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Tell me a little about PBEM in CM

Guest Mark Jensen

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Guest Mark Jensen

Hi, me and a friend is playing PBEM games like WestFront and SP:WAW. We both do one turn per day. In WestFront one turn can take up to ½ hour before you ship it. That means you get a lot of gaming per turn.

How about CM? I've only played single player yet (i'n the gold demo) and I think one turn takes about 1 to 5 min. Thats not long time - it is the same time it takes to prepare the e-mail...

So let me hear from some of you who have tried some of the bigger scenarios!

I'm realy looking forward to the TCP/IP patch so me and my friend can plan our turns simultanious.

Best regards and thanks for a great game.

Mark "DarkAngel" Jensen


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Mark , it takes me up to 30-45 minutes to do a turn , but i like to watch the movies over the shoulder of any active squads. i also like to find the best defensive position when i move to a new location , not just move into the woods or whatever terrain. With the demos we are playing company sized battles , with the final game we will be able to play battlion sized battles which will be three times larger.

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Guest Mark Jensen

Sgt.Morgue how many turns a day do you play?

Mark "DarkAngel" Jensen

[This message has been edited by Mark Jensen (edited 05-17-2000).]

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Mark , i can do several a day , i played one match where we were returning turns within an hour when we both were at our computes, we finished the forty turn game in about a week and a half. If you would like to try a game send me your set-up either secnario , i prefer the americans but will play those other guys.

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I must comment biggrin.gif

For myself most turns take less than 10 minutes.

The initial set up takes a long time, but once the game is rolling most turns go quickly. Of course there are some turns or some players that demand more attention thus more time but for the most part I'm only modifying previous set out order strings.

Turns per day is tough, when I'm online playing at same time as my nemesi we'll do about 2 turns per hour without feeling rushed. But some of my games have gone as slow as 1 to 2 transfers a week.

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Guest Pham

Turn time depends on your play style. If you like to give long range orders with waypoints(i.e. Platoon X will move through the woods, turn and move to the stone wall, pause, then break for the wooded hill), then your initial turn will take a bit of time but subsequent turns are just a matter of fine tuning your initial plans. Of course, some of us like to micromanage troops, which makes each turn take longer. BTW the group select/order cuts down turn time drastically from the beta.

West Front and SP:W@W don't really have the same capacity to execute long term plans.

I personally like long term plans, because with the target and move lines selected to always be shown, the map just looks damn impressive and it looks like I know what I'm doing. smile.gif

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I can usually get my turns done (counting movie viewing) in about 30 minutes. Depending on the size of the scenario, I'll watch a movie 4-5 times. Once on a wide global view, and then replay once for each platoon, that appeared to have action take place, or that I intend to "activate" in the next order phase. Then I'll issue orders, basically on a platoon by platoon basis. About the longest I've spent doing a turn would be about 30 minutes. If I have the time set aside to do it, and my opponent does to, I can finish a battle within a couple of days. That's the biggest constraint in how long a game lasts. It's not how fast you can pump out your orders, but the turn around time with email, dealing with time zone differences, ect.

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Guest Mark Jensen

Thanks for all your answers. It have giving me some thing to think about.

Great forum!

Mark "DarkAngel" Jensen


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The fastest way to play a PBEM game is by using AIM (AOL instant messenger) or ICQ. AIM is MUCH faster than ICQ by the way. Both are free to download and use.

Maybe it's me but I couldn't imagine taking a half hour to turn around a turn. Maybe I should be more patient but when I wait 10 minutes for Peng to send me back a file instead of giving him a hard time. When I play CM against either the AI or a human after the initial setup the playing of turns can be very quick. When I begin a turn I continue the plan I devised during setup or make adjustments where they seem nessasary and I know the "hot" areas that I focus my attention on. It will be very frustrating if during TCP/IP I find myself waiting for 20 minutes after I have completed my plotting before my prey completes her turn. For this reason I hope that the TCP/IP comes with a timer that can be set by both players to keep the game going at a reasonable pace. If not and I am in the minority, as far as turn playing speed, I suspect my list of opponants will be short.


"Tryin to be so so bad is bad enough, don't make me laugh by talkin tough" EC

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