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Shoot, dammit, shoot (sharpshooter)

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That's what I find myself yelling at my sharpshooter as he hides from a tank crew I just knocked out. 20m away, he won't shoot. Yet the tank crew has pistols and they're shooting at my sharp. In another case, my half squad snuck within 2m of my opponents sharpshooter. He said my half squad was targeted, but they were never fired upon. My half squad didn't fire either. If sneak is supposed to be advance to contact, then it's broken.

Is there a minimum range below which sharpshooters will not engage?


Jeff Abbott

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They should engage in close combat. American WWII sniper rifles (don't know about the German ones) had scopes mounted so the regular iron sights could also be used. That way, if the sniper had to engage a target that was up close, or if the scope broke or was fogged, he could still shoot.

In combat mission, the reason snipers don't engage in close combat is becuase of their limited ammo load, the unrealism of which has already been discussed at length.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

[This message has been edited by 109 Gustav (edited 10-27-2000).]

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Hmmmm.....in a recent pbem i had a sniper that ingaged a marderII at less then 30m.

It was at night though so i dont know if that

would make a difference as to a Minimum engagement range.


Listen to your doubt. What we so proudly hail

Once you provoke her. Rattling of her tail.

Never begins it. Never for once engaged.

Never Surrender. Showing the pain of rage.

So dont tread on me


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dienekes:

BTW what is the farthest you have seen a sniper hit a target? I had one sniper take out a tank commander at 550 meters.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

To my knowledge, none of my sharpshooters have ever hit a target (NONE). But I buy them for their ability to button up tanks, not really to kill anything. That and for their stealth and spotting ability.


Jeff Abbott

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