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Any good game I can play on line right now?

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well if u want to play a real fun online game for free try Chain Of Command at 2am.com. Extremely fun! WWII squad level game where u fight against other human players and can even join 1 of teh many regiments and play as a team against other regiments. Real fun, very addictive. Also as you play u get promoted, I was a PFC now im a 1st Lt. in the 101st Airborne regiment.

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I've only recently started and don't know yet who to watch out for. Some of the guys out there seem to cheat, they kill me with a single rocket when I have 100 health...But it's all part of the game, isn't it? wink.gif

My online name is Mikael, and I use any server on the "find internet games" menu. I don't stick to anything in paticular. My skill level is between "skilled" and "adept." And I'll be sure to watch out for the Villain!

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Well Panzer, lots of places. TheWargamer has articles and reviews on it, they usually have banners going at the top to direct u to 2am. You can also go right to 2am.com. But if u like wargames (and free ones) this is the game for you. Heck I've even seen Fionn there! I yelled at him because he was away from CM! smile.gif I'll go look where i can find other places and repost but its a very fun game. wink.gif

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Thanks for the links. It helped a lot. You mean the 101 Eagles yeah? Hmm..Not bad, 50% smile.gif

Chain of Command looks fun but I have one major objection: it is realtime...So you're supposed to issue orders to you troops and report the situation to your commander just when the opponent starts his powerful counter-attack? Looks tough...

I also read that if one of your 4 men(half a squad, right?) dies then you're in trouble, or that's what it meant. But isn't that unrealistic? Whole squads could get wiped out in a very short time I think, because it all happened so quickly that the troops didn't have the time to retreat.

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Panzer, the game is based on a point system. You start off as a PFC and u need like 50 to get to Cpl, 500 to get to Sgt. and 3000 to get to 2nd Lt, all promotions after that are given to you by the Regiment Cmdr. I got promoted to 1st Lt from the CO. But your question about the death in your squad, Well before every game the computer picks 1 man out of the 4 to be the CO of your squad, so if he dies you lose points, if he survives you get points. Sometimes you can lose all your men except 1 who is the CO and you get points, other times u can lose 1 man and its him. If you lose the Co of your sqaud in the game you still fight thats because during the game you dont know who the CO is. But you should definetly try it. There are differnt types of games, Open games rank really doesnt matter except u get to pass out the weps and get more points if u survive, also the highest rank of a side gets to hand out the points to each player.

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Guest Lokesa

hmmm, yes you're issuing orders and reporting while the enemy is doing the same but it's not that big a deal, you only control 4 men who cant move very far from each other so your sector of responsibility will be rather small at any given time. What gets tricky is after you've attained some rank and are expected to be following the entire battefield coordinating attacks and defense while still maintaining your 4 man squad. I't easy to either be so involved in what your subordinates are doing that you get your personal squad taken out or get caught up in a firefight and lose sight of the big picture thus loosing as a team.

Oh, btw, it's not the end all be all wargame just fun. you should check it out if only to give us the satisfaction of taking yer ass out wink.gif

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Guest Lokesa

LOL, thanks but I have been in FRC from it's inception and have to stick by my bro's biggrin.gif

my rank is 1st Lt. We dont have enough active members to advance higher...

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Darstand SGT in the JFL Reporting as ordered

Sir..... Lot of fun. Skill and luck required to be truly good. Faults.... can be laggy. and the random system of who is required to surive can be a little frustrating. A good way to waste time and it is absolutly free (you pay for it by clicking on ads)

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