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Hunter or prey


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Hi !

In this great mission you have reference points for artillery at the beginning.

But after I start the mission, how do I turn them on?

There's an enemy on the road so I wanted to blow them up.


But how ? Left mouse ? Right mouse ?

It's not doing anything? How do you trigger the artillery on these reference points deployed before the battle starts ?

Edited by AdamPraha
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  • AdamPraha changed the title to Hunter or prey

Target Reference Points do a few things:

  • They make fire at targets within the area of the TRP more accurate.
  • They allow you to use any eligible "Forward Observer", from a Platoon HQ to a full-on specialised FO to call in fire missions anywhere within the area of the TRP without needing Line Of Sight to the area you're firing at.
  • You can even have the centre and edge (or the two ends, if you call a Linear mission) in different TRPs.
  • They make any fire missions called arrive without needing any ranging rounds. So the mission will Fire For Effect much more quickly.

There might be a couple more effects, but I think those are the main ones.

But to use artillery on a target you can see in the area of the TRP, you still have to use the artillery interface to call a mission. The advantage here is that even if the only element that is aware of the potential artillery victim is a lowly two-man scout team with no right to call arty, you can use a "good" FO to drop ordnance where that FO can't see.


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On 11/14/2022 at 10:47 PM, womble said:

Target Reference Points do a few things:

  • They make fire at targets within the area of the TRP more accurate.
  • They allow you to use any eligible "Forward Observer", from a Platoon HQ to a full-on specialised FO to call in fire missions anywhere within the area of the TRP without needing Line Of Sight to the area you're firing at.
  • You can even have the centre and edge (or the two ends, if you call a Linear mission) in different TRPs.
  • They make any fire missions called arrive without needing any ranging rounds. So the mission will Fire For Effect much more quickly.

There might be a couple more effects, but I think those are the main ones.

But to use artillery on a target you can see in the area of the TRP, you still have to use the artillery interface to call a mission. The advantage here is that even if the only element that is aware of the potential artillery victim is a lowly two-man scout team with no right to call arty, you can use a "good" FO to drop ordnance where that FO can't see.



OK. thank you.

Neither the commander nor any car can call fire. I'll try again.

  • They just probably don't have any.
Edited by AdamPraha
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