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Mac OS X and CM

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I'm in something of a pickle. I love Combat Mission... and I love the Mac OS X Public Beta. However, as CM doesn't seem to work in Classic (even if it did, no 3D acceleration), I have to restart into Mac OS 9 whenever I need my fix. This is more than a wee bit annoying, especially if I have servers running on X which I can't have going down.

Any word on when Combat Mission will be Carbonized? It'll have to happen sooner or later... X will be Apple's main OS by the time CM2 comes out.



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Not to be rude, but you must have misunderstood my post.

Combat Mission will not run in Classic. If I have OS 9 on my HD, it will still be Classic. If I have it on a CD, it will still be Classic. If I have it on a FireWire drive, it will still be Classic.

No matter what media I store 9 on, I still have to restart into it to run CM.

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Though I obviously can't speak for BTS in any official capacity...

I believe that CM2 will probably be "Carbonized", but that CMBO will not be. It will probably take quite a bit of programming to carbonize CM (a good number of RAVE calls may have to be changed, etc.). This may be beyond what Charles would want to do for a patch. So I would guess that Charles will look into the compatibility issues to get CM2 to run under OS X (still using RAVE as the API). At some point, I guess, Charles will look into using OpenGL as the API instead of RAVE (and possibly DirectX, depending on the availability of OpenGL and most cards ability to "accelerate" it).

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There is a fix for this, but even if there weren't, don't forget the 'beta' bit. You can't expect OS X to work properly at this stage, and if you're serious about your computer you should really be sticking with OS 9 until X is finalised.



...the pilot was able to circle and make a safe belly landing. According to O'Neal, 'this guy jumped out and ran up to me, shouting, "Give me a gun, quick! I know right where that Kraut s.o.b. is and I'm gonna get him".'

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