "Citizen Soldiers"

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Kindly return to the Cesspool where your intellect finds it's true zenith.

On the 14th July 2000 an individual under the name GAZ_NZ registered with this forum.

After several posts (samples below) that user name was not used again after 14th July.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> U will figure it out soon enough but the cold war was a hoax as is all this.

The anti missle system is actually an anti ufo system. One day u will understand

but in the mean time forget ya troubles and enjoy ya games. This might sound

weird but im in touch with the right people here in NZ who are in touch with.....Ill leave u withb this though as well...... Take care all<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Cheers for the reply, was hoping somefink would be made.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Im good at art and have many wwii camo books.

Was wanting to contribute.

Any info appreciated.


On the 15th July 2000 an individual under the name CPT STRANSKY registered with this forum.

The last posts by that username were about 30th August 2000.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I prefer playing German but i can be axis

i love big games

if any one else is keen that reads this mail me.


e-mail gazzer@wave.co.nz


Cpt. Stransky

Prussian Aristocrat<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> To me tanks just dont seem to have the impact they should. Its like hey theres

a tank kill it, ok wheres the next.

Tanks were feared. Especially Tigers.

German Armour calculations i think may need a top up. Maybe even allied tanks

need it to vs Panzerfausts.

i dont play allies so comment people.

Make this game balanced.

Im a veteran war gamer and i like games to progress im not trashing cm by the





<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As for playing PBM for humilty i have been PBMing for years, and i have played

CM PBM with 2 of me mates here in NZ.

Yes im an NZer!!!

The patches and resulting PBM muck ups made me give up as well as the

hassles in playing this game PBM. As for icq thats a security risk and i dont use

it, i have friends high up in computer security etc ms engineers etc and i have

been warned not to use it.

I know people who have been hacked and becasue of my new job im starting

soon i cant have me pc hacked. Big security risk!!

Also BTS u have not updated your news page, u put 1.03 patch but have

missed 1.04 and now 1.05. I know of some people who only just got 1.05

because they never saw it posted on the news page. PLease fix. Not everyone

reads the board.


ps never trash people who are interested in making a game better. ive been

wargamming for 20 years and i have yet to find a good War game. Cm is good

still needs some work but.

My classic war game is War in Russia by Gary Grigsby

cheers all<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

On the 30th August 2000 an individual under the name GAZ_NZ registered with this forum.

The posting style of this individual may be seen in this thread.

CPT STRANSKY's email is gaz nz@zfree.co.nz

GAZ NZ's email is gazzer@wave.co.nz

On the 20th of July CPT STRANSKY (should be CAP) posted the following:

"if any one else is keen that reads this mail me.


e-mail gazzer@wave.co.nz



A while back Andreas posted. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>GazNZ, I think what Steve meant was that amongst Kiwis there is a higher proportion of people who use a more phonetic style to post.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I don't think so bud, I think Steve was having a private joke.


"I never saw such a dejected army, even the Italians carried themselves better in the old desert days. They were mostly Germans, but includede Poles, Russians, Mongols, Czechs, Yugoslavs, Frenchmen, even one American - all in Nazi uniforms."

[This message has been edited by Simon Fox (edited 09-04-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Simon Fox (edited 09-04-2000).]

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Guest Silesian-jaeger

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by iggi:

That's like saying...in a south vietnamese town, a little south vietnam boy sees North Nam soldiers with bicycles and says ' US jets are better'. His dad says...well you get the point.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Iggster...I am kinda slow, so I'm not sure if your trying to flame me or the person who made the statement. Anyway, he said it 55 years ago. It was his opinion based on his feelings having struggled to the end of a long and bitter war. I am not going to try and presume to speak for him and state what he ment. But as stated it , he was a soldier, it was his opinion, lets let him have it, right or wrong. Come on Iggz, in light of all the nastiness around here lately lets try and be positive. I love you little buddy!


"In one (German) town, Private Honey stood next to an

elderly German man and a ten-year-old boy. As the Shermans and brand-new

Pershings rumbled by the boy said,'Deutsches Panzer lind besser.' Honey

looked down at him and asked,'If

German tanks are better,

why aren't they here?' "

quote from Stephen E. Ambrose, "Citizen Soldiers"

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Why would you think that I'm trying to flame you when I'm only referring to the quote?

I think his(ambrose) logic twists the data and comes to a false conclusion. Hitler attacked Russia when his troopers had summer clothes. How dumb can he be? Strategy rules. I just don't agree with Ambrose.

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Guest Silesian-jaeger

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by iggi:

Why would you think that I'm trying to flame you when I'm only referring to the quote?

I think his(ambrose) logic twists the data and comes to a false conclusion. Hitler attacked Russia when his troopers had summer clothes. How dumb can he be? Strategy rules. I just don't agree with Ambrose.


Ah I see your logic now. Actually it's my fault. I wasn't clear. The quote, although wrtten in Ambroses' book, was actually made by a Pvt. Honey (mentioned in the quote) of the US army. Thanks for clearing that up.

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Bear with me, Simon, I've been hit on the head with a brick multiple times so I'm kinda slow. Gaz is Stransky? Your logic and detective work is excellent, and I'm glad you haven't looked into any other usernames... Because if you did, and somehow I was related, you may end up with a marmot head in your bed...


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 09-04-2000).]

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Iggi, the point, I believe, was not that of actual comparison between the combat quality of the German and American tanks. I don't think anyone disputes the quality of German tanks.

The qoute is merely a pointed remark in response to all the propaganda of the German war machine, which is to say, "They may have had better tanks, better soldiers, better guns and better tactics but we still kicked their asses." I think Silesian-Jaeger feels that, on these forums, there's a preponderance of the first half of this statement and not enough mention of the second half. If I am wrong, Silesian, let me know.

When Grant came East and went up against R. E. Lee, his generals said things such as, "He may be a fine general but Grant never faced Bobby Lee." Grant said, "Lee will do this and Lee will do that, you'd think he was going to do a triple somersault and end up behind our lines. Stop thinking about what he's going to do to us and think about what you're going to do to him."

My point? Lee was a spectacular general, and the German army was spectacular, as well, but they were both beat and its unhealthy to pave over that.


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Yes, under normal circumstances, but wasn't Stransky the plagiarist who was laughed off the forum???


No, no, no, Meeks, that was Skorzeny. Stransky was the (alleged) Kiwi who kept raving on incoherently about how BTS needed to fix everything he didn't like or didn't understand, then threw tantrums when people suggested he might be talking through the hollow tube of an empty 12 pak.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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We're just going to back to the quality vs quantity arguement. Germany could not have won because Russia was too large and America was too far away to smash in one quick blow.

In contrast, it's not that the French were stubid that they lost. They were an arms length from the initial blow. They absorbed the strongest blow.

Point being that no matter how good your men and machines are, bad strategy will lose the day.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

A while back Andreas posted.

GazNZ, I think what Steve meant was that amongst Kiwis there is a higher proportion of people who use a more phonetic style to post.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I don't think so bud, I think Steve was having a private joke.

Good work Simon, I think I may need a humour replacement, did not get that one at all.



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nazis..schmazis.....this is the last place I would expect someone to be politcally correct..was this thread started just so you could get replies to your post's?...way back when when board game's were the norm...we just called them "cardboard nazi's" because ww2 was the only thing they were interested in no civil war no napoleonic's...an definetly no elephant's although hannibal an his boy could squash you flatter than any panzer belive it or not the ss were pretty tactily inferior to alotta german formation's.At any rate alotta the response's are pretty funny to read.....HIEL DEM FHURER!!...haha a little joke.

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Guest Silesian-jaeger

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

The qoute is merely a pointed remark in response to all the propaganda of the German war machine, which is to say, "They may have had better tanks, better soldiers, better guns and better tactics but we still kicked their asses." I think Silesian-Jaeger feels that, on these forums, there's a preponderance of the first half of this statement and not enough mention of the second half. If I am wrong, Silesian, let me know.

Well spoken, EM.


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Well, fueled by a nice glass of Guiness, I'll jump in here and toss out a few opinions. JP is out of line of course in 90% of his comments, but honestly he doesn't bother me really. Granted thinking such as he displays is what causes friction and even wars, but people like him who display such ignorance just arouse in me the desire to take them and show them how it really is, not flame them up. Guess thats the teacher in me. Curing the world of ideals that he has displayed won't be solved by yelling or shooting or anything such; you just end up with the next generation brooding around on past greivances, plotting their revenge (ala germany post WWI). The people that do bother are people like that that plagurist fellow that likely aren't ignorant, they are just ridiculous arrogant asses. They really should be knowledgable enough to know better. That's probably my personal bias against hypocrisy. Still Pieper is noncupatory and unproductive as far as the forum goes, maybe he should be banned but that is not my domain to judge its BTS's. JP reminds me of the kid at school who no one paid much attention to until he discovered that if he acted disruptive and inflammatory he got way more attention than any of the productive folk.

As such, by replying to all his mishmash of commentary you are reinforcing his behaviors...

Regarding the debate on Germans were better etc. I think my points stated on a previous thread were cogent and no one sought to argue with them, but I will addend the matter here with some points I left out before. Strategy and tactics is but one part of fighting a war on the scale of WWII. If that's all there was to war, the Germans may well have prevailed (except for the indisputable fact they would have been nuked to dust if need be as I pointed out before), but there is more to war than battlefields. Logistics are crucial to success; if you dont have food and bullets you aren't going to win the war, not to mention the effect proper supply has on morale. Simple luxuries like cartons of cigarettes helped propel the allies to victory (not to mention provided RJR and crew a nice customer base but thats another tale). The allies certainly won the war here. As Churchill shrewdly reiterates many times in his history of WWII, the TOA where the war was won was the North Atlantic. Without the flood of supplies from America (U.S. as well as Canada), the English would have had little in the way of combat effectiveness, and the Soviets, who often faced supply obstacles, would have been significantly less effective as well. In my opinion, Germany's best (perhaps sole) chance of victory was by winning the war here: instead of making Panthers and Tigers they should have been churning out U-Boats and training crews with the utmost speed and priority. If Britain's lifeline had been severed, and the US had not been able to amass the huge storehouses of material needed for D-Day the war would have been strikingly different, in addition to the ramifications on the Eastern front.

Another aspect of warfare I have not seen discussed on this forum is espionage. Here too the allies won the battle. More often than not, the allies had the jump on the axis: the decryption of the Omega code (If I recall right thats what it was called), was a tremendous coup, the allies in many instances knew much of what the Germans were up to on both a strategic and tactical footing. This proved a huge boon for the allies and markedly contributed to the success of their efforts. On the other hand, the Germans, while they had some successes, failed at critical junctures. For example, they needed to know and should have known where and when Overlord was to take place. If they had, they whole operation would likely have been a catastrophe, and perhaps they could have used the to force peace with the West, although I doubt it. Churchill would simply not have allowed it, even if American public opinion favored it. As an aside, the same goes for the Pacific theatre, the Japanese were handily defeated on this front: for evidence Midway and their corresponding inability to break the Navajo codes.

One more aspect where the Germans have been historically lacking is in the field of diplomacy. They decidedly misgauged the British will to fight after the fall of France, and this proved costly indeed to Hitler's hopes of European empire and the subdual of the Soviets. On that matter, once again there was a serious miscue: instead of maintaining peace with the Soviets and knocking the UK out of the war they engaged in Barbarossa, the effects of which most if not all here should understand. I will say Hitler was very shrewd in his pre-war machinations, but alot of this is attributable to allied floundering.

Not directly pertinent, but significant I think, is the corresponding failures in diplomacy before WWI. England actually made overtures of alliance to Germany at the onset on the century, but in arrogance, short-sightedness, and the desire to be preeminent in Europe, Germany rebuffed England, and so ended up fighting many nations with correspondingly little help. England and France were never historical allies, much to the contrary, but necessity forced them into alliance. As a note, the historical Anglo-Franco emnity proved to be one of the major causes of Hitlers ability to expand his influence prior to WWII. Anyways, I think we can envision the huge advantages Germany would have had in the eventual conflict if Russia and France had had to fight her if England had been neutral or even allied with Germany.

Another point I would like to make is that Germany's greatest successes took place when they had a diplomat of the finest caliber to compliment their industrial and military prowness. With Bismarck at the helm, they expanded from a significant but hardly dominant principality to the strongest nation on the continent. With a leader of this stature, who knows where Germany might have gone in the 20th century. But then, Bismarck wisely considered warfare as a risky and uncontrollable arm of diplomacy: after 1871 he chose peace and prosperous co-existance with thr rest of Europe.

Wars are simply not fought merely on battlefields.

As for the final issue, Elijah i'm a bit hesitant to contest you since Elijah has been my handle in other venues and times, and you complimenting me on my last endless exposition. However, you've been something of a troll with the South-North thing and furthermore I think you're wrong on alot of things smile.gif At the same time I respect someone who stands firm by his convictions, even if they are incorrect. I personally think Lee was a good general, but significantly overrated. Alot of the credit for his success must be directed to the fact that he had a superb group of generals under his command. Jackson was a tactical genius, and my vote for the smartest general of that war goes to Longstreet. He knew what was best for the South and best for the men under his leadership: find the best possible place to fight defensively, array your lines in the most secure fashion, and force the enemy to expend itself attacking that position. And if I were to vote for who was the most innovative and historically influential general of the Civil War, it would be Sheridan: it was he who introduced the concept of total war that vividly caricterized the huge conflicts on the 20th century. Granted his ideas were questionable from a humane standpoint, but the effectiveness and innovation cannot be disputed. Thus ends the post to end all posts biggrin.gif


As the victors define history, so does the majority define sanity...

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Of course im Stransky!!!!!!!!

Im also HITLER!!!!!!

hell im a nazi too!!!!

WHO CARES????? what do u care? what does it have to do with CM? nothing??

But u are so interested wasting ya time to give a person **** about somefink no one really cares about u have all lost the plot.

This site is full of constant abuse and nasty remarks and im never posting on here again. I thought this was a posting site, i dont think so. As soon as a person puts his name up hes a W$%ker or a f%$khead or somefink. U are all judgemental of things u have no idea of.

Do u actually care what the posts says?

I have gotten my point across that u are all nasty spiteful individuals now and im lauhging at all of u.

BTS u have no control of this board and this whole board is one big flame!!!!!!

BTS note u have a disclamier policy well

A quote from it..

1. No Flaming and/or Baiting. If you have a strong opinion, that is fine. But express it in such a way that is non-abusive and not emotionally charged. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We like to think our gamers are mature, rational people. Please help us keep this opinion of you!

I have read so many abusive nasty , spiteful comments why havent these people been banned or do u want me to mail BTS with 40+ names and there posts.

Acusng people of being a NAZI is also pretty serious. I think that the individual who started that should be banned.

If that person was in the same country as me id go lllegal on him.

I think u should all read this infomation and becareful about what u all say in future.

Im a psychology grad and im all playing with u. U are all fools. U have brought out what i saw happenning a while ago.

This board has been getting aggressive more and more lately, i noticed it alot with peoples comments to both my names and others as well.

What the hell is wrong with u all.???

Im no longer reading all this crap and i have no intention of being part of a discussion board of whom most peoeple abuse one another. To those i know sweet as hehe have a laugh with me and chill.

To those who want me dead rah rah, whatever.

U can comment after this, whatever u want i dont care, bye bye i wont be reading it.

Im sorry for casuing innocent people annoyance, i jsut had to play a litte game here to show people how aggressive this place is going.

I have done this before on Everquest discussion and i stirred up a hoornets nest there. The people who run that game never comment on posts, they did to mine!!!!!




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