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Att/Wild Bill(Off-Topic)

Guest Gunnerdream

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Guest Gunnerdream

Just curious, are you the same Wild Bill who was responsible for so many of the outstanding rogue scenarios for Squad Leader and ASL?


Gunnerdream...floating down through the clouds...

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Guest Madmatt

I don't know about ASL but I have played and tested his work for CM from what I have seen we are all in for a wonderfull and frustrating (winning wise) time! wink.gif

He has this knack for just errr... Well you think things are going so well then all of the suddden ummm sometimes I could just kill him! His scenrio designs are WICKED, nuff' said!

Madmatt out


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 01-13-2000).]

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Guest John Maragoudakis

My god Madmatt, what are we in for?

Very impressed to see who the people supporting CM are. This is fascinating. Knowing that people involved with Sqaud Leader are here just makes CM all the more complete. Thank You.

[This message has been edited by John Maragoudakis (edited 01-15-2000).]

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Bill has this little thing for Ernst Barkmann (Hopefully Lady Beth never finds out about Bill's true unrequited love wink.gif ).

Bill just loves saying.. Ooh, here's a scenario in which Barkmann is alone and facing a company of Shermans. See how you do ok?

I just got one which is exactly like that in the mail this morning wink.gif.. Time to help rescue those poor wounded Soldaten and bring them back to our lines.

Panzers Vorwaerts !



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Ah GunnerDream,

You've been around that long? Yes, I did the Pacific Variant for the old original SL games, back in 82-83.

We had a small group of designers-testers that I formed (no internet or E-Mail then) and we corresponded via snail mail.

It went well. We were featured in a special article in the old Wargamer magazine which pissed off Avalon Hill very, very much.

They got ugly. So I stopped. Of course, all of our material was of no value without their product. But such is life.

The interesting thing was that many of the features I included with the Japanese I saw 6 years later in ASL Gung-Ho and Code of Bushido (G). Small world, huh.

And now Avalon Hill is gone and old Wild Bill is still here. Strange world, isnt't it. I do miss their fine work, however. They were tops in board gaming.

We had a regular column in the old SL mag, "On all Fronts." It was a lot of fun.

This is even more fun. And I'm still designing after all these years.

First there was TANKS (SSI). I did about 200 scenarios for that one. For the SP series I've done about 600. Then there is Panzer Commander, East Front, TOAW, TOAW II and now the marvelous Combat Mission.

So far I've done about 20 or so with this game (CM) which I hope will be included. The competition is fierce. The other scenario designers for CM are some of the best I've ever seen. You really won't be disappointed with these battles and operations.

So I'll keep on till the old eyes and fingers won't cooperate anymore.

Thanks, my friend, for taking me for a walk down memory lane. I'm glad you and I are still here, aren't you?


Wild Bill

Wild Bill's Raiders

Director of Scenario Design,

The Gamers Net

billw@thegamers.net http://wbr.thegamers.net

[This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 01-14-2000).]

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From a beta tester's viewpoint...

I get to test all the scenarios being made. I won't name name, not because of disrespect, but of fear I would forget someone. I can say this in all honesty, they are the best group I have ever tested for. I have beta tested since Windows 3.1 came out on 28 floppies, I still have the disks. smile.gif When a scenario designer takes your suggestions, implements them, and thanks you for the suggestions, you know you have a good crew. There is not one designer out there that has not done something where my jaw just dropped and I just looked at the screen in awe. I even got credit in a scenario or two for suggestions made. Bottom line: The game is great, the scenarios are great, and all the people involved are trying to make this a game that will be on your list to play for a long long time. IMHO they succeeded.

Tim Orosz, Raider

Combat Mission Raider Team

Wild Bill's Raiders

The Gamers Net: http://www.thegamers.net

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The "Tiger" (as I call Rune - because he has a habit of ripping scenarios apart when he tests them. If it can be found, he will find it! - G) is absolutely right.

He has been an immense help in perfecting these electronic battles. Well done, Tiger!

Premium group of designers. And of course, Doug, its worth the wait...but who wants to wait!

Yes, the ammo is ready (the scenarios), we're just tweaking the sights on the gun (the game) and then you can "fire at will."


Wild Bill

Wild Bill's Raiders

Director of Scenario Design,

The Gamers Net



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Guest Gunnerdream

Wow! First, just let me say I am HONORED to meet you over the internet, and second I would like you to know how much pleasure you've brought to myself and the merry band of idiots that I've gamed with over the past twenty years. They will absolutely freak when they read that Wild Bill of "Wild Bill's Raiders" (That was the name if I recall correctly) is working on CM. You have no idea how much time was spent, how many beers drunk, how many shots done, how many LOS fights were had etc. All I can say is...Thanks for some wonderful memories and some VERY good times. I'm looking forward to many more.

I've lost a couple of members from that group of grown up boys but, yes, I sure am glad that you and I are still here...

Gunnerdream...a.k.a.Andrew W. Bierlein...floating down through the clouds...

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Hi Bill,

As a SL'er, ASL'er, WCSII:Tanks'er, SP'er, etc... I've seen your name crop up before smile.gif In fact I vaguely remember the fiasco with AH, wasted oppertunity on their part... My confidence in BTS is increased even more knowing that they've nabbed you. I look forward to seeing what you've done with CM.


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Thanks to you both, Andrew (aka GunnerDream) and Justin. Its nice to see some old timers still around and remembering the good old board days when cats and kids were anathema to any game on the card table.

Never could handle a stack of ten counters in one hex. My fingers are too thick. I used to put them on sheet from a note pad with the hex number so I could keep up with everything going on.

Its so much neater and easier, isnt't it guys? Great to hear from all of you. And yes, you will be happy with ALL the scenarios in this great game.

Most published games throw in scenarios at the last minute, poorly done, poorly tested. BTS has studiously avoided this, giving top priority to this feature. It will pay off in gaming pleasure for all of you. That is a fact!

Thank you again for remembering this aging Raider


Wild Bill

Wild Bill's Raiders

Director of Scenario Design,

The Gamers Net



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On the subject of cats... I'd just picked up the British module to ASL and had laid out the new counter sheets to have a look. My sister's cat found it to be the perfect place to relieve herself. I don't believe the English have ever received a more traumatic loss of armor (or in this case armour)... mad.gif

As to ten counter stacks... In Red Barricades, IMO the height of ASL, this was so common and there were so many of them that we had house rules in place to take care of the inevitable tragedies. Yet another abstraction I'm happy to see leave as CM enters the fray. smile.gif


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This is just a test and you are all my white test mices.

Gawd darn! It turned out big!!

Alright, the USMC Eagle, Globe and Anchor are gone. Hey, I'm a Marine, I'm proud of it!

[This message has been edited by civdiv (edited 01-15-2000).]

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AND takes a VERY long time for anyone entering this thread to download.

All the jpegs are nice and all but they're not worth an extra minute of downloading for people not on cable modems are they?



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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