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BTS: Random Scenario Length?

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Is it possible to patch CM to make QB scenarios random in length? (ie -5min, standard length, +5 minutes) It could be random, or have designer input percentage that length will change. I enjoyed this feature in SP. (You might grab the VP on the last turn, but you might have to unexpectedly hold if for a few more turns afterward.)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tailz:

Is it possible to patch CM to make QB scenarios random in length? (ie -5min, standard length, +5 minutes) It could be random, or have designer input percentage that length will change. I enjoyed this feature in SP. (You might grab the VP on the last turn, but you might have to unexpectedly hold if for a few more turns afterward.)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Gotta agree with this one. TOAW has this feature and it is excellent for the reasons you mention. Helps prevent tank/infantry rush too.


What you see depends mainly upon what you look for.

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I would also agree with such a feature. This would really make you think twice about your plans. I wonder how it would affect the AI when playing against the computer though?

Some folks may not like this feature, so it would be nice to be able to turn it off and on in the editor.

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the random game end is a great idea, but how about something like the sceanrio could end any time after say 30 minutes

or any time after 60 minutes with a random variable set to say +/- %50 of the time of the scenario if it was a 30 minute scenario it could end on any turn in the next 15 minutes after the first thirty minutets. or any minute in the next 30 minutes after 60 minutes?

some form or random sceario ending should be implimented I think. This could cause the AI some problems though as it likes late near game ending flag charges smile.gif

this mightnot be all the simple to program in considering the way the AI works?

Just a thought...

-tom w


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> "Remember that no dumb bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

G. S. Patton


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Just the other day I was wishing CM had a feature like this. It worked well in SP to discourage the "final turn of the game rush tactics" and I believe it would do the same for CM.

Even +/- 3 turns would be enough to require players to "rethink" end-game tactics.


You could also make CP have to be controlled for 2 or 3 turns to receive the points!


When you find yourself surrounded and can't get out call on Sgt. Breakthrough

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Someone in another thread suggested +/- 10%. So a 30 turn game would be 27-33, 50 turn 45-55 and so on. This would be a great idea. With me it ranks right up there with random terrain and revealing actuall unit kill stats instead of confirmed at the end of the game as the best ways to improve the game.


No, there will be no sequels. Charles and Steve have given up wargame design in disgust and have gone off to Jamaica to invest their new-found wealth in the drug trade.

-Michael emrys

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Count me in on this one.

I'm playtesting a selfmade scenario with a friend. The battle may end as soon as turn 20 but may also continue to turn 30.

We roll a percent die on the start of each turn ( the exact rules and the %chances are written in the briefing) and it was really cool.

I played the attacking (US) side and always felt time was running out, leading to some ill executed attacks on may part.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by eba:

Schugger - I'd like to see a description of your dice roll rules. I'd like to try them myself as a sort of self-imposed randomizer.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hello Eba

Well I waste some bandwith here on the board but because I don't have your E-Mail adress I just post the general briefing of the scenario which has the rules included.

With 40 halftracks east

Eastern France, September 1944

France is all but liberated and the Germans are fast retreating to their fatherland with the Allied forces close on their heels.

However, the Allies have a hard time to catch up with their fast retreating foe because of their serious supply problems,

fuel in special, due to their long line of communications and lack of a major port. Despite that, the Allied High Command

is determined to cut the retreat routes of the germans when- and whereever possible and then destroy the formations before

they have any chance to refit and reorganizere.

In this entirely fictional scenario an US taskforce attackes a bridgehead in order to seal off a german retreat route.

The Germans however are well aware of the strategic significance of their position and won't give it up their easily.

Mails please to


Best played against AI as US attacker

Optional Rule; Variable Scenario End

This scenario is set for a duration of 30 turns

To make this a bit more unpredictable we have created an house rule during play testing for PBEM games that a battle may end sooner or later

than listed.

Simply roll a percent die ( two ten side dice, one shows the "tenths" the other the "units") starting in the order phase of turn 26.

If the roll matches the result from the table below, the game ends and both sides have to prepare for a cease fire. It is important that the player

who plots first in the order phase of a given turn rolls the dice and aplies the result ( i.e cease fire or not) and informs his opponent of the result

so he can act accordingly.


Turn 26 5% chance

Turn 27 5%

Turn 28 10%

Turn 29 10%

Turn 30 30%

Turn 31 40%

Turn 32 50%

Turn 33 50%

Turn 34 50%

Turn 35 well, 100%

If you want to play with this rule the player who prepares the setup has to change the scenario parameters from 30 to 35 turns.

Any comments are greatly appreciated.

Good hunting


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I'm in complete agreement with the variable end idea. This was discussed months ago. I seem to recall BTS view has not favorable. I should hope that a new discussion would perhaps shed more light on the actual need for this. I play almost exclusively PBEM. Most are QB. Almost every game is 30 minutes. As if we all decided combat should only last that long! A random end to hostilities allows for the unexpected to occur and deminishes the rush to the final flag that can occur in CM just as it does in other Wargames. When SP was modified to random end it was a big, welcomed step for that game. CM needs it just as much and for the same reasons.

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