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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You want to blind play and then just blind play and TRUST each other!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ok, I'll try to explain this to you. Forgive me if I don't use small enough words for you to understand. To play blind is to play a scenario against your opponent without any prior knowledge of the scenario. It is considered common courtesy to not post info about new scenarios in general discussion. There are several threads pertaining to Valley of Trouble which are clearly defined as such, and those of us playing blind do not read them.

[This message has been edited by Berlichtingen (edited 05-12-2000).]

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Heres easy words too!!!!!!!!!!!.

Anything, including words regarding the new AI in any scenario will allow you to lip-bitch. Practically anything will set off a fidget complainer like you. So drop it.

Its that simple. The Gold demo is out based on the soon to be released game. The world has to stop because of your special interests? Lots of new blood will be flooding in. Your "me-first" special interest "dinosaur" mentality is old hat. BE GONE BERLI-GIRL!!!

Just control yourself. Play Blind and stop reading the forum.

...(if you dare...)


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USERNAME posted:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>stop because of your special interests? Lots of new blood will be flooding in. Your "me-first" special interest "dinosaur" mentality <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

it wasn't just Berli's special interests...

Alot of people were really looking forward

to playing blind matches...Hell,..I WAS!!!

my chance to PBEM blind was spoiled by

someone posting info that my opponent read.

not saying that you don't have a point,though...To ensure "FOW",it probably

isin't a good idea to visit the forums.

but,....Just a little courtesy can go a long way.It shouldn't trouble anyone to type "WARNING_SPOILER INFO"..see! I just did it myself!no swollen joints..I don't think

that that is being "selfish" or displaying

a "me-first" attitude.

It really sounds like you are just going

after Mr.Tingen and you will argue any point

(no matter how inane)to have some fun.

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Lewis, you just can't ever shut up can you?

I really don't know why you even bother posting. It is quite clear that you know everything, everyone else in the world is just a bunch a cry babies that should bow before your superior logic,you are the most clever writer ever to put thought to words, and you are tragically misunderstood by the rest of the feeble beings of the world.

That should about cover it. Since it is so obvious that you are a superior being, PLEASE go back to where you came from. Rest assured your god-like intellect will be worshipped for eons to come.

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Did you read the intelligence report? It mentions a 75mm ATG in a freaking bunker! It mentions german armor! I didnt say " Wow my Brumbar on turn 15 really whooped tush!"

I didnt say "The 75mm ATG has ALOT of HVAP".

You are just chronic weasals and I am sick of this self-rightous complaining. I have played by email and it took almost 5 weeks. Do you really expect everyone here (including new people who have no idea?) to hold off discussing the new scenario?

Sorry it aint holding up. Nice try.


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Lewis - where I come from, when somebody asks me for something politely, I am willing to do him the favor, especially when the only thing that is needed is to put a 7 letter word in front of a post.

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You're a chronic PITA. When confronted with actually being wrong, actually having made a mistake in posting information about one scenario in a topic clearly labeled for another, you go on the attack. You've done it before, repeatedly. Everyone is a whiner, complainer, bitcher, griper except you.

Ego insecurity is a horrible thing.

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