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OT "Battle of Britain"

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Just got this from a friend of mine....I checked the link and it is good.

"60 years ago this summer the Royal Air Force stood alone against the

superior numbers of Germany's Luftwaffe in one of history's greatest air

battles-the Battle of Britain. To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the

Battle of Britain (July 10-October 31, 1940), the Royal Air Force has

constructed a Web site for military history buffs. The site offers the

complete Fighter Command Operational Diaries, published in full for the

first time and placed online day-by-day over the actual period of the

battle. Additional content includes overviews of all the major aircraft

involved, and information on commanders, units and stations.


<http://www.raf.mod.uk/bob1940/bobhome.html> >"

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If it has a reasonably dynamic campaign structure I'm all over it. If it's canned missions I don wan no part uf it.

I still play Red Baron II because every time you fly anything can happen. Too many games are more like puzzles than simulations. RB shares one thing with CM: good real life decisions (like let's not attack those 6 fighters when there are only two of us) are rewarded and stupidity is often final. Hopefully BoB will be similar.

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"If it has a reasonably dynamic campaign structure I'm all over it. If it's canned missions I don wan no part uf it. "

Hmm, Pat, the old saw that one should read the message one is replying to comes to mind reading your reply.

I SERIOUSLY doubt that a historical website is going to have a "dynamic campaign structure".

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